
Gacha In Runeterra

A young man who just got done playing League of Legends goes to sleep only to wake up in a body of a young orphan in the freljord? Oh ya did I mention the only thing he has to help him in this incredibly crazy world is a gacha system? Also this is my first time writing anything so a lot of things may be bad from a readers perspective Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the OC's all other things whether people, places, or things belong to their respective owners this is just a fan fiction meant to entertain

Deus_Dakota · Video Games
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28 Chs

Box Opening!!!!

"I'm fucked"

As the child sat there wallowing in the misery that is to come with life in this world his eyes opened wide as he remembered he might have a chance "System what are you able to do?" [I have three functions hose Status, Missions, and Wish]

A/N: Should I call it Wish or Gacha? What sounds better?

"Ok please explain them to me" [Status will show hosts Name, Age, Bloodlines, Talents, and Skills. Missions are tasks that the system will give depending on the hosts desires with rewards for fulfilling them. Wish is a gacha with three categories; Bloodlines, Talents, and Skills you can use a ticket you get from missions to roll for something in the category of your choosing] "Ok then can you show me my status first" [Affirmative]

[Name: Thor]

[Age: 5]

[Race: Freljordian]

[Talents: 50% Cold Resistance]

[Skills: None]

"Well that's not bad and my name is Thor so that's cool, system is the cold resistance from my race?" [Yes host bloodlines are capable of giving talents and skills] "well that's good and going off that I'm guessing I am in the Freljord? [Correct] "ok you also said that the missions you give go off my desires but what if I don't do them or I change my mind is there a penalty?" [No Host there are no penalties in failing or not completing a mission] "That's good because even if I want to do something it doesn't mean I will be able to do it. Now what about the ranks of wishes, what are those?" [The ranks or rarity to wishes is the same as the League of Legends ranking system as the system found it appropriate considering the world you're in] "Oh so from bottom to top it should be Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, Grandmasters, and finally Challenger?" [Affirmative]

The boy sat there thinking for a time before finally sighing "ok lets get some info, system how old am I compared to other characters?" [Host is the same age of many of the characters you know about such as Riven, Ashe, Sejuani, Miss Fortune, Irelia and many more] "That's good so aside from those old fuckers I'm the same age as a lot of the champions" [Correct host]

"System was I given a gift pack or anything to help me get started?" [Yes host you have one gift pack you can open that will contain one of each category of wishes] "Oh that's pretty good I didn't think I would actually get one." [The father god gave it to you as reimbursement for him sending you to this world] "At least that guy is kind enough to reimburse people for the troubles his son causes" [would you like to open the gift host?] "Yes please do so"

*queue box opening*

[Host as obtained Silver Bloodline: Nord, Bronze Talent: Ambidextrous, and Gold Skill: Lightning Fang (Razors Ultimate from Genshin Impact)

"Hey that's not too baAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Deus_Dakotacreators' thoughts