
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
37 Chs



Kinks / Themes : Modern, Submissive FMC, Dominant Futa, Masochism


"Jenny! Do you have plans for tonight, or..?"

Looking up from my desk, I smiled at the handsome young man standing in front of me, his sharp button-down shirt and black pants tapered to his thin form, while the slicked back black hair accentuated his pale skin and dazzling blue eyes.

We were both managers at your average office company, working away for an above average wage that kept the lights on and let us live relatively comfortably in this city, and we worked hard for our positions, replacing the previous duo of managers and leading our office into a more financially stable fiscal year as we cut costs where we could while creating a more efficient pipeline of work.

Andrew was a really good speaker and people person, doing most of the work to lead our small team of public relations and meeting with other companies to work things out, while I stayed back and managed the office, making sure everything was in order and getting done on time.

I was getting on in the years - all jokes, since I was only in my late twenties, but it was at this age that I had those mornings where I felt old - and still single... though that was complicated.

And of course, private.

Andrew was a sweet guy, made some good money - my salary, plus or minus a few hundreds most likely - good looking, and seemed to be rather loyal, since his previous girlfriend was one of five years, but they broke up on mutual terms.

All the things I would look for in a partner if it wasn't for him being a fellow employee and the little fact that I wasn't into men.

But, again, I kept things to myself on anything personal, so most of the office workers wondered if I was available or if I had a crush on any of them; stupid, minor, harmless things that I didn't care to address.

"Sadly I do, Andrew. Besides, I don't think..."

Waving around at the general office - which was mostly empty at this point - I gave him another small smile and watched as he nodded, a wry smile on his lips as he replied "Ah, I gotcha. Just wanted to try is all. Good luck on that report; bossman told me it'd be a bit of a doozy. Good thing its due next month, right~?"

I chuckled, nodding as I stared at the array of papers and dozen tabs opened on my computer, which was rather tiring to see.

"Yeah, it is a bit of a doozy, that's for sure. Though, I imagine marketing it and getting people to agree to take on the risk is going to be it's own battle."

My smile widened as I saw Andrew wince, the thin man rubbing at his jaw as he nodded, likely dreading next month.

"Well, at least our overtimes balance out; otherwise, I think the office would go insane! Well, good luck anyways, Jenny! Good night!"

Waving, I watched as he gathered his stuff up and left the office behind, only to sigh again as I checked the time.

"8:45... Damn it's been a long day..."

Leaning into my chair, I sighed before glancing at my phone, which had become illuminated as I got a notification from someone, which made my heart race.

[Ebony : I expect you to be home by 10 at the latest, my cute little gem. Mistress is feeling a tad bit needy...]

A shiver went through my body as I read the text, and I looked towards my computer screen before letting out another sigh as I mentally mapped out my journey home, wondering how long I could be here before I needed to get going.

I was NOT going to miss this, and while I certainly wanted to get this project done, I wasn't about to let it consume my actual life as well...

So I settled in and got to work, my fingers flying over my keyboard as I began to meticulously fill out the various bits of paperwork and drag them to their respective folders, making sure everything was organized before turning towards some of the important documents that were to be completed by hand first and looked over by my supervisor, who would then complete the remainder of this portion.

Time flew by like it held no meaning, and I almost panicked as I saw the clock hit 9:30, my heart beginning to pound as I worried that I might be late, causing me to scramble as I stood up and began to pack my stuff up to leave.

No one else was in the office at this time, and I got everything I needed stored away before grabbing my stuff and leaving, locking the doors behind me and handing the key to the security guys at the front desk, before stepping out into the cool, crisp air of the city at night.

Making my way towards the bus station, I glanced at my watch before letting out a sigh of relief as I saw the bus turn the corner minutes ahead of schedule, meaning I was lucky tonight.

As I took a seat on the bus, I looked up and stared at my reflection in the glass, pursing my lips and wondering what Ebony saw in me that got her so enamored in the first place.

Thin lips, sharp eyebrows, a small nose and relatively sharp feathers everywhere else as well, my oriental heritage shining through easily.

Black eyes, pale skin, straight, long black hair pulled into a simple ponytail that trailed down onto my white blouse...

My small breasts that I had come to be thankful for - even if sometimes I wanted them to be bigger - and my relatively flat tummy that I tried my hardest to keep that way with a decent at home exercise plan.

The other thing that I tried to keep the same was my relatively shapely butt, something that I had definitely come to be thankful for since it made getting laid easier, and I needed the relaxation that came from sex.

Plump thighs that tapered down towards my toned calves ended my physique, and it was one that was still making me wonder what made me 'irresistible' to someone like Ebony.

She was a Mistress by trade, her calling coming in the form of dominating men, women and futanari who wanted to be demeaned and abused, working with a heavy whip and juicy cock as she used and abused her clients for her pleasure.

Unlike her peers who worked for the clients, paying Mistress Ebony was paying to let her use you to get herself off, and she made her money from those of us who had that kink; being degraded because we paid a hung, beautiful futanari to turn us into her cocksleeves whenever she wanted.

I had met her through an acquaintance at a normal club, getting the number to a club that specialized in Mistress', and after answering a questionnaire and going through the options, I selected Mistress Ebony and got put on a waiting list.

What happened after the two weeks of waiting made me thoroughly addicted; this fit, muscular chocolate skinned beauty planted her cock deep inside my womb and whipped me as she fucked me hard, covering my ass in sperm and marking me as a bitch as we mated like beasts for an hour.

I came more times than I had in my entire life as she tugged on my clit and pummeled my womb with her burly cock, and after an hour she left me twitching on a nice bed covered in her spunk, a number written onto my palm to contact her if I ever wanted to have some casual sex.

So... I contacted her, and eventually she started contacting me, to the point that I got comfortable enough to give her access to my apartment, where we fucked like crazy.

Sometimes raw as well, after I got tested and shared the results with her, and after I took track of my cycle; those were excellent nights, and I loved whenever she creampied me.

Hopefully tonight would be one such night as well...

Especially since I had something I wanted to give to her; more so something that I bought for myself, but I wanted her to be the one to 'give' it to me, since it had a meaning that I was really nervous to convey.

A beautiful black box with golden accents rested in my purse, and my heart was beating rapidly inside my chest as I wondered if she would accept what I had to say...

The ride home was a swift, yet draining one as I agonized over that box the entire way, until I heard my street get called and I got off the bus, making my way into the apartment building and walking past the various people going in and out of the rooms on my floor, each one having a different story then me.

There was the rich, snobby brat who got by with Mommy's money to go to a nice college nearby, the couple who were raising their child as best they could on their shared salaries, the old man who practically 'owned' his room thanks to the large amount of money he paid back in the day to the landlord...

Such a diverse set of people in an apartment complex that many wanted to live in, and it was always interesting to think about... but right now I was focused on the door that led into my own room, my hands trembling slightly as I slid the key inside and unlocked the door.

Taking a calming breath, I stepped inside my room and locked the door behind me, my heart racing as I heard the gentle humming coming from an otherwise not so gentle woman, who looked towards the door as soon as she heard it unlock.

Tall and dark skinned, Mistress Ebony was an athletic woman through and through, her body rippling with muscle that was only further accented by the tribal tattoos that adorned her arms and shoulders, each line representing something from her culture.

Piercing obsidian eyes pinned me in place, while her plump lips curled into a smirk as she stood up to her full imposing height at somewhere in the mid sixes, the thick dreadlocks pulled into a neat bun that left her sharp jawline and tattooed neck on full display.

Mistress Ebony was already nude, her large breasts and chiseled abdomen glimmering thanks to the night lights in my apartment, though my eyes were locked onto her curved penis that slowly hardened as she saw me.

"There's my little gem~! Almost late, almost late!"

Stopping a few feet in front of me, she placed her hands on her hips and looked me over, nodding slightly as she asked "Long day at work? Some upcoming project, perhaps? You look stressed, little gem."

Gulping, I nodded and answered "Ah, y-yes, it is... It has been... stressful. And you, Mistress..?"

Her smile widened, and she raised a perfect brow as she softly growled "Long day for me as well, little gem. Some Twink wanted his guts rearranged, yet cried for mercy before I was even half inside... Let his safe word out before I could even get a few pumps deep... Lost some money thanks to his eyes being larger than his stomach. So, I decided that I would call my little gem to relieve myself."

Watching me as I began to put my things away, the powerful dark skinned woman moved back to the couch and plopped down, her legs spread wide as she said "To start, service me thoroughly, little gem. Polish my cock and prepare me to breed you..."

"O-Oh, Mistress, I wa-"

"Little gem. On your knees now."

Mistress Ebony's scathing voice sliced through the air, and I gulped as I fell silent, understanding that she had already begun the play the moment I had walked into the room, and that she wanted relief here and now, not later.

My cheeks darkened as I approached her and got onto my knees, sitting in front of her as she spread her legs wide and allowed her magnificent, glorious cock to rest on my face, the woman smirking down at me as she observed me worshipping her cock like I had done many times before.

Kissing it, I reached up and began to gently caress the twin orbs that dangled beneath her shaft, my fingers rolling them around softly before I licked the dark rod from the base all the way up towards the tip, catching the small pearl of precum that dripped off its magnificence.

Mistress Ebony stroked my hair and hummed quietly as she felt my lips part as I wrapped them around her tip, starting to really get the woman what she wanted.

Sucking on her cock, I played with her balls and stared up at her, trying my hardest to maintain eye contact with her since it was something my Mistress enjoyed; probably because it was entertaining for her to see her subs try desperately to appease her even if we were uncomfortable 'challenging' her authority over us.

"Oh fuck... You have no idea how backed up I am right now, little gem... I was looking forwards to that Twink, yet the fucker backed out! How fucking annoying... but, it gave me reason to call you... My brilliant little gem..."

Mistress Ebony continued to stroke my hair as I swallowed her cock to the root, its girth straining my jaws apart while her scalding precum dribbled down my throat, its strong, sweet taste permeating my head as the dark skinned futanari enjoyed my blowjob.

"Well, at least I have you, little gem... after that happened, I went to the gym before heading here, and all day long I was so~ achingly hard as I imagined fucking the shit out of you from dusk to dawn... especially when I noticed the lack of condoms in the house~! So I went and bought some morning after pills for you."

Grinning, she stared down at me with amusement in her eyes, watching as my face darkened at how confident she was that I was going to accompany her from now until then - and do so raw, when I wasn't exactly on a safe day either.

So my eyes dropped from her face, and I focused instead on sucking her dick, stroking her muscular thighs and admiring her chiseled body and magnificent cock, doing my best to please her.

Leaning back on the couch, Mistress Ebony let out a relaxed sigh as she looked over her shoulder, peering out the window below and idly muttering "Always love these chill nights too... get to work at my own pace and not on the time of some client. Everything's up to me, and only me. Time, place, activity... Fuck I love it."

She looked back down at me and grinned, remaining quiet until her eventual orgasm as she continued to make me take her girth deep into my throat, spraying her cream straight into my stomach and filling me up nicely, grunting each time another thick rope of sperm splashed inside my stomach.

With her hand firmly on the back of my head holding me in place, the futanari smirking at me as she relished her ejaculation at my 'expense', choking me on her cock and leaving herself there as she made my head go fuzzy when my air was blocked for a few moments, only to gasp as she pulled out and slapped my cheek with her thick penis, sending me reeling for a moment as my head spun and my cheek burned.

"Damnit that was excellent... So, how do you want to be bred, little gem? Want me to fuck you like the beautiful little slut you are, or are we going at this slow and steady? I just want to cum, doesn't matter how..."

Semen and saliva mixed on her chocolate rod, dripping down onto the couch and making me blush as I felt that combination being wiped on my cheek, only making my panties even more soaked as I remained kneeling in front of this woman inside my own home.

"Or, you can remain quiet and just give yourself to me, like always... Submit to me once more and let me fuck you how I want, when I want, where I want..."

Seeing her grinning at me as she continued to rub her giant penis on my cheek made me swallow hard, the remnants of her thick load still clinging to my throat and permeating my head as I stayed quiet, deciding that it would be best to wait to ask her something.

"Quiet? Good, good... I like that answer... Now, get out of those clothes and present yourself to me, little gem. I really~ want to see your nude body again..."

Standing up, I dragged my shirt off and unclasped my bra, dropping it to the side and revealing my small breasts, though the hot and heavy gaze of Mistress Ebony as she ogled them made me proud of their size...

Then, I shimmied my pants down and revealed my long legs, before turning and flaunting my ass for my Mistress as I pulled my panties off, the wet stain obvious on the red fabric - a color that matched my face as I quickly tossed them aside.

"As brilliant as ever, little gem... so polished and bright, so beautiful... Sometimes, I think of you not as a gem, but as a treat as well~! So sweet and delectable on my tongue, so tasty to devour..."

Getting off the couch, Mistress Ebony prowled over to me, the muscular dark skinned woman grinning as she reached down and grabbed me by the butt, lifting me and bringing me up to her level, our lips inches apart.

"I want to devour you again, my tasty little treat~! Sometimes I think you taste better with my cream inside you... wouldn't you agree~?"

Leaning forwards, Mistress Ebony kissed my jawline and stared at me with those warm obsidian eyes, slowly trailing down towards my neck as she started to suck and bite my skin, marking me.

The familiar beginnings of her desires made me shiver, the anticipation to being 'devoured' making my mind go blank as she walked me towards the table, the woman muttering "A treat needs to be eaten at the table, right?" before returning to my neck.

With my legs wrapped around her waist, Mistress Ebony had no issues slipping her fat cock into my pussy, both of us moaning in unison as she began to spread my pussy apart and dive into my depths, filling me up and knocking my cervix open a moment later.

I moaned louder this time, while she grunted as that piece of flesh began to stroke her tip as she penetrated me completely.

Her lips found themselves on my breasts, and I gasped as she nipped at my buds aggressively, her obsidian eyes glittering with a teasing light as she started to thrust slowly into my womb, beginning our wonderful night together with a nice appetizer.

Slapping her hips against me as she began our first round, Mistress Ebony continued to devour my breasts as she fucked me on my table, her powerful thrusts making it creak noisily as bot of our weights rested on its surface.

Her raw, thick cock filled my pussy to the brim, each inch of her shaft getting massaged by my folds as I clamped down on the familiar and burly cock that I had come to lust after so much, while my womb happily welcomed her tip inside, waiting to be painted in her colors... and maybe more.

Mistress Ebony rhythmically bounced her hips off of mine, creating and maintaining a pace that sent shockwaves throughout my body as I tried to accept the gloriousness of sex with her, each thrust into my womb becoming a hammer strike that reverberated up my spine and smothered my brain in pleasure.

Each thrust of this raw cock reminded me that I was this muscular woman's toy to use as she pleased, her everything finely crafted to keep me below her and craving even more of her... to the point that it felt like an addiction.

Nothing would ever come close to matching this pleasure; no other dick could make me cum this quickly, and no other arms would make me feel safe - and yet so very 'scared' - like hers did as she wrapped them around me.

I understood that when Mistress Ebony hugged me - when she enveloped her little gem in her arms and smothered me with her body - I was being both reassured that she would protect me, but also being told that I was her warm, tight little fuckhole and personal fleshlight to wring out her balls in.

She would use me as a toy and treat me as such, fucking me with reckless abandon and tossing away my freedoms as a human, instead giving me the privileges of being her cumslut.

I was hers, and in this moment, no one else could say she was theirs... so therefore, she was mine as well...

That was what made me cum like crazy as she fucked me hard, my cervix choking her tip as she ravaged my womb with that burly cock of hers while my folds clung tightly to her shaft, massaging it wildly and trying to extract the semen from those heavy, plump, juicy testicles that slapped against my butt as she devoured me on my table.

My lower half was in utter bliss as I endured the divine pounding of my Mistress, but it wasn't left alone...

Above, my breasts were being gnawed on by a hungry woman, her eyes alight with need as she bit and teased my sensitive nipples, doing her best to be as 'harsh' with them as she could whilst also not truly injuring me; I wanted to be fucked and beat, but I didn't want to be brought to real, lasting harm because of my preferences.

One of those fears was that someone would go to far with my nipples, which was something Mistress Ebony had the perfect touch with; they were on fire right now, pain washing over me in waves as she sucked and tugged on my breasts however she pleased, but beside a dull ache after she released them, I felt nothing...

Thought that might have been because when she finished dining on my breasts, the dark skinned woman grinned at me and 'slapped' my cheek, grabbing my jaw afterwards and prying my mouth open so that she could spit on my tongue.

"I'm going to cum soon, little gem... I'm cumming soon..!"

Leaning down, she began to devour my lips instead, and I moaned hard as she drained her saliva into my mouth, all while her rhythm hastened as she fucked me quicker and quicker, riding on my smaller orgasm to reach her ejaculation.

With pain numbly pulsing around my body, I felt my eyes roll around in my head as she continued to hammer my womb into shape, molding it back into the shape of her cock and marking me as her personal pussy whilst she bit my lower lip, making me gasp as she aggressively made out with me.

The table trembled beneath us as she slammed her hips down against mine like lightning strikes, taking me hard and fast as she violently made love to me, her hands clasped on either side of my head as she fucked my mouth as well, her tongue dominating my own just as violently as her cock hammered my pussy.

Mistress Ebony didn't give me further warning after that outburst, instead using me to feel as good as she possibly could before burying her cock inside me to the root, those heavy balls clenching against my ass as she began to ejaculate, all while her grunts filled my throat and silenced me.

Sperm flooded my womb instantly, her long cock snuggly resting in my deepest parts as she gave me one of the greatest creampies I had ever received, her backlogged balls unloading as much of her semen inside me as they could to make up for her day.

Mistress Ebony's cock pulsed steadily inside me for a few seconds, each pulse followed by a thick gush of cum as she ejaculated her seed inside my womb, stuffing it full and bloating it at a slow, yet steady rate.

My earlier orgasm felt like nothing compared to the shudders that coursed through my bones as I was creampied so deeply, the muscular body of my Mistress heating me up and making my body feel like it was on fire as I came alongside her, pleasure jolting through my body alongside those flames.

It felt like she wanted to breed me with the amount of sperm being injected inside me, and the thought only made me cum harder as I milked this perfect cock inside me as much as I could, my brain turning to mush as we kissed and came together.

Seconds passed, entering the double digits and stretching out for eternity as we remained unmoving on the table, her ejaculation still going on as she filled my womb to the brim with her baby batter, only for that eternity to snap and wither away as she pulled out, allowing all of her seed to gush from my pussy like water from the tap.

"Fucking hells... If we weren't tracking your cycle so closely, little gem, I think I might have just knocked you up..."

Lifting my head from the table, I stared at her blankly and barely managed to catch how her penis hardened at her own words, while her gaze remained hungry as she watched me expel her cum onto the table, uncaring of the idea of cleaning it.

My womb was stuffed, and I groaned happily as I just laid there, staring at the dark ceiling and enjoying the feeling, especially when it was accompanied by the bliss of post orgasm relaxation, but...

"Damnit... One more time here, little gem, before I take you to bed!"

Grabbing me, Mistress Ebony flipped me onto my stomach and began to fuck me again, this time slamming into my ass directly and fucking me from behind, surprising me as I was yanked back into her body.

"Tighten up you little slut! Clamp down on my cock and make me cum again!"

Snarling into my ear, she wrapped an arm around my throat and pinned me against her chest, her thrusts heading up into my womb making me gasp as gravity began to work its magic in stretching me out just a little further, letting her cock hit all the more deeper inside my pussy.

Her hips slammed into my ass and made the previous hammering seem like it was done with a cotton ball on a foam stick as she railed me hard, all while I was held against her chest and choked as her forearm flexed, limiting my breathing and making my heart pound in my chest just as hard as her cock pounded into my womb.

Being turned into her toy for real made my eyes widen, and I shivered as I came on her cock again, making her sneer switch into a smirk as she felt my pussy tighten even more, all while she ignored how I squirted on the table from this rough treatment...

My mind began to blank as Mistress Ebony stirred up my semen soaked pussy, her burly cock rampaging around inside me as she fucked me hard to milk out her third nut of the night, which didn't take long as the muscle strapped futa used me like a fleshlight as she held me up.

Alternating between choking me and kissing me, Mistress Ebony slammed her cock deep inside my womb and stirred around her previous load aggressively, making sure that there was enough room for the next load that was getting ready to be pumped into me any second now.

As I had expected, the woman using me as a toy to sate her thirst and quench her desires was severely backed up, using me hard and fast to relieve herself from a 'stressful' and unfulfilling day as a Mistress, so her next load was quick to join the first, though the fact that she 'came quickly' meant nothing to me since I knew she would stay rock hard for a long, long time...

All this meant was that I got a fresh batch of baby batter injected straight into my womb, flooding my pussy with her superior genes and growling in pleasure as she fucked me hard from below, rampaging around inside me and cumming at the same time.

Semen dripped onto the floor below as Mistress Ebony emptied her balls into my cunt, making a mess of myself and my apartment as she evacuated hard, only to continue pounding me as she started yet another round, giving me her premium plan for free as she slapped her virile testicles against my ass and choked me out, all while making sure to remind me that I was merely a hole meant to squeeze every last drop of sperm from her...

Bliss would be the only way I could describe this, my mind blanking as this perfect woman molded herself to my tastes and treated me the way I wanted to be treated in the bedroom, my body no longer sated by anything vanilla as I grew accustomed to being belittled, demeaned, treated roughly and sometimes even beat.

She did all of that for me, and I resigned myself to a night of that incredible pleasure as she railed me hard for her own desires, our sex becoming primitive as she walked me over to the couch and tossed me down on it, slamming her hips into my ass and hammering herself into my womb as she claimed every inch of my pussy for herself.

Grabbing the back of my head, Mistress Ebony gestured to the various people walking along the street below, her heavy, deep thrusts striking me to my core as she whispered "Look at all of them... all those worthless men and futa's down there, searching for an ass like this..! All those cocks wanting to spray their useless, unworthy seed into your pussy!"

Mistress Ebony released my head and grabbed me by my hips again, grunting as she wildly thrust her hips forwards and resumed her primal devouring of my body, adding "None of them... Not a single one of them could compare to me, could they?! Could they, little gem?!"

Her hand crashed against my ass, and my moan turned into a scream of pleasure as she spanked me again, maintaining her constant railing of my vagina as she prepared to ejaculate another thick bundle of sperm.

"N-Nooo~! N-No one C-COULD~!! M-MistrESS~!!!"

Snarling, Mistress Ebony draped herself over my back and began to cum inside me again, her full testicles becoming lighter as she pumped her thick seed into my cunt and further ensured I would never be satisfied by another cock in my life.

"Good..! Good! Remember that, little gem!"

Kissing my neck, Mistress Ebony continued to cum inside me before eventually pulling out, spraying her seed across my back and glazing my ass with her remaining ropes, leaving me twitching on the couch, my mind blank.

"Fuck sake... I needed this, little gem... I really, really needed this. Hey, I'm gonna order some Chinese. Utterly famished..."

My large, muscular, dark skinned Mistress plopped onto the couch beside me and grabbed her phone, looking down at me after a few moments as she muttered "Oh, right... she's likely cum drunk right now... Ah hells... everyone likes fried rice. Wonton soup... Egg rolls..."

I barely could comprehend who I was, let alone what those sounds meant that were spilling from Mistress Ebony's lips as she sat beside me; the only thing I could be certain of was that her cock was still hard, and I was drowning in euphoric glee.

Sadly my muscles were failing me at the moment, not letting me get up and slide that burly penis back into my pussy to churn around the previous loads, so I was left to lay there, cum dripping from my vagina, staring straight at the thing that made me like this.

Humming to herself, Mistress Ebony spoke to someone on the phone and nodded before placing it back on the table, leaning into the couch and continuing to hum as she relaxed, riding out the bliss of her orgasms and enjoying herself.

Of course, her obsidian eyes would occasionally find mine, and she would grin at me as she looked me over, before continuing to leave me alone as we waited in comfortable silence.

Time held little meaning for me, and eventually I watched as Mistress Ebony got up and approached the door when someone knocked on it, opening it up much to my horror.

Still as naked as the day she was born, my Mistress flaunted her divine body freely to the surprised woman standing at the door, a large bag in her hand that threatened to plummet to the floor.

Her eyes were locked on Mistress' chiseled body and giant cock, before she looked past her and saw me, dripping cum and utterly embarrassed that someone had caught sight of me like this, but...

"Heya~! Thanks for the delivery, Miss! I'll take that... Now, do you want a tip, or do you want a 'tip'~?"

Flashing the woman a few bills, Mistress Ebony also stroked her cock and raised a brow, only to chuckle as her face went completely red, the offer to be demolished by something that thick and juicy short circuiting her brain.


However, when she heard my weak voice from the couch, Mistress Ebony glanced back at me before chuckling again, handing the woman the cash as she said "Sorry, but it would seem my little gem is against the idea... have a good night, Miss~!"

Giving the woman a last look at her beautiful, perfect cock, Mistress Ebony blew the woman a kiss and winked at her before shutting the door, leaving her standing in the hall with a completely red face.

Pouting at the dark skinned woman, I tried to sit up before letting out a groan, my body refusing to do as I wanted still.

"Ah ah ah~! Don't try to get up just~ yet, little gem. I mean, you were cumming quite a bit, and we haven't seen each other in a little bit, y'know? That's why I stopped there and decided to get some grub; I WANT~ to fuck your brains out and keep going till my balls are empty, but..."

Shrugging, she placed the bag on the table and walked to the couch, lifting me up and carrying me over to the table, the scent of Chinese takeout food wafting into my nostrils and making my stomach grumble, much to her delight and my embarrassment.

"Aww, is my little gem embarrassed~? Don't be~! I've watched you cough up my semen before when you insisted I finish in your mouth the entire night~!"

My cheeks darkened at that embarrassing reminder, making Mistress Ebony snicker as she reached over and pat my cheek, still walking around unbothered by the intense sex from earlier as she fetched us something to drink and some utensils.

"Alright~! Eat up. You don't have work till what, like seven? Eight? Takes about a half hour to get there, so leave just after six? Yeah, we got time."

Placing a can of beer in front of me - as well as a large glass of water - Mistress Ebony sat down and opened the bag, pulling out the various white containers and opening them up to reveal an obscene amount of fried rice, as well as a quart of wonton soup and a half dozen egg rolls.

Blinking, I looked at the food before watching as she pushed a container of rice towards me, giving me a fork as she said "Eat. You need the energy. I want to have sex until two, maybe three? I told you I'm rather pent up and in need of release..."

Her eyes gleamed 'dangerously' as she stared at me, and I shuddered before nodding, thinking about how tomorrow is going to be an unproductive day as I basked in post copulation bliss and suffered from being far too tired.

But, it'd be well worth it, that's for sure.

Shoveling her rice into her mouth, Mistress Ebony inhaled half of her first container before I had even taken my third bite, the food just disappearing as she watched me eat, slowly but surely regaining control of my body.

We ate in relative silence for a minute or so before she asked "You... You wanted to ask me something before I had you give me head. What was it? Felt kinda important, but not too important since you let me brush it aside at the time."

I shivered, gulping and almost choking on the rice as I reached for the beer, needing some liquid courage in my system as I washed the food down, making her raise a brow at me.

"I-In my purse, there's a black box... could you get it for me..?"

Mistress Ebony stared at me for a moment before nodding, putting down her fork and finding my purse on the counter, opening it up and locating the box quickly, taking it out and showing it to me before returning to the table.

Taking it from her, I took a deep breath and nodded to myself, taking another sip of the beer before handing it back to her, saying "Open it. Tell me... Tell me what you think."

Her brow arced up again, the dark skinned athletic hunk accepting the box back and inspecting it, before humming to herself as she began to unwrap the golden twine, preparing to reveal what laid inside.

Doing it in an agonizingly slow, gentle and deliberate fashion, Mistress Ebony lifted the lid and set it aside, pausing for a moment before reaching in and picking up what laid inside, atop a sheet of clean white paper.

Black leather shimmered in the dim light of my apartment, while the silver clasp that held a singular chunk of onyx darker than the leather shone, adding a nice contrast that drew attention towards the onyx.

"Is this... a collar?"

Mistress Ebony's voice was flat and neutral, the woman looking at the collar in her hands closely and turning it this way and that as she inspected each and every inch of it, before finally turning her obsidian eyes towards me.

"I-It... I-It is... I uh... I got it b-because... w-well..."

Wringing out my hands, I looked away and shrunk into myself, wondering if the woman was off put by the thing in her hands...

"You want me to collar you? Is that what this is supposed to mean? You want to become my collared sub?"

I continued to fidget with my hands, before nodding and looking back at her, flinching at the completely neutral face that I found waiting for me.

"Little gem- no, Jenny, you do understand what this means, correct? What being collared to a Dom represents, even if it is a rather 'personalized' thing? You understand that you are asking ME to 'own' you, to make you mine and mine alone, unless I say otherwise? That I can do what I want to you, when I want to you, so long as I respect the boundaries that you give me before I clasp this around your neck?"

Her voice was still flat, and it made my heart pound in my chest as I nodded again, a suffocating feeling enveloping me as I began to panic, afraid that I had taken things too far, far too quickly and ruined everything between us.

"I..! I w-was being stupid..! O-Obviously you wouldn't w-want a sub l-like me..! L-Let's just-!"

My eyes widened as Mistress Ebony stood up and leaned over the table, her hands approaching my neck and slipping the collar around it, clasping it tightly and silencing me as she gently rubbed the onyx pendant, muttering "Good choice..."

Looking me in my eye, she smiled and moved her hand from the pendant to my chin, lifting my head and forcing me to meet her gaze as she said "No... I really want a sub like you. Well, you specifically. I was tempted to do this earlier, but we lead such different lives and all that... though I would like to think I know you pretty well."

Running her thumb under my eye, she wiped away a tear and continued to speak, each word she said making another tear drip out freely.

"I like you a lot, little gem. You fit my needs more than perfectly, you can take my selfishness most times and temper it the other times... So if you'll take me as your Mistress, Jenny, I'll be more than happy to have a sub like you..?"

My eyes were watery, my heart was pounding happily in my chest, and I couldn't really understand everything that was happening to myself as I stared at Mistress Ebony, but I do know that I was able to say "Y-Yes..! O-Of course..!"

Her smile widened, and Mistress Ebony continued to wipe away my tears as she said "Excellent! Perfect! I've really wanted to do this for a long time now, but I felt it best to wait a tad longer and see how you'd react... I never expect you to make the first move~! Gifting yourself to me~! Haha~! That's not entirely expected from a Sub, but who gives a damn, right?!"

Standing up completely, she moved towards my side of the table and embraced me from behind, rubbing her cheek against mine as she added "I'll take real good care of you, but..."

She stopped, her expression faltering for a moment before she said "I'm not going to ONLY seek you out, little gem. I still plan on making my money as a Mistress by trade, and I have a few other Mistress' that I'm close to that give me their Subs to play with... Then there's the random pickups on the street, like that delivery woman... You understand that, right?"

"Y-Yes... I d-do... This isn't a m-marriage, but a... a..."

Failing to find the word, I nodded as Mistress Ebony said "Step up in the relationship? One where we can get closer, rely on one another a little more, but still have some freedoms? Well... I have some sexual freedoms, and unless you ask me, you're stuck with me? Yes, that's correct."

"Y-Yes, a s-step up... I j-just... d-don't want to lose you..."

She chuckled at that, kissing my cheek as she whispered "Lose me? Why would I leave my favorite piece of ass behind~? This beautiful oriental gal that can take every inch of my cock as we breed like primitives all night long~? The woman who takes such good care of her Mistress~? No, I'd never leave you behind..."

Lifting me up, she rubbed herself against my butt before slipping back into my pussy, resuming our session as she stirred around her previous loads, adding "Never in a million years. Not at all~!"

I moaned as she began to take me again, standing behind me and slapping her hips against my butt as she claimed me once more, but this time...

Feeling her fingers play with the collar, Mistress Ebony chuckled as she muttered "Fuck this feels so much better... my little gem... MY little gem, completely and utterly mine..."

I shivered, and without warning she grabbed my hips and began to fuck me hard and fast, snickering behind me as she cooed "Well, if you're now MY~ Sub, guess I gotta mark you properly~! Make our first night as true Mistress and Sub one to remember!"

It... did become one to remember, with her walking me towards my bedroom as she pushed me onto the bed and started to give me her everything, shaking the bed and becoming uncaring of the neighbors as she claimed me as her personal bitch, giving me the rough sex I desired and making my mind go blank again as we had sex late into the night.

I came in and out of awareness, each time feeling my womb bloat up more with her seed as she ejaculated without a care in the world, before cumming on my ass, tits and face as she showered me in her sperm, ingraining her scent into my body and truly marking me as hers.

When dawn came around, she finally pulled out and laid down beside me, drenched in sweat and panting something fierce as she pulled me into her side, muttering "You'll... need to take... off today... Gotta... show you to my friends... and I want to taste you more... Plus... we need to get some Plan B, just in case..."

I swallowed hard, my mind loosely deciphering her words and not working with any limiters as I asked "D-Do we... need that..?"

When I realized what I said, I felt my face go red as she looked towards me sharply, before a grin widened on her face as she asked "You... want to get pregnant..? With my child..? Now..? I have the money... and a place to live... move in with me, keep working at that office... pool our money together..?"

My stomach did a flip, but...

"Y-Yes... I-If not now, t-then when..?"

Snorting, Mistress Ebony rolled her eyes and shrugged, before leaning over and kissing me gently as she said "Fine then... I'll get you pregnant, Jenny. You'll have my baby in your stomach soon, I promise you that~! Sound like a plan~?"

Gulping, I stared at the woman I had given myself to and nodded, kissing her back and whispering "Sounds... perfect, Rika... You, me, and a child in a years time..? Utterly perfect..."


7.7k, bit rushed at the end but I really need to get something out and stop procrastinating lol, so... this'll do~! And if you were curious, just know that Jenny and Rika have known one another for a good while, so while it is 'rushed', it's not stupidly rushed... or just ignore the story and enjoy the smut lmao~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts