
From Gangster to Lawyer

Nero is a man who discovered his talent, a "strong intuition," when he was fourteen years old. He lived the first fourteen years of his life in doubt, fear, and a little bit of resentment towards his mother. Everything changed one day when he beat up school bullies who insulted his mother. That same day, after the incident, he experienced the most regretful day of his life and at the same time, understood for the first time a word called responsibility. Thanks to his strong intuition, he gathered a group of like-minded people and founded the AstroMafia, which eventually dominated a big city of 8 million people and earned the country the title of the most dangerous in the Europa Continent. Despite his significant accomplishment, Nero unfortunately couldn't continue his life due to a strange heart disease that he inherited from his mother. Want to know the rest of the story? Add the book to your collection and bon appétit. (P.S: As you can see from my other books, I am just a newcomer with some ideas and I'm trying to share them. I would really appreciate if you could give some suggestions, especially regarding the plot. We can discuss it in the review or commentary area. Thanks)

Azzidine7thepisces · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: AstroGang

In the most dangerous area of the Aqua country, Thera city, we can see a big manor guarded by many armed people who seem like bodyguards but are a little bit more casual and do not have the professional expression of trained bodyguards.

Inside the manor, in a big room to be precise, we can see a man who is bedridden.

By his facial expressions, we can see he is a little bit indifferent even though his face is pale and he looks like someone who is about to die.

Apart from him, there are twelve other people who are in the room.

All that can be seen in their eyes is respect for the man and some sadness escaping from time to time, even though they are trying hard to hide it.

Seeing them like this, the man couldn't help but chuckle to ease the atmosphere before saying: "It's really strange, a gang is normally a place where people are always trying to climb above and are doing their best to kill the leader to inherit the position." After pausing and scanning the face of any of them, he sighed and continued: "And here you are, doing your best for me to continue to live. It's really touching."

Hearing this, Victoria, one of the four women among the twelve other people in the room, who was trying her best to not let tears escape from her eyes, finally couldn't help it and started crying.

As if she gave them the right, all the rest of the other twelve started crying, even Maximus, known for his arrogance and pride but also as the public face and spokesperson for the AstroGang, couldn't help but let tears fall from his eyes.

If anyone from the outside were to enter here and see the twelve among the thirteen people known as the heads of the AstroGang crying, he would be so shocked to the point of fainting, since any of them can make the whole Thera city, which has 8 million people, tremble by sneezing.

The AstroGang is just a gang with about now twenty years of history since its existence. It may seem long, but compared to the gang of the same grade who can rule a whole city but have more than a century of history, it seems nothing. The AstroMafia gang is also known as the source that made the whole Aqua country the most dangerous in the continent.

The bedridden man, looking at them, says seriously this time: "Look at me."

Feeling that familiar and confident voice from him, they instinctively raised their heads.

Nero said: "As all of you know, I probably don't have much time left. My intuition is also telling me the same." He then looked at Noah, one of the two twins in charge of the information and communication division, and said to him: "Give them the copy of the information I made you collect."

Even though still a little depressed, but Noah was also one of the two persons in charge of collecting information. He is someone who has seen the world. He gave them a copy since it was already prepared.

After everyone received it, Nero continued: "These files have exactly the information of five people. They are the ones that I recommend as my successor after my death. I want you to choose one among them after you have an agreement between you, then that person shall be The New Mystic."

In fact, all of them have always been prepared for the death of Nero because since the moment he formed the gang, he always had a heart problem. It's a miracle that he survived until now.

He founded the AstroMafia by himself. He was a weak person physically, but everyone among them respected him very much. His most powerful weapon is his absolute intuition. He may not have an intuition when something is about to happen, but once he has an intuition about something, then it will really happen 90% of the time.

He wasn't a boss or leader to them but much more like that kind but ferocious big brother whom they could always trust and find confidence and faith in him, even though many of them are older and or stronger than him.

As a gang that dominated a whole city in only twenty years after its creation, none of them feared death since the moment they started. Every one of them was ready to die, making them do some crazy action earning them the title of madmen and crazy gang.

They aren't crying because of him dying but because they consider it as hard to live the rest of their lives without someone that they have been together for twenty-five years exactly, even before the birth of the gang.

Now that they regained their spirit, Nero made a fist, and we can see a tattoo representing the Pisces Zodiac sign on his right hand.

The other twelve also smiled, and a picture of the first day the gang was formed appeared in their head, where they also did this. They didn't have any tattoo at that time, but looking at it now, everyone of them has a tattoo representing a constellation with Noah and Dylan who have the same Gemini sign.

After that, Nero added: "I am very happy that none of you abandoned our ideals. I hope that you can continue to make the world better and make any criminal violating our rule shiver by hearing our name." They also smiled in guise of his compliment. He added: "Ok, I am a little tired, we can continue the discussion tomorrow." Hearing him saying this, they didn't find it strange and left him some space.

"It seems that my situation is the same as you, mom. I hope you can be proud of me when we reunite in hell." What Nero didn't tell them was that he was feeling that he will die today.

English is my 4th language, so take it easy and give me some power stone if you judge that I merit them.

(Ps: bonne journée)

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