
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Sleepover (Emily)


Kinks / Themes : Modern, Age Gap, Futa Milf, Hidden Sex, Outdoors, Masochist


"Emily... Damn you're good at this..."

I blushed as I stared up at the serious features of the woman leaning against a tree, her muscular midriff on full display while her medium chest was hugged by the tight sports bra that she always wore.

Her jogging pants were pulled down to her knees, and I was crouched down in front of her with my lips wrapped around her impressive cock, sucking on it eagerly despite us being out in the woods.

A long black braid snaked down her chest, and she turned her eyes down towards my face as she grabbed ahold of my head, muttering "I'm going to cum..." as she began to fuck my throat hard.

Pressing my hands against her toned waist, I welcomed her selfish thrusts as she plunged in and out of my throat, the older woman using me for her own pleasure as she reached climax, making her grunt.

Stuffing herself deep inside me, Miss Athena rested her large testicles against my chin before allowing herself to erupt inside my throat, grinning softly as her ejaculation began.

Hot, sticky semen splattered my throat, dripping down into my stomach as I was forced to swallow rope after rope of cum, my head held in place by the woman's impressive strength.

My eyes began to roll around in my head as I was force fed sperm, her ejaculation never ending as she leaned over me, cumming some more.

When she finally pulled herself free, Miss Athena let out a relieved sigh as she shot her last few ropes onto my face, giving me a facial before wiping her cock off on my cheek.

"Damn Emily... really, that was the best blowjob I've ever had. Here."

Miss Athena grabbed her bag and tossed me a towel, before retrieving a water bottle and pouring it out onto her own towel, which she used to truly wipe off her magnificent cock.

Ten inches of sheer glory, Miss Athena was built like a pornstar through and through, sporting a cock meant for sex and a stamina level that made even me feel like I was out of shape...

"Emily, if you keep looking at me like that I'll fuck you here and now."

I gulped down the last of her cum and nodded, looking away as I began to clean off my face, wiping away her scent despite wanting to be submerged in it.

Dropping the towel into the plastic bag, she tied it up and stored it away, before handing me a fresh towel and the water bottle.

"I bought some condoms for tonight. Sarah said she's going to turn in early, so we can fuck for a bit alright? Then tomorrow when she goes to work you can stay for a bit..."

My cheeks went red as I nodded, the tanned woman above me talking so assuredly about how she and I would be having sex tonight and tomorrow morning, no doubt in her voice that I would decline.

As we got up and freshened up a bit before moving back towards the trail, I began to reminisce about how we got into this relationship.

I was alway an active girl, wanting to be outside and run, whilst my best friend Emily preferred to read and play games.

However, we got along well, and when I went to her house the first time, I met her Mom, Miss Athena; a former Military woman and now physical fitness instructor at the Police Academy, she was a strong, confident, serious woman who ran her house like a boot camp.

There were times for everything, certain things that needed to get done on certain days, a strict schedule for activities...

It sounded like hell, but Miss Athena was a fair woman as well, giving Sarah everything she needed to be successful and have some fun, and that first time I went to her house I got a full display of that spartan lifestyle.

She made us play outside for an hour, before making us do some laps around the neighborhood, during which she ran with us and rewarded us for each lap we completed; more time on the gaming console, some ice cream, and anything else a kid could want.

That was forever ago, but that was likely when I had my crush on her form; she was a reliable, strong, awesome woman, and with me not having a Mom of my own, she took that role instinctively in my heart.

Just like Mother took that role for Sarah, I imagine.

It started innocent enough, but in high school I... well, I caught sight of Miss Athena nude, her chiseled body and impressive cock on full display as she did some pull ups in her bathroom, getting a workout done before hopping into the cold water.

That day, I went home and masturbated to that sight, and for another few years it continued growing; my lust for her shot up, and I tried my hardest to peep.

Before I graduated, I accidentally made myself known as I peeped on her, and the woman opened her door and stared down at me with those hard obsidian eyes, her sweaty tanned skin right in front of me.

What was also in front of me was her erect penis, and I remember freezing up at the sheer size of it, which - according to the few girls that slept with Sarah said - was identical to her daughters.

Miss Athena gave me a choice; turn around and never speak of this again, or come inside and suck her cock.

I... didn't hesitate to walk inside that room, getting on my knees like it was natural and welcoming her into my mouth, blowing the woman I revered so much and swallowing her cum.

When she came, she sat on the bed and just stared at me for a few minutes, before telling me that we could continue if I wanted, but only after I went home and thought on it for a few days.

She left everything up to me, doing as best she could to stay away from my decision making as she could, but...

Well, I knew how wrong this was, how fucked up it was to get into a sexual relationship with my best friend's Mom, but I WANTED her so badly...

To the point that - during that week away from Sarah's house - I dreamed of being pounded by that fat cock, my pussy used and abused by that monster before it was filled with her creamy, delicious semen as she impregnated me, marking me as her bitch.

I could see how this was a terrible situation, that if this was revealed to anyone Miss Athena would definitely see terrible consequences, but I wanted her so bad; I loved her so much, and I went back after that week.

What happened next was simple; she showed me a box of condoms and gestured to the bed, before showing me just how strong she was.

She fucked me hard from behind, lifted me up and bruised my cervix, pressed me against the wall and scraped out my pussy, pounded me from above...

Miss Athena emptied that box of condoms before ejaculating on my face and body a few times, covering me in sperm and making me wonder if she was even human.

From then on, we had sex wherever and whenever we could, and I eventually started taking pills and monitoring my cycle, just so she could fuck me raw.

We did a few times, and I loved the feeling of her flooding my womb with her superior seed, but Miss Athena only did so sparingly, making sure I was truly safe.

What we had was wrong on so many levels, but I simply couldn't care as I indulged myself...

I had partners before her, but they always seemed to lack something; I made sure to go after those that had muscles, were jocks, hell, some that were a few years above me, but...

No one ticked the same boxes as Miss Athena, and they certainly weren't as big as her.

To say I was a pure girl would be stupid, considering I even tried a polycule once, getting my pussy railed by two cocks one after another as I was passed between the two futa's, but nothing made me satisfied...

Then I slept with Miss Athena, and I never even tried to do something different ever again.

She was my one and only, and I knew that...

Which was why I was so adamant about remaining by her side and being the woman that she turned to to keep her sexual desires in check, lest she look elsewhere for some tight pussy to dump her thick semen into...

That wasn't something that I could allow to happen, so I did my best to make time for her, centering myself around her in as many ways as I could whilst still maintaining a lifestyle that was healthy and good for me.

I was going to college, had a part time job, and I was working out on a regular basis; all things I was adamant about doing anyways, but things that Miss Athena told me I would keep up if I wanted to remain with her.

She made it crystal clear that if she wanted some stupid bimbo to spread their legs for her, she could find one without any problems; what she wanted was a woman worthy of warming her bed, and someone who was their own person.

My legs moved steadily below me despite my pussy being as damp as could be, while my heart hammered inside my chest with a mixture of activity and arousal increasing my blood flow, warming me up and making my entire body tingle as we ran side by side, acting like I hadn't just been slobbering all over her cock for the last ten minutes, or that she hadn't just given her daughters best friend a sticky facial in the middle of the forest.

Our run came to a close in relative silence, the only noise coming from either of us being our feet pounding against the cement or the sounds of our breathing as we returned to her house, where we found Sarah singing to herself in the kitchen, cooking up a storm and preparing dinner for us all.

"Heya~! How was the run?"

She didn't turn around, the woman that I had come to regard as a sister ignorant to how Miss Athena - her Mom - groped my ass and gave me a deep kiss before sending me away, her obsidian eyes narrowed as she watched me saunter away, stowing our bags away and slipping the cum soaked rags into another bag that Sarah never checked.

"Good. The path is as empty as ever, and the weather was nice. How much longer for dinner? And when are you supposed to get to work tomorrow morning?"

The rapid fire questions made Sarah sigh as she glanced over her shoulder, rolling her eyes at her Mom as she replied "A few more minutes, and I got called in early to cover for a coworker; it's overtime as well, so... I really need to be there. Alright, go wash up! Goddess above you two stink!"

Miss Athena nodded, before gesturing towards one of the halls as she said "Go on Emily, you know where to go..."

I gulped and nodded, scurrying through the halls and entering the bathroom, where I stripped and turned on the shower, awaiting the arrival of the older woman as I prepared a few other things.

She slipped inside a moment later, her lips finding mine instantly as she pushed me against the wall, whispering "Let's make this quick... stick that ass out for me, Emily."

My moans were cut off by her lips as I did as she asked, spinning around and backing up, allowing my butt to rest against her groin as she stood behind me, her hands roaming my sides.

Releasing my lips, Miss Athena rolled the condom onto her cock and grabbed my hips, pulling me onto her tip and muttering "Keep it quiet now, Emily... and don't cum til I say so."

I nodded, biting my lips as I felt her cock begin to spread me apart and slip inside, easily making its way towards my cervix as her hips moved forwards to rest against my butt.

"Fuck... You're so damn tight, Emily..."

Her steady, serious whisper made me shudder, and I felt her lean over my back and wrap her arms around my waist, her muscular body enveloping my own as she began to move, her eyes focused on my face.

My expression was likely slipping with each thrust, and I couldn't help but moan into my arm as I felt her cock slide in and out of my pussy, her girth and length threatening to tear me apart and inflicting such wonderful pain as she began to hump my ass, getting quicker and quicker with each thrust.

Knocking against my cervix, the older woman smirked at me as she watched me writhe around in front of her, my body slowly being submerged beneath the waves of pleasure she sent my way as she started to fuck me hard and quick, slapping her heavy balls against my thighs and pounding away at my drenched pussy.

Miss Athena kept it short yet very sweet as she pummeled my cervix into submission, her hands moving up towards my breasts as she quickened her pace, until she grunted softly into my ears and ejaculated into the condom, filling it up inside of me and cumming even more than she did earlier.

Almost a dozen spurts of semen splashed against the rubber covering her divine cock, and I whimpered into my arm as I desired to feel it not inside her rubber, but inside my womb instead, though it still felt great as she bloated the condom inside me.

Pulling out, Miss Athena tied the condom up and caressed my butt, her almost inaudible pants making me hornier than ever as I turned back to see her staring at my pussy with palpable desire, only to sigh and turn away as she pulled on her loose shower robe.

"Clean up, Emily. We don't have much time; Sarah's almost done singing that song of hers... never would have thought I'd use that habit to time having sex, but..."

Shrugging, she slapped my pussy once before leaving, making me gasp as I felt my sensitive lower lips spasm as I came again, my cheeks reddening as the effect of Miss Athena's monstrous member lingered for a few minutes longer.

I showered quickly, the cold water waking me up and washing away the smell of sex from my body, while also working to rid me of the heat I felt, preparing me for a dinner with my best friend and her Mom.

A pair of black yoga pants and a crop top was my attire, the decision made simply because it was something that Sarah was used to seeing me in and because I knew that Miss Athena would appreciate the eye candy during the meal... as well as how she was adamant I dress better, so that I wouldn't draw negative attention unnecessarily.

From anyone else, it sounded like a worried, strict parent scolding her child to ward them from the darkness of the world, but I knew it was also because she didn't want to risk exposing our relationship to Sarah; how would she explain popping a boner to her daughters friend?

It's not something that 'just happens'...

Which was why I did this; it made me feel guilty, but I loved how rough she treated me afterwards, punishing me for being so comfortable and 'slutty'.

Walking out into the kitchen, I nodded at Sarah and sat down, before glancing towards Miss Athena as she walked in with a loose t-shirt and some shorts on, and I instantly noticed her narrowing her eyes at me as she too sat down, slight displeasure mixing with lust in those dark eyes of hers.

My womb tingled as I recalled how minutes ago she was balls deep in my pussy fucking me like some cheap hooker, and I rubbed my knees together as I focused on the plate that Sarah placed in front of me, which was laden with shredded chicken over fried rice; not the healthiest meal in my diet, but one that was so~ damn good, especially with how Sarah prepared it.

Eggs, peas, broccoli, spring onion, and carrots all mixed together and cooked together with some white rice and soy sauce, with a large helping of shredded chicken covered in a garlic sauce.


We all dug in without much reserve, eating our dinner and sating our various hungers in silence, before talking quietly over our second - and eventually third - helpings of the rice, finishing the entire wok that Sarah had prepared for us and ending with some satisfied sighs.

"Alright, well, I'll be turning in now; Em, the guest bedroom is ready for you whenever. I know you guys love those movies from ages ago, so just relax; don't mind me, alright? See you tomorrow though~!'

She leaned over and kissed my cheek, grinning at me before happily making her way to her room, leaving Miss Athena and I with the dishes as she went to go get her shower.

The kitchen was filled instantly with sexual tension, and it didn't take much for my lips to find Miss Athena's as we stood near the sink, kissing each other and finding solace in the others taste.

Though, it was broken short when we heard Sarah turn off the shower, making us return to washing the dishes and cleaning up as we waited for her to go to her room.

The silence was palpable, as was the desire and lust around us both, which made it all the more frustrating as I listened to Sarah moving around in her room as she prepared everything she needed for work tomorrow.

Moving over to the sofa, Miss Athena cracked open a beer and turned on the tv, making sure she had the volume to a quiet enough level before patting the spot beside her, her hand instantly caressing my thigh as she flipped through the channels.

I gulped as I looked down towards her erect cock, before I tied my hair back and leaned down, pulling it out and wrapping my lips around it without care, beginning to suck on it for the second time - and certainly not the last time - today.

Miss Athena rested a hand on top of my head, enjoying the feeling of her cock gliding in and out of my throat as she turned on a movie, turning the volume up just a bit before leaning back and sipping on her beer.

"What a fucking way to end the night..."

The tanned woman sighed contentedly as she stroked the back of my head, sipping on her beer again and muttering "A blowjob, some beer, and a good movie... really, this is excellent..."

My cheeks reddened as she looked down at me, her serious expression making my heart race as she observed me sucking on her cock like my life depended on it, the woman adding "You're really good at sucking my dick, Emily... I'll reward you later."

That made me blush some more, and I put some more effort into pleasuring this woman to make sure I earned that reward, hoping it was what I was thinking it would be...

The soft grunt from Miss Athena's lips as she stroked my hair while I blew her was like music to my ears, making me continue to make an effort to get her to cum quickly as I sucked on her cock harder, relishing its taste and preparing myself for a nice warm, sticky meal.

But, when we heard the door open and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, we both panicked slightly as Miss Athena pulled me between her legs and threw a blanket over herself, staring at the screen like nothing was happening.

Her cock was still in my mouth, and I couldn't bring myself to release it even as I heard Sarah begin to speak, my mind in a haze as I began to heat up beneath the blanket, the heat from Miss Athena's body and musk of her groin arousing me greatly.

My tongue swirled around her shaft and stroked her tip, while I kept her between my lips and sucked hard on her penis, remaining silent as Miss Athena said "Emily? She said she'd be in the bathroom... maybe she is taking a shower, or... or she's in the guest room? Don't know..."

Her voice wasn't as steady as usual, but she took another sip of her beer and made Sarah sigh as she said "Mom, drinking again? We talked about-"

"I know, I know... It's only one! Now go to bed! You got work tomorrow, so don't be tardy!"

I didn't even need to be above the blanket to know that Sarah was rolling her eyes with a cute pout on her face as she grumbled "I know!" before stomping off.

"G'night Mom!"

She shouted from her room before slipping inside, leaving us to ourselves again as Miss Athena shouted back "Good night, Sarah!", though she threw back the blanket and stared down at me as she added "I'm taking that reward back."

Before I could react, she grabbed my head and pulled me down further on her cock, forcing herself into my throat and making me gag as her gigantic member was submerged inside me, my lips kissing her groin for a few seconds as she muttered "Such a good cockslut, Emily..."

My heart fluttered at those words, only for it to begin to beat insanely fast as she grabbed my head with both hands, beginning to thrust into my throat as she added "Drink it all down like a good slut for me, alright?"

Slapping her balls against my chin, Miss Athena ravaged my throat for a few moments with her thick penis, until she erupted inside my throat and ejaculated her thick semen all inside my stomach, feeding me my dessert directly.

Grunting softly, Miss Athena continued to cum for a few seconds, making sure I didn't spill a drop of her semen whilst also enjoying her orgasm, her dark eyes locked to mine with each passing moment.

When she finished, Miss Athena let out a content sigh as she released my head, continuing to watch me as I swallowed down her load and returned to sucking on her penis, getting every last drop.

"Fuck... Just keep going, Emily... This is..."

Her words were spaced out, the primary indication of how aroused she was - past the throbbing cock in my mouth - and it told me just how much she wanted this, her rising libido beginning to soar past mine as she had me suck her cock for the next thirty minutes, demanding so much of me...

So much that I wanted to give to her as well, willingly subjecting myself to such a submissive role as I pleasured her for a half hour nonstop, alternating between sucking and kissing her magnificent penis as I swallowed down another thick, creamy load, my pussy damp at the thought of taking that into my womb unprotected.

Likely sensing that I was nearing my breaking point, Miss Athena turned off the tv and pulled herself out of my throat, ignoring my whimper as she quietly said "Let's go. Sarah should be asleep already..."

I nodded, my eyes fixated on her cock as she began to clean everything up, her eyes lingering on my damp pants and the small wet spot on the floor, those dark eyes sparkling as she led me towards her room.

Hearing Sarah snoring softly in her room, Miss Athena nodded as she pushed me into her room, locking the door behind her and guiding me to the bed, where she promptly pushed me back and said "I'm a little pent up, Emily... I want to run through this box tonight and tomorrow, alright? Lay back and let me take care of you..."

Miss Athena shed the rest of her clothing, revealing her muscular figure and tanned skin, those dark eyes raking over my own figure as she wordlessly asked me why I wasn't naked yet.

I undressed myself swiftly, biting my lip as I continued to ogle her dick, which stood proudly between her legs, swaying around as she went to grab the condoms from her bureau, though I was pulled away from her divine cock as she tossed the condoms on the bed and opened it up, revealing the dozens of condoms inside and making me blanch, followed quickly by my cheeks reddening as I envisioned the filled balloons of sperm that should be inside me...

Pulling one over her cock, Miss Athena spat into her hand and lubed the condom up some more before spinning me around and pushing me down, whispering "I said no reward, so prepare yourself, slut..."

My body trembled as Miss Athena laid on top of me, her muscles felt clearly on my back as she shifted around, her penis scorching my skin and leaving behind sensations of longing as I desired to feel more of it.

Those desires were swiftly fulfilled as she slipped inside, my pussy so drenched that she didn't need to worry about foreplay at all.

"This has to be the best pussy I've ever fucked, Emily... so tight and able to take all of me..."

Pushing herself to the root, Miss Athena kissed my cheek as she rested her balls on my thighs, those twin orbs heavy with semen telling me about what was to come.

Without another word the taciturn woman began to thrust down into my pussy, her massive cock slapping against my womb and preparing to breach it, tearing my cervix open and slipping into my womb as she began to fuck me in earnest, her soft grunts as she slammed her hips into my ass making me even more horny as I laid below her, loving how she mated with me like a beast.

Just like her appearance would suggest, Miss Athena was strong and serious about sex, and after finding out how much I loved taking her full length into my pussy and how I loved being submissive, the woman took a certain approach to sex...

To start, if we were only going for a quickie everything was meant to be done... well, quickly, and as such she just fucked me without a care, using my pussy to cum and understanding that I would enjoy the way she used me as a hole, whilst also promising something better whenever we had time.

If we couldn't manage a quickie and I could only blow her, the woman fucked my throat like a pussy before cumming inside my stomach and slapping my face with her thick cock, also promising something better for later.

When we had time though, like now, she had an approach I loved...

She started vanilla enough, with her actions being almost animalistic as she slammed her cock deep inside me and fucked me fast and hard, making us both cum quickly and jolting us with bursts of pleasure, preparing us for what was to come.

After the first round or two, Miss Athena would change her style, having long since adapted to mixing what I wanted and what she wanted into the perfect blend, and that start was signified after the condom ballooned inside my pussy, her heavy balls still filled with semen.

Pulling out, Miss Athena tied the condom up and placed it on the bed beside me, both of us loving the visual stimulus it provided, though I knew it would be used later...

She got up and moved towards one of the many dressers around the room, opening a drawer and retrieving something, coming back to me with a throbbing cock and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Be still, Emily..."

I gulped but nodded, my pussy still craving more yet growing even wetter as I saw the spool of thin black rope in her hands, while beside it sat a thick black leather collar with a black ball attached in the middle - a gag.

With practiced movements Miss Athena unwound the rope and began to tie me up, her hands moving swiftly as she bound me in a simple pattern, focusing mostly on accentuating my small breasts and also creating a focus on my stomach and back as well; it looked like a tortoise shell almost, and it was 'ornamental' instead of restrictive.

My arms and legs were free to move around, so if I were to throw on a loose shirt and saggy pants, no one would know that there was rope around my body... besides from how horny I would be walking with this on...

As if sensing that, Miss Athena leaned down and whispered "Next run, I should make you wear this... We'll run through the town and go to a hotel where I'll fuck you for a few hours before we run home, my cum dripping down your legs... How does that sound, Emily?"

She had rolled me onto my stomach to finish everything off, so I couldn't see her face currently, but I nodded, only to moan as I felt her spank my ass, making me yelp "T-That sounds great!"

"Good. You know you need to answer me..."

I shivered at her low voice, only to shiver some more as she whispered "We can't have you waking up Sarah by screaming like a slut, so... open wide."

Doing as I was asked, I felt my pussy shiver this time as well as she placed the black ball between my lips, gagging me with the familiar tool that she loved to use on me whenever I came over to spend the night.

Massaging my butt, Miss Athena knelt behind me and lined herself up with my cunt, her rubber covered cock standing tall and proud as she prepared herself to enter me again.

My eyes landed on the filled condom lying on the bed beside my head, and I moaned into the gag as she slid inside, her burly penis returning to my womb swiftly as she grabbed my ass and began to fuck me hard from behind, slamming her hips into my ass and using me for her pleasure - and in turn, bringing me to orgasm as well.

The muscular woman grunted as she pounded into me, making the bed creak wildly as she fucked me like a beast, beating my cheeks with her hands and pummeling my womb into submission once more as we had incredible rough sex together, beginning our night properly.

Cumming inside me again, the condom ballooned inside my womb before getting yanked out and tossed beside me, another finding its way onto her cock, which was shoved back into my pussy as we continued going.

Condom after condom appeared beside me, and when Miss Athena needed more stimulation, she flipped me over and continued pounding my pussy, though she pulled the gag out for a moment and grabbed a condom, grinning down at me maliciously as she hissed "Open wide, slut."

I did as she asked again, and warm semen splashed against my tongue as she dumped the contents of the condom into my mouth and fed me the previous load, which I gulped down and swallowed as I slowly felt my mind slip, the pleasure and degradation making me orgasm again and again.

Gagging me once more - after the second condom was dumped into my mouth - Miss Athena began to yank at my nipples as well, giving me more and more pain as she indulged us both, playing to my masochistic desires while she herself got to sate her more sadistic urges as well.

For hours she pounded me hard, emptying half the box of condoms inside of me and never once letting up as she abused my pussy, using me as her good little cumslut over and over again before eventually pulling out for the last time and ejaculating on my face, rubbing her thick, long cock on my cheek and rasping "We'll keep going in the morning... sleep well, Emily..."

I don't remember what I murmured, but I remember being lifted up by those muscular arms and carried into the guest room, where she cleaned me off rudimentarily before tossing a blanket on my body, tucking me into bed and staring at me for a few moments before returning to her own room.

Sleep embraced me fast, and I woke up to my phone vibrating on the nightstand, my mind still groggy as the pleasure from last night continued to rob me of my senses.

Picking it up and answering it, I managed to get out "W-What..?" before wincing as the voice of Sarah came through, a bit loud for this early in the morning.

"Heya Em! Just wanted to make sure you woke up before eight and that you knew that there was breakfast! I knocked on your door a few times but you slept through it. Rough night or something?"

Rubbing my temples, I replied "Just tired is all... How long are you at work today?"

"Shouldn't be home till dusk, honestly. I need this overtime to cover the next week since I want to take a trip through the city without worry, y'know? That Con is coming into town and all... Yeah, I'll see you tonight if you stay! Mom would love the company, even if she doesn't show it!"

I bit my lip as I felt my pussy throb at that, the memory of being pounded last night by her Mom making me so horny that I almost let out a moan, but I controlled myself and said "Yeah... Yeah, I'll be here. Mama didn't want me home anyways, said she wanted the house to herself for once, and a few movies sounds nice..."

And the sex; lots and lots of sex.

"Good~! Alright, see you then! If I come home early I'll call! See ya~!"

"See ya..."

Yawning, I hung up and got up, my battered body screaming at me with two different messages; get some more rest, and go get some more pleasure.

That second message won out as I looked down and blushed, my entire face hot as I realized I was still bound up, the rope still on my body even if it had been loosened a bit.

Something trickled down my legs, and I moaned this time as I tapped my sore lower lips, which were drooling now that I realized the message Miss Athena left behind.

We were home alone together... with no one coming in for hours... so I wasn't going to be wearing any clothes.

Gulping, I walked out of the room and made my way towards the kitchen, where my thoughts were proven correct as I saw the naked figure of Miss Athena leaning against the counter sipping on a cup of coffee, her cock flaccid but still making me gulp again.

As soon as she saw me, she gestured to the table and said "Eat. Sarah made food."

I nodded, only to lick my lips as she added "Though... I think you need some more protein in your diet, Emily. Give me a moment..."

Placing her mug down, Miss Athena stroked her cock before slipping a rubber on, her obsidian eyes twinkling as she pushed me down and bent me over the table, grabbing my hips and sliding herself inside me with familiar ease.

My body accepted her girth and length welcomingly, sliding back into my womb and beginning the first round of the day with gusto, having her 'meal' as soon as it was presented and taking her time to enjoy it.

Resting my arms on the table, I moaned as she consistently slammed her hips into my butt, letting her magnificent penis enjoy the tight confines of my pussy as we indulged ourselves, and I loved how she wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed herself against me, her heat permeating my back while her lips trailed over my shoulder and to my own lips.

Being embraced from behind while she made love to me was excellent, and I enjoyed how the soreness from last night only made this morning more pleasurable as tingles sparked from each thrust, though those sparks erupted into a blazing flame as she started to cum, the condom ballooning inside my womb as she ejaculated again.

My heart fluttered like it always did as she grunted softly into my lips, our kiss deepening even as her cock sprayed her creamy seed into a rubber, capturing it all and storing it for her.

When she pulled out, Miss Athena smirked at me as she pulled the condom off her cock and showed me her seed, before sliding the plate closer to me and making a show of drizzling her semen all over the eggs, hash browns, and onto the muffin as well.

My cheeks reddened again as she brought the rest of it to my lips, which I parted and allowed her to pour the rest of it onto my awaiting tongue, her taste sliding into my throat and getting swallowed as I gave the woman what she wanted.

"Good girl, Emily... Now, eat. Sarah said that she won't be back till dusk, so that means we have all day to enjoy ourselves... and perhaps you can work your way to a reward?"

Miss Athena smirked as she rubbed her still hard cock against my butt, her stiffness radiating heat before she slid down and rubbed her tip against my slit, making it quite clear what reward she was talking about.

Taking a step back, Miss Athena leaned on the table and watched as I began to eat my meal, shoveling the food into my mouth despite it being smeared with her cum, knowing that I needed the food in my stomach for the day to come, even if it was 'ruined' in the eyes of many.

Sarah had made an abundance of food for us this morning as well, so I went for seconds only to have Miss Athena slide over to me and guide herself to my lips, having me such her cock between portions and swallow down her cum once again, only then being allowed to finish eating breakfast.

When I finished eating everything, I grabbed the plate and made my way to the sink, beginning to wash it even as Miss Athena pulled me a bit away from the sink, bending me over and sliding her rubber covered cock into my pussy again.

It was clear that the goal of today was exactly what she had said it would be, the box of condoms beside us still half full and waiting to be used for the next few hours, and what better time to start then now?

The older futa had no problem trying to quench her rising libido, slamming her hips against my butt and fucking me hard from behind as we enjoyed the start of the day, eventually separating once more as she gave herself a moment to rest, where she helped me with the dishes even as she kissed my neck and caressed my body.

Each time her fingers trailed over my skin, sparks erupted inside my body and joined the heat in my midriff, while her kisses scorched my neck and shoulders whenever she stood behind me, though my focus was entirely on the hard cock that rested between my cheeks, its incredible length making itself known no matter what.

When the dishes were finished, Miss Athena guided me to the table and pushed me onto it, lying me on my back and grabbing my breasts as she slid inside again, fucking me on the table and beginning a new round as we started our tour to have sex all over the house.

Condoms littered the ground as she flooded them with her sperm and tied them up, while my squirt made it clear where we had been, the older woman not caring about that as she carried me around, making it clear that since it was her house, she would use me in each part of it even if it made a mess.

Held against the wall next to the door, bent over the coffee table in the library, sprawled out on the couch in the living room; Miss Athena didn't care as she made love to me everywhere, eventually settling on her bed again as she slammed me down and pounced on me, tugging on the rope binding and spanking me as she railed me from behind, our bodies molding together through the sweat and other fluids that covered us, and without suspense she came inside the condom again, turning my head to the side and pouring her sperm onto my waiting tongue before slipping a new one on and starting again, her monstrous stamina going on full display as the sun reached its zenith, time passing at both a crawl and so very quick...

The small breaks we took were like lucid dreams, the cool water sliding down my gullet rejuvenating my body and bringing me back completely, allowing Miss Athena to play with me some more as I surrendered myself entirely to her, loving each and every moment of our time together.

But, all good things come to an end, and I heard her disappointed sigh as she dropped the last condom on my face, snapping me out of my trance as she said "That was the last one, Emily... damn..."

Plopping onto the bed beside me, Miss Athena let out another sigh as she leaned back, staring at the ceiling and allowing the suns rays to illuminate her muscular body, the sweat outlining her chiseled abdomen and perfect arms, each muscle group trained and honed to an outstanding degree that remained aesthetically pleasing and allowed her to appear feminine when wearing loose clothing.

Of course, the one thing that she did hide well was on full display, standing tall and proud covered in her spunk, her veiny cock arcing back slightly and twitching as she looked over at me, her obsidian eyes as indecipherable as ever.

"Well? How was it, Emily? Did you enjoy yourself as much as I did?"

Lifting the condom off my face, she dropped it beside the others and ran her hand through her hair, removing it from her face and allowing me to gaze upon her gorgeous features that always made me wonder how she was still single... before I glimpsed her burly penis and recalled her insatiable sex drive, which was definitely something few women could stand.

Hells, I could barely stand it, and I was young and dumb.

"I... I did..."

My voice was raspy, but I managed to speak in short bursts, making the tanned woman nod as I said "It was... excellent... refreshing..."

"We've been making do with occasional hookups... It's been difficult to not just call you over and make love to you, Emily, or meet up at some hotel to enjoy ourselves... That's why we need to use these days to our advantage..."

She just watched as I pulled myself over to her cock and began to suck on it again, cleaning it off and giving her some more pleasure as she kept talking.

"So that's why I was so damn happy that today was the day that Sarah got that extra shift... Keep going Emily, just like that... I had some ideas for today... some ideas that I think you'll like, you little slut."

Pinning my head down, Miss Athena chuckled quietly above me as she lodged herself in my throat, before allowing me to come up for air, enjoying the way I sucked eagerly on her tip and licked her shaft between breaths, only to push me back down and create a wonderful cycle.

Cumming again, she groaned as she reluctantly pulled me off, taking a few deep breaths and brushing her hair aside as she got up, the older woman stretching and flaunting her perfect body for me before glancing back and saying "Get up, we're going outside."

I blinked, only to have my eyes widen as she smirked, clearly enjoying what she was doing to me as she added "No clothes either; we're going out back and 'mating'."

My heart leapt to my throat at that, before my pussy trembled in anticipation, its soreness lifting as I felt my womb throb with deep want at her words, and I got up with gusto, joining her as she led me towards the kitchen again.

Admiring her hard work from all of the puddles around the house, Miss Athena stopped in the kitchen and opened a small drawer off to the side, revealing a long leash that I was familiar with - one she used to walk the neighbors dog whenever she was asked, but was more often used on me for more kinky play - and sliding it around my neck, smirking again as I got to my hands and knees instantly afterwords.

Opening the back door, Miss Athena's smirk widened as she led me outside, my reluctance melting away as we both stepped foot into her fenced off, secluded backyard completely naked, and if someone saw us, it would be... disastrous. 

And yet, that was what was making us both so horny, to the point that Miss Athena only walked me to the middle of the yard before grabbing me, spanking each cheek and sliding herself inside me raw, making me moan loudly as we began to have sex once more.

"Quiet, bitch! Want the neighbors to see you getting bred like a little whore?! Shut up and just take my cock!"

Her sharp whisper made me shiver, but the harsh blow to my ass as she continued to spank and plow me was too much, eliciting a moan and earning me another spank as she growled above me, our arousal making us both lose control.

The thick, burly penis that I had come to love so much was now lodged deep inside my womb, its bare flesh searing my insides and throwing me into heat as Miss Athena yanked back on my leash as well, growling at me again and submerging her raw cock inside me over and over again.

Bareback sex after so long was making us both so horny, to the point that I squirted a moment later as she pummeled my womb and slammed her hips against my ass, the squelching of her fucking my drenched cunt filling the yard and further stimulating us both as we ran the risk of someone hearing us fuck so blatantly in the middle of the day.

The grass tickled my knees and hands, the sun warmed my back, the wind brushed over my body and lapped at my pussy and nipples, while the freshness of the air felt so foreign from the sex filled oxygen I was so used to breathing inside the house.

Everything out here was foreign and stimulating, and it made me cum quickly, my pussy clamping down on Miss Athena's cock and making her grunt behind me as she continued to thrust wildly, the older woman abandoning spanking me for a moment and just squeezing my ass as she fucked me as hard as she could, the idea of a creampie sending her over the edge.

Despite being older than myself, Miss Athena's sex drive remained nearly double or triple my own, and whenever we had raw sex - which had only been a handful of times now - she always went overboard, cumming inside me more than she did any other time, flooding me with her semen and emptying her balls completely.

Today was proving to be no different as she buried herself inside my womb and growled, her balls clenching against my thighs as she ejaculated inside, filling me up with sperm and trying to impregnate me.

Being outside and having her semen inside me wasn't new, but usually she was cumming inside my throat or on my ass, not inside my womb, and I came again as she ejaculated furiously inside me, still having so much left in the tank despite an entire morning of wild sex as well as all of last night too.

Scorching hot sperm splashed against my womb as Miss Athena marked me as her bitch, her fingers digging into my cheeks as she bred me, before yanking on the leash and resuming her thrusts, beginning round two.

Time lost meaning as Miss Athena walked me around her yard, her cock submerged into my womb and stirring up her thick load as she fucked me with each step, only stopping to ejaculate and spank me whenever I acted 'bad', and I lost track of how many times she had come inside me, as well as how many times I came.

We got a scare though when a neighbor shouted "Athena, everything good over there? I've been hearing some weird noises..."

Freezing, Miss Athena pulled out of me and had me rush into the house, following closely behind as she shouted back "Yeah, just watching this weird video my daughter sent me! Sorry, I'll head inside!"

She didn't wait to hear the reply, closing the door behind herself and wiping off her brow as she stared at me, only to snort as I resumed sucking her cock, her obsidian eyes sparkling with amusement as she muttered "Slutty little minx... we almost get caught having sex by someone, which isn't illegal but is frowned upon and rather shameful, and all you can think about is my cock..?"

Reaching down, she caressed my cheek as I took her deeper in response, her cum dripping out of my pussy and landing on the floor, though she didn't care.

"Alright, fine! Get your ass onto the bed; I need you so damn badly..."

Her voice was slightly hoarse as she reached down and picked me up, carrying me to the bedroom before throwing me down and mounting me, resuming our session from earlier.

Miss Athena resumed pounding my pussy and cumming inside me, making love to me before switching to relentlessly breeding me like a lowly whore meant only to satiate her lust.

Time once more lost meaning as we fucked like animals a second time, my womb bloating to fit her semen before she started to pull out and cum on my body, marking me and degrading me as she wiped her cock off on my face.

When her phone - and mine - began to buzz, we both froze as Miss Athena reached over and grabbed it, still balls deep inside my pussy and fucking me hard.

"Ah... Sarah's going to be home in an hour... Damn."

Tossing her phone to the side, she grabbed me and kept going, covering my mouth as I tried to say we should stop and clean, ignoring me as she came inside me once more.

Finishing up, she sighed and pulled out, slapping her cock against my pussy and saying "Let's clean up then take a shower. We need the rest of the house spotless."

I nodded, and we got up and began to clean the floors and tables, though Miss Athena made it harder on us whenever she slipped her cock inside me again, fucking me whenever and wherever she wanted before resuming her cleaning.

It took a bit - especially since there were multiple moments I was pushed into the floor and railed from behind - but we got it done quick enough that we could take a shower... which involved more sex as she emptied herself completely inside me before her daughter returned home.

The water did little to wash away the lingering scent of sex, especially not when she injected more sperm into my womb as we washed, but just like the house we got ourselves clean and smelling like soap, before putting on fresh clothes and stopping the sex.

Well, I say stopping, but Miss Athena just sat down at the couch and had me suck her cock again as we waited for Sarah, her stamina as endless as ever.

Sarah came home and was none the wiser, not knowing that her Mom had just poured enough semen to fill multiple buckets into me all day long, just like I had no idea that Sarah had only worked a half shift, spending the rest of her day at a hotel with my Mother, doing the same with her as her Mom did with me; creampieing us until we were full of cum and still wanting more.

I wasn't aware of it, she wasn't aware of it, but we would be soon, when fate decided to reveal those secrets to us on a whim.

But until that point, I guiltily stared at my best friend as I rubbed my bloated stomach, eating the meal she cooked while her Mom's semen dripped into my panties, staining them.

Though, the woman responsible didn't care and just devoured the steaks in front of her, all while she occasionally rubbed my thigh and pussy.


8.9k words, with another entry to come later with both families finding out that they've been messing around.

Sorry for the late update, but a mixture of so many ideas and no desire to 'commit' to a single one of those ideas led to this, but there is hope that I might get the next one out before the month is out..? 


Lol idk, but see y'all then~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts