
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Films
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115 Chs

The timeline is fucked

-Peter's POV-

After a beautiful night with Billie, I went home after dropping her at Susan's place. I called Ned and he lifted the call "Hey what's up" I deadpanned "Ned we met 2 hours ago" Ned laughed and said "Yeah but you wouldn't have called me for no reason right" I rolled my eyes as I said "Where did you get that idea? We talk about the most mundane shit in the world" Ned chuckled and said somberly "I am just nervous about the video"

I shouted at him "What the hell are you nervous about you did great" Ned was still nervous as he questioned, "What about the 35 drones which got lost?" I groaned and said "Ned you handled 3000 of them I'd say losing 35 is justifiable" Ned sounded sure of himself as he said "Yeah I did do that... So when is it going to be uploaded" I looked at my watch and said "Around 12:30 PM" Ned sounded confused as he asked me "What about editing?" I thought about it and said "I already edited my part of the video and your part wouldn't take more than an hour to edit"

Ned yawned as he said "I hope I look good in the video" I grinned as I assured him "I'll make sure of it" and Ned asked me the dreaded question for every editor "OH BY THE WAY JUST REMOVE THE PIMPLES I HAVE WHEN YOU EDIT" my temper was beginning to flare but I kept it in check as I explained, "Ned, we don't have neither the budget nor the time of Avatar, so go home with your pimples"

Ned started whining as he said "Oh come on dude I look hideous with them in the video" I yelled at him "I told you to put your face in an ice cube filled water bowl every morning and you'll lose your acne but you didn't listen" Ned started yelling back at me "Well maybe you forgot but I still remember the kid who lost an eye because he followed your advice, his dad almost filed a case against you" I yelled back "What part of one tray of ice cubed did that dumbass not understand? Who told him to put two whole trays and dunk his head in there?"

Ned started screaming as he said "TAKE RESPONSIBILITY MOTHERFUCKET"

I yelled back "I won't and I'm gonna come over there and KICK YOUR ASS"

Ned yelled back "No I'll KICK YOUR ASS"

I yelled back "NO I'LL KICK YOUR ASS"

I cut the call as soon as I saw the Black cars moving and following someone, I took off into an alley and changed into my trusty spider suit before swinging behind the black cars, I could see them following a blonde man who was somehow out running them.

I followed for a while and started hiding my trail after I noticed the symbol on one of the cars, I followed for a while before the blonde man escaped the car's sights, and they started roaming around like headless chickens.

I landed behind the man hiding on a fire exit only to jump onto the wall as the man immediately started throwing punches way faster than any normal human could.

I dodged for a while before it got too hard to dodge in the narrow space and I yelled "Man stop it, I don't even know why we are fighting" That seemed to stop him for a second as he asked "You with them kid?" and gestured towards the cars, I shake my head no as I say "I'm just a neighborhood vigilante, what about you?" he comes forward into the light revealing his face to me and says "I am Steve rogers and I don't know what's happening?"

Oooooh... Myyyyyyyyyy... Gooooodddd

I am meeting thhheee motherfucking Captain America in the flesh, can I ask him for a sign no that would be suspicious but it would be too worth it, oh wait question first geek later.

"Are you sure you are him and aren't a clone with his memories?" he looked at me suspiciously as he asked, "You believe me?" I nodded as I said "I don't know anyone else who can hit that fast" he sighs as he asks "Where are we?" I spread my arms as I said "Welcome to Queens" He nodded still confused as he asked, "Why is everything so different then? And those cars, I don't know them from anywhere".

I thought of his very valid questions and decided on easing him into the concept of time travel "What was the last thing you remember?" He concentrated on it for a while before he said "airplane, crash, freezing..." his eyes formed a frown as he said the last thing "....and a dance" I hissed at that and said "Well bad news or good news first"

He sighed as he said "Good news" I nodded as I said "Hydra and Hitler are no more and the war ended" His entire demeanor gained a relaxed position as he asked, "What's the bad news cause after that I can take whatever it is?".

I thought of the ' good ' news and decided not to interfere with the Hydra plot but telling him the bad news is heartbreaking "Well the bad news is that you are in the year 2008" he looked surprised at that and fell down while leaning against the stairs.

I just observed the almost 80-year-old man go through a panic attack before he got back into the current affairs and asked "Is that normal in today's world?" as he pointed to me sticking to the wall.

"Oh hell no I'm just special like that" I said as I sat beside him "So, who were those people that were chasing me" I nod as I say "Probably government agents as they would be the only ones who are still digging for you" he frowns as he asks me "Digging?" I nod and pull out my burner phone and show him a YouTube video of Internet Historian titled "The great search for a War heroes remains" which he doesn't take well "So basically this organization called 4Chan was searching for my dead body to give me a bowlcut?" I shake my hand in a maybe gesture and say "Yeah that's the gist of it" he still looked furious as he asked "Because?" I shrugged and told him "Because they thought it was funny" he shook his head as he said "Desecrating people's graves is not funny" I tried to hold back my laughter as I said "It was a little funny"

He looked disappointed as he asked "And what does this have to do with the government digging for me" I gestured to the helicopter going around and said "The video is a little old but they stopped searching for you after 2 years because they found a photo of you in a bowl cut and decided it wasn't worth it anymore and the government picked up from there as half the work was already done for them anyway" he cringed at the prospect of a bunch of trolls doing more for finding him than the country he fought for.

He digested the hard news and finally said "I should approach them and surrender myself" I exclaimed at his remark "I wouldn't mind if you didn't but even if you did surrender, don't tell them about me would you" he nodded and said "Thanks..?" I bowed forward with a flourish and said "Spiderman" He nodded and said "Thanks Spiderman" and jumped out of the fire escape into the shadows below and I wouldn't have noticed him if I didn't have my spider powers.

I swung back home edited the video and hit the sack at 3:00 in the morning. I woke up to V's Yell of "Wakey Wakey eggs and Bakey" and immediately broke into a cold sweat as I realized.

Cannon got fucked.