
From Gangster to Lawyer

Nero is a man who discovered his talent, a "strong intuition," when he was fourteen years old. He lived the first fourteen years of his life in doubt, fear, and a little bit of resentment towards his mother. Everything changed one day when he beat up school bullies who insulted his mother. That same day, after the incident, he experienced the most regretful day of his life and at the same time, understood for the first time a word called responsibility. Thanks to his strong intuition, he gathered a group of like-minded people and founded the AstroMafia, which eventually dominated a big city of 8 million people and earned the country the title of the most dangerous in the Europa Continent. Despite his significant accomplishment, Nero unfortunately couldn't continue his life due to a strange heart disease that he inherited from his mother. Want to know the rest of the story? Add the book to your collection and bon appétit. (P.S: As you can see from my other books, I am just a newcomer with some ideas and I'm trying to share them. I would really appreciate if you could give some suggestions, especially regarding the plot. We can discuss it in the review or commentary area. Thanks)

Azzidine7thepisces · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2:


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