

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment. "I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear. She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged. "At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him. "So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

Bess_Charming · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Decota was so exhausted after everything she had done for her sister's party. She needed to unwind and she had just the perfect idea on how to do that. Uriah had offered to take her out to party for the night so without wasting time she made her way home to dress for the night. After a shower she put on a black set of lingerie before deciding she would not need it. She opted for a black strapless dress that stopped just below her behind. She then put on red heels that added at least a few inches to her height. She decided to go for a bold look with red lipstick that matched her shoes. She took a black pulse and left her bedroom after making sure she was decent enough. She made her way to her mini bar and poured herself a drink of white wine. She needed to be a bit buzzed so she could enjoy her time in the club. Also she needed something to keep her busy as she waited for her boyfriend to come pick her up. She was sure that he would obviously be later than the time she had suggested to pick her up. It was so typical of him to a point where she was used to it. She understood him though. She was a busy woman as well and that always came with some type of consequence to her personal life.

She sat on her couch as she sipped on her wine with her remote in hand. She made to switch channels trying to find something fitting to watch while waiting. She wasn't a fan of TV and she didn't know what was hot and what wasn't. She often wondered why she bought herself the huge screen in the first place but when she came across a channel airing how to make a murderer she immediately remembered why. Within a few minutes however she was already bored with that and she began wondering again why she had gotten the damned expensive thing. She then tuned in to her favorite podcast, my favorite murder, and she leaned in to the couch allowing the voices of Karen and Georgia to help her relax and laugh at the comic statements they were making. She didn't hear the hooting outside her house as she was too focused on the show and only discovered there was someone when the doorbell rang. She quickly switched it off and downed the remainder of her drink before making her way to the door. As she walked the noticed the slight imbalance and immediately knew she was slightly tipsy. She laughed to herself as she began seeing various ways in which she was going to enjoy the night.

"Hey," She greeted breathlessly as soon as she opened the door. She did not know whether it was from the little bout of laughter she had had or from the fine specimen of a man that was standing right at her door.

Uriah stood on the other side of the door dressed in a brown turtleneck shirt and a black suit jacket resting on his hand as if he had just taken it off. With the way his hands were folded his muscles seemed as though they had been put on full display for her to just admire. She let her eyes rake his body even moving lower to be met by his long legs clad in black jeans that matched perfectly with his brown boots. She slowly wet her lips with her tongue as she took him in. He looked like a scrumptious meal just waiting to be devoured by her. She let her eyes roam back to his face making a pit stop for a while on his pudenda as if trying to assess if there was any reaction coming from him before moving up to meet his amused eyes that were waiting for her to look up at him. He asked her if she was ready to leave and she nodded being wise enough not to say anything that would compromise her status of a woman who wouldn't define herself as one to go after men. She justified that this was her man and she had every right to be with him. At this point she knew she could almost beg to be with him and she really wanted to avoid that. The only way she could do that was walking out of that door in that moment

Based on the pent up emotions she had harbored from working with Asher for a whole week and the fact that she was a sexual being she knew that after the party she'd have to have some. The safe bit was that she was going out with her own man. It made it just easier and less messier. Not to claim that she was a faithful girlfriend but the fact that she could drunkenly make love to the man that everyone knew was hers for a change was refreshing. She prided herself with having being with many different men that she didn't want to start calculating just how many people she had been with. In as much as she slept around she also carefully vetted the men she ever ended up with except maybe once or twice when she was too drunk to reason. She took his outstretched hand as he led her to his car opening the door for her and shutting it after she had settled. She patiently waited as he went around to his side before getting in driving off.

The party was great. Apparently they had not ended up in a club. One of Uriah's clients was having a party to celebrate his new album and Uriah had thought it wise to bring his girlfriend to the party. Decota was just grateful she had enough confidence to make up for how she was dressed. The fact that most of the women there were barely dressed at all made it so she fit in without any trouble. That was until she noticed at least half of the men she had had a great time with were present in that place with no apologies to make. She crossed her mental fingers hoping that none of them would even think of approaching them and it seemed to be working great. Aside from the small winks she received when her date was not watching no one dared to come close and she was satisfied with that, that was until the man she had been with a few weeks ago approached them with a bright smile and gave a hug to Uriah then hugged her in turn whispering hello love in her ear. She then crossed her physical fingers hiding then under her bag hoping luck was working on her case that night.

This was not good at all. She could see the outcome of the whole matter already and she had started feeling defensive in ways she had not anticipated. She almost couldn't even hear the loud music over the ringing in her ears that was serving as a warning. He was going to find out. Uriah was going to find out about everything she had been keeping from him and no thanks to the stupid man who looked ready to spill his guts. She tried begging him with her eyes not to do it but the cheeky smile that he wore on his face spoke otherwise. She clutched onto her bag and kept her fingers crossed as Uriah introduced her to the man, not that any introduction was needed between them. She took it as a good sign when the man took her hand in his and shook it as though they were perfect strangers that had met for the first time. She uncrossed her fingers and gave him a little smile of appreciation. She took to mind a note to never be with anyone who was known, since as she had witnessed most of them were in the same room as her.

"It's nice to see you outside of our natural setting Uriah" He said looking directly at her. She understood exactly what he meant.

"Baby will you be okay for a moment on your own? I'mma grab some drinks for us while I talk with this kind man." She couldn't immediately respond in words so she nodded before she sank back into the crowd trying to get to a whole she could lean against. The fact that they were going to talk all meant that it could either go so badly or so well. She felt a hand slide to her behind and squeeze it gently and she turned wanting to give the person who dared touch her a piece of her mind but his eyes pinned her down.

"Seems you have been a very bad girl sweetheart." His voice was an octave lower and sounded husky enough to send a small shiver down to her knees.

"Asher." She whispered almost concupiscent.