

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment. "I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear. She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged. "At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him. "So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

Bess_Charming · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs


Robina was really anxious to see the kind of event his sister was inviting her to that required her to be in her favorite color. What were the odds that someone had the same favorite color with hers? It was about a hundred times more possible than she ever imagined. Either way she loved leaving her optimistic lamp on so she looked at it as her getting a front row sit in her own event since the color was similar. To her Saturday couldn't get there soon enough. It was Friday night and for the first time in the history of adulthood she decided to spend it indoors instead of going out with her man as she usually did. She had called him during the day and told him she would sit that day's activities to which he happily obliged not that Robina thought it was a big deal. Maybe he wanted to relax as well and that was fine. She took a can of beer from her mini fridge and popped it open taking a huge swig of it. Inasmuch as she wanted to spend the night in her apartment on her her own it didn't mean she couldn't get herself drunk and pass out on her couch. As a matter of fact she decided to do exactly that. She wanted to get so drunk that she didn't even recall her own name.

She put on some Afropop beats and decided to entertain herself and within no time she was letting loose in her own living room as though it was a dance floor for her to showcase her amazing talent. With or without alcohol in her system, Robina was an amazing dancer enviable by many. She knew how to move her hips and make her waist volatile and when she danced she could make a career out of it. She had once considered it but her father had almost skinned her alive when she had mildly suggested going to college to study dance. She had had to pass it out like a funny joke and forcefully laughed it out. Now she was happy she listened to her father because she had more money than she knew what to do with. She continued letting the music carry her away and mixed with the beer that was now resting in her system she was doing marvelous. She grabbed another can of beer and continued dancing around. She noticed that her heeled sandals were not doing her justice so she threw them off before continuing to entertain herself. She asked Siri to increase the volume and the system did just that.

Just as she was getting used to the music it all stopped and her home system loudly declared that she was receiving a call from her sister. Knowing fully well it was about the event tomorrow she picked it and answered in her tipsy state.

"SIIIIS?" she called out loudly.

"Are you drinking? Never mind. Don't answer that. I got your ring I'll give it to you tomorrow." She said and clicked the phone off as soon as she was done.

It was not that weird. It wasn't like they ever had conversations longer than that on the phone. Unless Decota wanted her to spill details of her dates or nights with Asher. Asher, her precious boyfriend who she selfishly wanted to have for the rest of her life. She smiled at the thought as the music picked up again. She sat back on her couch sighing in satisfaction. If Asher didn't intend of having life with her at that moment maybe it was because he didn't know her well. She wanted to make it possible for him to love just the best of her and that was what she was going to show him. She would stop partying too much. Maybe he didn't like women who partied as she did. Maybe she would learn how to make a few recipes. Based on the fact that he was into the food industry her best guess was that the man loved fine dining and she would teach herself just how to make the best meals. As her mother had wisely stated the way to a man's heart was through his stomach she decided she would use that knowledge to her own advantage and win her man for herself. She decided she would also start to dress decently. She had been brought up as a church girl so she knew exactly what was meant with decent dressing. If need be she would change her whole wardrobe to fit the description of a wife and maybe the man in question would notice her. A wise person had once said that if someone wanted to be a wife they needed to carry themselves as a wife therefore she intended to follow the instructions to the letter.

She smiled as she went through her plan one more time trying to bury any faults that was in it. She smiled as she gave herself a timeline to undertake the hard task that was ahead of her but tonight she would live her life one more time to the fullest them maybe the next day she would start her work to get the man of her dreams. She walked to her mini fridge and this time she took out the whole pack and walked back to the couch with it. For the night she would drink her fridge dry so she wouldn't have any more drinks left to tempt her into that bad habit again. She smiled at the thought as she opened another drink and drank half in one go. She cranked the volume even higher and she let herself relax to the music and the alcohol. The past few months had been amazing for her and her man but now it was time to let go of it. She was going to shed that skin that night as a serpent did and tomorrow she would get a new glow to herself.

She had lost count of how many drinks she had had but she didn't feel like stopping anytime soon. She had finished the pack of beers and now was on to a bottle of wine. Somehow she didn't feel so drunk because in between water and bathroom breaks and dancing the night away the steam from the alcohol was getting lost. She wasn't concerned about that as much. She was instead too consumed by the thoughts that a better future awaited her as long as her plan went as expected. Her phone rang but this time she was too out of it to notice, Or maybe she didn't have the energy to even tell her home system to pick the call for her. Either way she took a swig directly from the bottle waiting for the ringing to stop so the music can go on playing. After a few moments the ringing stopped and her music started playing causing her to laugh loudly. Who said one couldn't have fun on their own? She was having the time of her life. She got up to go get some water and the room spun causing her to land on her carpeted floor with a soft thud and she laughed stupidly at herself.

She didn't notice someone come in house because she had been busy being self absorbed and analyzing her fall and checking out whatever distance was between her and the kitchen to even care. She felt a cup being placed on her lips and she took a sip wondering how she had been able to get the drink from the kitchen. Maybe she had telekinetic powers that only came out when she was conflicted and couldn't do things for herself. She laughed at the idea. It looked so possible at that time. The only thing it couldn't explain was why she wasn't feeling her hands. Or maybe she had been able to lift the cup to her mouth using her newly acquired powers. That sounded stupid even to her drunk brain. She took another sip of the water not dwelling on the stupid theories that were forming in her head.

"I'm really drunk." she said to herself laughing at the thought.

"Yes you are." A voice answered right beside her.

She looked up to see her boyfriend sitting next to her holding a glass of water and she laughed. She had started hallucinating with the one person she couldn't be with at the state she was in. The man who she kept wishing she had a chance to spend her life with. She had resolved that he wouldn't see her in the state she was in so he would accept to marry her and now her thoughts had brought him back to life right next to her so she decided to express herself to him.

"You know I always wanted to spend my life with you? Anyway, you wouldn't know coz you are a figment of my drunk imagination."

"Maybe I'm not. You never know." He answered as her brain just shut down.