
I am a monster

Leaving the blood splattered scene with pieces of flesh scattered around I casually open the door and leave the dark interior of Dan's Deals into the dark streets of Llyne. At this point the sun had already set, the empty streets would soon become busy again as the towns folk would seek reimbursement for the snake oil pills.

I Casually walked in the direction of Rose's home enjoying the cool night air, I found myself comfortable in the darkness.

After a few minutes I arrived at her house but before entering my heightened senses picked up a commotion within,

"You cheating bitch!" An unknown male voice rang from within as a crash followed.

The sound of pottery breaking, I activated my Spiritual sight, looking in i saw a muscular man with short brown hair, scars on his forearms, he wore leathers, a sheathed sword at his hip, some sort of badge on his upper right hand side of his chest that looked like a bird in between a pair of crossed swords.

The man looked like Rose's husband from the paintings she had in her bedroom, her husband after pushing rose to the ground it looked as if he was about to punch rose, activating my Qi I moved as if time had stopped, I entered their home and placed myself in between the two frozen people, after which I deactivated my Qi movement, his fist connected with my face before he could realize what happened, as a disgusting cracking sound permeated through the house the man Yelped in agony after all of the bones in his hand shattered.

My eyes grew dark, Shadow began to leak from me into a dark mist, shiver ran through both Rose and her husband as the tempature dropped.

Cocking my head to the side, "You shouldn't have hit her like that.."

Slowly I approach the man as he stumbles backwards, "W..ho.. Are you the one.. sleeping with my wife!? You monster!" As the man's pride beings to crumble with his healthy hand he reaches for his blade, I smirk allowing him to brandish his blade.

As he does it summon my nameless blade as the formless liquid metal braclet forms into its beautiful blackend metal blade with a it's cross guard formed to points, a silver jewel embedded within the hilt pointed at the next of the man, my cold lifeless eyes boring holes into him.

My blade cuts a thin line in his neck just enough to draw a tiny amount of blood, "Should increase take your arm? Or maybe both, perhaps I'll take your manhood instead.. it wouldn't be the first time I've done such an act.. and it won't be the last."

Before I could decide on his punishment Rose appeared in front of my blade blocking her husband from my attention.. the look into her eyes of complete fear and sadness shudderd my resolve and I unconsciously took a few steps back. To see a woman who had Hazel's face and eyes look to me in fear made my soul quake.. for the first time since my rebirth I felt.. Regret.

As this feeling of regret filled my mind I unsummoned my nameless blade returning it to its bracelet state I giggled.. I burst out in a fit of laughter... I laughed at myself. After my laugh died I opened my mouth to speak while doing so I also compressed my Qi and telepathic spoke to Rose.

"You are right to fear me.. I am a monster through and through....

"I'm sorry Rose.. when I saw you upon arriving here i saw a dearly departed friend of mine in your face, eyes and personality.. I had originally planned to manipulate you into becoming mine however my soul reminded me of that lost person so I was unable to hurt you, seeing that fear on your face now.. not towards your husband who hit you.. but to me was something I never wanted to do.. not ever.. Hazel.. I respected her.. i loved her.. I.. hurt her.. I hurt you.. in the coming days you will hear of a murder in town.. I caused it.. I killed Him savagely with no remorse, no guilt, no regret. I tore him to peices, tortured him I loved that feeling I long for death and destruction. Tell people it was me if you want I won't feel betrayed, in the coming weeks and months there will be rumors about me.. they all will either be true or have some truth to them.. I am truly sorry i caused your family strife and caused you fear, if I could take away memories I would but alas I have yet to find that type of magic..I've outstayed my welcome.. live your life to the fullest Hazel.. forget about me.. for your own safety. Goodbye my old friend."

After my telepathic message finished my spoken words finished up as well, "...I will take my leave after all a small town like this won't be able to sate me any longer.."

I let my monstrous nature show as my Manifestation of Dread activated and a partial dragon demon formed causing Rose's husband to shriek falling on his ass while Rose looked at me as if she was processing my words, she was about to speak when I gave her a small smile with a single tear in my eyes as I merged with the shadows leaving her home and in turn leaving Llyne towards the capital of the Eldoria Kingdom.

thanks to everyone who has picked this novel up, I couldn't have the motivation to continue without you all, so thanks for an awesome first Volume, I might go in and edit some chapters at a later date, fleshing out Lithia's childhood a bit more.

FrostyBotcreators' thoughts