
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Fairy Han Chuli

Zorha's mind was in a state of confusion as he pondered over the system's instructions.

"The system said that I need to court death for two days, right?"

"After two days, and kept courting death, will the system take me back to my real world?"

He thought to himself, his brow furrowed with skepticism.

It seemed like a bizarre and dangerous task to undertake, even for a virtual reality game.

As he mulled over the implications of the system's command, Zorha couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up on him.

"I just convinced myself that I wouldn't go back there, why did I just think of it?"

He muttered under his breath, his thoughts racing.

The idea of courting death for two whole days was not only daunting but also seemed illogical.

Despite his reservations, Zorha found himself absentmindedly scanning the area where the main character was supposed to be.

Suddenly, he felt a shiver run down his spine, as though a cold hand had touched him.

He quickly recoiled and forced himself to stop searching, but the feeling lingered.

Little did Zorha know, there was a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows behind him, slowly making its way towards him.

The figure had a haunting presence, and all the students it passed by had a lifeless look in their eyes.

"Let's see."

The figure said as he eyed the back of young master Lu Tang.

As the figure drew closer and closer to Zorha's position, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense and foreboding.

Meanwhile, Zorha just stood there, his mind consumed by thoughts of this cultivation game world.

"Should I trouble the main character in this game world since I have enough stored time lapses?"

He is not afraid to take a risk or to push the limits and court death, and he knew that he had enough stored time lapses to do just that.

"And if I trouble the main character here, with my stored time lapses, I may be able to find myself in a more dangerous life and situation and I can surely survive that situation."

Zorha reminded himself.

"Plus the more dangerous the situation, the better rewards I can get, since it's what the system promised me."

But as he considered his next move, doubts crept in.

"In the Asura realm, or my world, the main characters are powerful there,"

He muttered to himself.

"They would fight against each other to the death, however, they are still magic users."

Zorha knew that in the world of magical users, the main characters were monsters, with abilities that far surpassed his own.

That's why he escaped from the magical Asura realm to be here in this cultivation game world.

"If the main character of this cultivation game world is put against the main characters of my Asura world, the Asura world main characters would be nothing."

Plus, Zorha was confident he would be able to defeat, trick, or even escape from the main characters of his Asura world if he had the resources, time and power to do so since he knew the whole story.

But to cultivate the main character, he is not.


As he stood with the students, the academy officials or teachers were not here yet, so he stared off into the distance with a look of contemplation etched on his features.

The sun was setting in a blaze of fiery orange and red, casting long shadows over the rolling hills and distant mountains.

As Zorha gazed out at the breathtaking view, his thoughts turned to what he was planning to do.

"The main character here in this cultivation game is an unknown main character too unlike the main characters of my Asura realm that I know because of the person in my head, so the danger in this game world multiplied."

He said, his voice low and thoughtful.

Zorha had seen it all in his head with the person that appeared in his imagination when he met the magical artifact or weapon gaming pod.

The person had read a lot of cultivation novels, where the main characters battled fierce dragons, outwitted cunning million old cultivators, and even journeyed to the depths of the underworld itself.

Sometimes, they would destroy the universe and multiverse like it was nothing for fun.

"It only means that if I trouble the main character here in this game world, I might end my life just by trying, so courting death is useless because I would die."

Zorha added ruefully.

With that he convinced himself that he will not trouble the main character here in this game world.

He took a deep breath and looked around the game world, his heart beating fast with excitement.

Zorha knew that as long as he didn't offend the main character, he would live a different life and experience things he never could in the real world.

However, he suddenly furrowed his brow.

"But what if he comes to me since I am an arrogant young master, plus I can't control my arrogance because of the curse as a young master?"

He asked, thinking of possible ways.

"Can I take him?"

He thought to himself, his heart racing with excitement.

"Can I use my power to outwit him, to stay one step ahead?"

But then he shook his head, reminding himself of the danger.


Zorha muttered, his eyes darting around nervously.

"I can't risk it. I need to stay safe, to stay alive."

And with that, he convinced himself that he would not trouble the main character, no matter how tempting it might be.

"Who in their right mind would choose death against the main character?"

Zorha muttered to himself, his voice echoing in the empty landscape.

He felt a surge of pride at his own cleverness, his ability to think ahead and avoid danger.

"So what if I can save a moment of my time."

Zorha continued, his words growing more confident.

"And within ten seconds, I can reset and remember those unsaved times? It's worth it if it means I can stay alive."

But then a new fear crept into his mind - the fear that he might not be able to use his power when he needed it.

"What if the main character shuts my mouth?"

Zorha thought, his heart pounding with anxiety.

"How am I going to say 'Reset' or 'Save' words to activate my ability? What if he makes my brain freeze, and I can't utter a word in my head to activate my ability?"

He felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead, imagining himself helpless and vulnerable in the face of danger.

"Aren't I wishing for my own death if I offend him?"

Zorha whispered, his voice trembling.

He knew that the main character could be unpredictable, that he might react badly if he felt threatened or challenged.

And he knew that if he made a mistake, it could cost him his life.

With a heavy heart, Zorha realized that he was not invincible, that even with his powerful gift, he was still at the mercy of the game world and the main character who ruled it.

"I'll find a way."

He vowed, his eyes flashing with determination.

"I'll figure out how to use my power effeciently, how to survive in this game world. And I won't stand in the main character's way."

Zorha wanted to raise his fist to the sky but he didn't want to make a scene.

"Then I'll be free after that."

All of a sudden, voices rang in his ear.

"Is that Fairy Han Chuli?"

"Where is she going?"

The voices said, their voices couldn't help but get his attention.

Meanwhile, Shang Zi and Xi Hanhan watched from a distance, they could see Fairy Han Chuli walking towards their young master Lu.

It was a sight that surprised them both, as they had never seen her make an effort to speak to him before.

Shang Zi turned to his companion and said,

"What do you think she wants to talk to him about?"

Xi Hanhan shrugged in response.

"I don't know, but it's strange. Young master Lu has been obsessed with her for as long as I can remember, but she always seemed to avoid him at all costs. I wonder what's changed."

As they continued to watch, they noticed that Fairy Han Chuli seemed nervous.

Her hands were clasped together tightly, and she kept shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

It was a stark contrast to the confident and composed woman they were used to seeing.

Zorha watched as Han Chuli walked and moved towards him, her fairy hair and dress sparkled in the sunlight.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance.

"Is this fairy Han Chuli someone who would get attention so much?"

Zorha thought to himself.

"I'll hear her out."

Zorha decided, whatever this girl wants, he'll answer her.

But as she got closer, Zorha couldn't help but notice that Han Chuli was breathtaking.

The way the light played off her hair, the sway of her hips as she walked, Zorha found himself momentarily stunned.

The air was heavy with the scent of the girl's perfume, and Zorha's head was spinning.

Suddenly, she made an unexpected turn.