
From past to past tense

ThyLeniency · Histoire
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4 Chs



"Wow, calm down there. It's all right." I heard a nurse say as I woke up abruptly, really surprised she wasn't as surprised as I was.

Surprised I was awake at a hospital, surprised I was alive. Surprised I was awake, surprised the pain was gone.

"Wha... what happened?" I asked the nurse.

"Don't you remember? You were hit by an comet."

Aww now I recall, this little piece of rock grew by the second until it struck me the night of my worst day. Oh how well. To top it off someone with their great mind took a small piece of that meteorite and kept it near my hospital bedside. Like Wtf.

But it matters not. It was all just a Dream, there's no way I can was a sheep and was normally talking to Adam. There was a part of me that wanted to see Eve.

Magically I was unharmed and I was to be let out in a couple hours. I took this time to walk around the hospital. Or so I said to my self. Instead I lied there reminiscing about what had happened. Did I dream, was it a dream? It felt way to real for it to be a dream.

Eventually I concluded that it was all but a dream, or so I would have if I never met her. It was twice. 2 was the number of times I met her. Frost was a day after I woke up, I saw this girl floating from one wall of my hospital room to another. It was quick and fast. I thought it was just an allusion.

That was until I started leaving the hospital and a room was open. There I saw the same girl floating above this guy, silently staring. For a bit too long I assume.

"Please excuse us, we need to enter this room"

I heard this women say as I moved away at the sound of her voice. As she entered the room, this little girl with a beautifully looking poncho looked at me for a millisecond. The moment I tried to matched her gaze she looked down. A bit nerves I assume.

As I took a bus ride home, I still kept thinking about my 'time travel'. What the fuck actually happened. I know that god ordered Adam and Eve not to eat from the fruit from the middle of the garden along with every creature. But just because I ate from it, god watched me suffer until I passed out? Did Adam and Eve also had the same experience? According to the Bible, Adam and Eve just ate the fruit. No other information was given. Did the other talking animals still exist? How was the snake. There was this talking snake that I could only assume was the snake mentioned in Genesis. When did god create Ev...

My house! There a big hole in it!! I mean I would expect this, but I haven't even thought about my house. Where am I supposed to live now? Now that I look at it I could potentially still live in it. As long as the city lets me. I mean the hole isn't that big, right?

In the end I decided to clear my mind by taking a stroll. Thinking what am I to do now. Walking, keep on walking, just walking as the sun set. With my mind as blank as a sheet of paper I kept walking. For a second there I thought god have come to greet me, as I saw a light as bright as the sun.
