
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Again and again?

Zorha had always known that he was an arrogant young master in this cultivation game world.

It was a fact that he couldn't ignore, even if he wanted to.

The body that he occupied had grown up with all the privileges that came with being a member of a powerful family, and he had never had to work hard for anything in his life.

But even though Zorha was aware of his own arrogance, it didn't mean that he enjoyed being reminded of it.

Especially when Zorha couldn't control it since it's a part of a game.

So when he heard those words, "Young master, Fairy Han Chuli was looking at that man," something clicked.

He knew immediately that the two people, Xi HanHan and Shang Zi beside him, were his underlings.

They were the kind of people who would do anything to please him as their young master, even if it meant pointing out the flaws of others.

Zorha couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust at their behavior, however, understanding that they were like this because the game made them like this, his disgust disappeared.

He followed their gaze to the man they were pointing at, and his eyes landed on an individual who was so handsome that will normally take someone's breath away.

But the man was wearing dirty clothing, like that of a poor person, and Zorha couldn't help but feel confused.

Was he really the main character of this world?

It didn't make sense to him.

"Is he the protagonist of this world?"

Zorha asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The two underlings looked at him, surprise evident on their faces.

"What's a protagonist, young master?"

One of them asked.

Zorha shook his head, he just blurted it.

"Forget it."

He replied.

Zorha stared at the man again, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this man than met the eye.

And when the man looked at him, the piercing look in his eyes sent shivers down Zorha's spine.

It was as if the man could read his thoughts, and it made Zorha feel vulnerable and exposed.

"He is the main character!"

Zorha concluded in his mind, his heart beating faster with each passing second.

He knew that he had to be careful around this man.

He couldn't let his guard down, no matter how handsome or powerful he seemed.

"I will be killed if I act arrogantly."

Zorha said, in his heart.

With a deep breath, he straightened his back and prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead of him.

If the system threatened him to die if he was killed by Lu Kong back then, it means he could die this time here too.

Zorha's attention shifted to a group of students waiting for something.

He ignored the two underlings and just simply walked straight with no clear emotion in his face.

Nei Lee, who was standing far away from Zorha, felt a sudden surprise.


He muttered, his eyes fixed on Zorha.

He couldn't help but wonder why Zorha had abruptly turned his gaze away.

"Did he feel my killing intent?"

Nei Lee asked himself.

He found it impossible for Zorha to sense his silent killing intent.

Before he had gone back in time, he knew that the students in this era were not that talented to sense and evade his silent killing intent.

Nei Lee observed Zorha, trying to figure out why he had turned his attention elsewhere.

"Maybe he's just not interested and he didn't sense it."

A voice resonated from his stomach.

Nei Lee nodded, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

"I knew that my killing intent was impossible to ignore as long as I directed it towards my target."

He mumbled, wondering if Zorha had sensed the killing intent but was simply pretending to be oblivious.

"I need to observe this person more!"

Nei Lee thought with fierce determination.

Meanwhile, As an Asura warrior from the Asura realm who also fought countless battles, Zorha trained himself to always be a reserved person to keep his composure.

So he always kept his emotions bottled up inside, never letting anyone see what he was really feeling.

But now, as Zorha stood alone in the midst of the bustling crowd of students, he knew that something inside him had changed in that split second, but he ignored it.

As he walked slowly, lost in thought, he suddenly heard a loud mechanical sound above him.

Startled, he looked up and saw the familiar system screen hovering in the air.

Zorha felt a foreboding feeling about the system, as if it was watching him, waiting for him to make a move.

At first, Zorha was happy to see the system screen anytime, thinking it was a sign of good fortune.

But when he found himself face to face with the dangerous Lu Kong, his happiness turned into fear.

He was so scared that he just luckily made it alive that time.

Then, out of nowhere, he heard a loud

[ Ding! ]

And he saw a message appear on the system screen:

[ Welcome to Immortal Thousand Sword Academy! ]

Zorha's heart was pounding in his chest as he read the message on the system screen.

For a moment, he was so overwhelmed with emotion that he had to put his hand to his chest to heave a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's just a welcoming notification."

He said, trying to sound casual as he turned to face his two companions.

Shang Zi and Xi Hanhan were both beaming at him, their faces alight with excitement.

He couldn't risk anyone finding out what he was up to, so quickly hid his emotion.

"Young master!" "Young master!"

They called again, interrupting his thoughts.

Zorha turned around slowly, trying to keep his expression neutral.

He had no idea who Fairy Han Chuli was, but he couldn't let on that he was ignorant.

Zorha looked at them, his expression uninterested.

"I don't care about Han Chuli."

He said without batting an eye.

Shang Zi and Xi Hanhan were shocked when they heard him say that.

They had never seen their young master show such indifference towards his betrothed.

"Young master, you don't care about your fiance?"

Xi Hanhan asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"I thought you wanted to own her? You're just going to let her be interested in someone else, young master?"

Zorha let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment.

He knew his companions had a point.

In their world, it was expected for a young master to be possessive of his fiance, to make sure she didn't look at anyone else. But Zorha was different.

"I know it's not what's expected of me,"

Zorha finally spoke up, his voice low.

"But I can't force myself to care about someone who doesn't have feelings for me. It's not fair to her or to me."

Shang Zi and Xi Hanhan looked at each other, seemingly lost for words.

They had never heard their young master speak so openly about his emotions before.

Zorha noticed their confusion and continued.

"I know this might sound strange, but I don't believe in the traditional ways of our world. I don't want to be someone who thinks they can own someone just because they're betrothed. I want to be different."

After saying that, he eyed them both in a split second to see their reactions.

'Plus, if she is really that fairy, like this in cultivation novels. I'm sure that the main character over there would jump on me, I don't want to die, why would I court death?'

He mumbled, but only he could hear.

His companions stayed quiet for a while, before Xi Hanhan finally spoke up.

"Young master, we understand. We just worry about the consequences of your actions. You know how important this betrothal is for the clan."

Zorha nodded, acknowledging his companions' concerns.

"I know. But I can't live my life based on what's expected of me. I have to follow my heart, even if it means going against tradition of my family, I am the young master, no one can go against this young master's wish."

With that, Zorha went back to his usual closed eyes, meditating as soon as he found his spot in line like other students, leaving his companions to ponder over his words.

On the other hand, Shang Zi and Xi Hanhan knew their young master was different, but they never expected him to be so rebellious and somehow, they felt something changed about him.

They felt like Zorha was not the young master they knew.

Suddenly, Zorha's eye widened.


He told himself.

"Court death?"