
Next steps

Stirring from a restful nap to the sound of distant thunder above, Ophelia was no where to be seen as I tried to sit up I noticed a pleasant sensation coursing through my body, lifting up the banket I saw as Ophelia hungrily sucked my member. Her eyes met mine as she took my member in deep all the way to the base her eyes locked to mine as her head bobbed up and down. I could feel my orgasm near, my hand ran through her ashen hair, as I grunted, "I'm cumming." Ophelia showed no signs of stopping. She actually sped up as one of her hands squeezed my balls slightly as if she wanted me to cum sooner. Soon after my words escaped my mouth my hot cum flooded her mouth I could feel her try her hardest to swallow all of it.

A few moments after I came, Ophelia climbed up my body I could feel a wetness dripping on my semi hard cock as she started to grind her pussy on me. Ophelia whispered in my ear pleading, "I can't wait... please take me.. take me like you did when we first met..." I then kissed and bit her neck slightly as she moaned, "Mm such a greedy girl.. I'll give you what you want.."

I sat up as Ophelia placed her arms around my neck I laid her down so that she was in the missionary position, I laid my cock on her stomach, "Tell me your desires Ophelia."

"Ah~~ please fuck me! Give me all of you! I can't wait I need it now!" She didn't hold back.

I nodded as I pressed my cock into her pussy and started thrusting deep into her canal over and over harder and harder I grunted each time I thrusted in.

Ophelia wasn't quiet she moaned loudly, her moans escaping the room that was only divided by a flap thus others were unable to focus some were even curious.

"Ah!!~~ YES~~ MOREEE~"

I could feel my orgasm building however I suddenly noticed a presence at the flap to the room, still thrusting into Ophelia I turned to see the redheaded girl Lyra staring wide eyed with her hand digging into her crotch, once our eyes met she removed her hand and spoke, "Um.. so sorry to.. intrude..

Lady Hestia and Lord Kasarian are here.. they are in the study with Mistress Zara.."

I nodded as I did I buried my cock deep inside Ophelia and spilled my hot semen into her filling her to the brim I withdrew my cock with a pop sound, Ophelia still in heat scrambled around and latched her mouth around my cock sucking it clean as my semen leaked out of her vagina.

Lyra was completely stunned to see this, so stunned in fact her legs gave out and she fell on her ass, as a darkening wet spot grew on her crotch, noticing this I asked Lyra, "Do you want a taste?" However Lyra was unable to speak.

Ophelia removed her mouth from my cock to look towards Lyra, "Answer her my student."

Lyra licked her lips as she nodded meekly, I flicked my wrist surrounding Lyra with my Qi as I pulled her towards the bed, Ophelia moved to get behind Lyra moving her hands down her clothes caressing Lyra's body, "I've never.. done anything like this.."

"Its okay little mouse Ophelia and I are here for you open wide."

Lyra obeyed nervously as I pressed my hard member into her mouth soon Lyra with the aid of guiding words from Ophelia started to hungrily suck my cock, however as soon as she started I pulled back, Lyra looked slightly disappointed, "Not yet little mouse, remember you betrayed me I'll have to punish you later.. Ophelia are you feeling good enough to come with?"

"Mm I feel fine after the meal you gave me a bit ago." Rubbing her stomach.

"You can come with us little mouse." Looking at Lyra. She simply nodded.

Ophelia and i got dressed as Lyra lead us up a few flights of stairs, through some winding tunnels and finally after half an hour we ascended a latter and into a much wider Octagonal room where three figures sat drinking tea, one of them placed the tea cup down, "Finally it's good to see you again Mistress Lithia." Hestia said as she stood up bowing to me.

"No need for that.. it's great to see you again Hestia, beautiful as always."

Walking over I noticed Kasarian who bowed to me as well, the third figure was of course Zara.

As I approached Kasarian nearly doubled over, "Master! What happened to your magic I can't sense it!"

I chucked slightly, "Haha... I still have my magic and it's stronger than ever, I'm wearing a magic suppression bracelet.. and I've never taught you anything so to call me Master doesn't fit."

Kasarian shrugged, "I see.. while that may be true I was able to witness your destruction of Ivyersine first hand I even gained an enlightenment through that opportunity as well as the study of Zara's chrysalis months ago.. but if I may.. I do have another question, why would you wear such a device?"

"While I don't particularly need to wear the bracelet I am practicing a new type of energy one with different applications than what magic utilizes.. since I was little I've always had a strong footing on my magic I know I can have people underestimate me if they cannot sense my magic. This other energy is part of the reason my appearance is different." Motioning to my antler like horns and my scaled forearms.

The other nodded and Kasarian sat back down. From the back of the room Lyra spouted, "You destroyed Ivyersine!?" Shocked.

In that moment Zara, Kas, Hestia and even Ophelia turned staring daggers at Lyra as a pressure descended causing Lyra to sweat and fall to one knee.

"Ahh it's nice to be loved to have friends who would have my back like this.." I thought to myself.

"Don't worry about the little mouse I have decided to keep her." After I spoke the pressure died down allowing Lyra to breath.

"Anyways.. fill me in on the fast few months." I said as I sat down next to Zara, Hestia tried to get on the otherside of me but Ophelia was quicker, Hestia scowled and Ophelia suck her tongue out.

"Please.. I know it's in good fun.. but I don't want my women fighting with each other, Kas you can join if you want."

Kas casually drank tea, "I am interested in men." He said plainly.

"Lithia and I have cocks I've seen you take some sneaky glances back when we traveled." Zara purred however Kas ignored her.

"I have an announcement after you all inform me of your progress after which I should get back to the academy." I said with my arms around Zara and Ophelia.

Hestia cleared her throat, "Kasarian and I have cemented ourselves in with the nobles and also we have created an Acane magic guild of sorts training mages, with some of the funds gained from your ring we have enough resources to effectively train a small army of mages, also for someone to join the guild they must swear on their mana core to never betray the guild and in turn us."

After Hestia stopped talking Kasarian spoke up, "We also have managed to create a magical and scientific research and development center within the Arcane Guild, in the past few weeks we have many alchemists and artificers who have signed a mana pact with us."

I was amazing by how much they have accomplished in little over a month.. however I did not show that on my face.

The next to speak up was Zara, "Ophelia and I have mirrored Hestia and Kas meaning we create and added on to an underbelly of the city a crime syndicate of sorts, I have been creating an information network however I have hit a few snags, Ophelia has dispatched a fee capable individuals to remove the blockage so to speak." I patted Zara as she purred.

Ophelia pulled my arm in between her breasts as she talked next, "Mistress I created a group of assassins and criminals to work under me.. however you killed a big chunk of them earlier today.. but I am not blaming you.. they were given the chance to survive but alas they were too stupid.. I'll do better next time." Ophelia looked as if she was about to cry.

I lifted her face and kissed her passionately, "All of you are doing an amazing job i am so happy of all the progress that has been done.. and honestly you all did way better than I had originally thought."

Suddenly I look around curiously, "By the way where is Morena?"

"The little elf was taken by your mother she was adamant on caring for her, your mother has a manor in the city. We can go visit them if you want." Zara said.

"I have some things to deal with but I will return when all my business is taken care of, it shouldn't take too long." I said.

A few moments later Hestia asked, "Lithia you said you had an announcement?"

"Mmm yes.. Ophelia is pregnant with my child.. I will be marring her first you Hestia and Zara have to decide between the too of you who wants to be married next.. Oh.. also I will be marrying Elsi as well so, just whatever you do promise you will not seriously hurt each other."

Both Hestia and Zara went wide eyed they had jealousy burning in their eyes though instead of complaining the sat silently and nodded.

Kissing my women goodbye I left from of the Arcane Guild in the center of the city and made my way through the market picking up some gifts for Ryoko, Elsi and Nephele before heading back to the academy.

I know that chapter ended a bit abruptly but I have been a bit under the weather lately and I also have work the next 3 days. I will try to get some chapters out soon.

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