
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Films
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115 Chs

New enemies, Stories that are real

-George Stacy POV-

The world has gone to shit ever since I got those point files, these were supposed to be this city's saving grace but they are slowly turning out to be more of a pain in my ass. A long thorn that has too many roses to pick while all we have are a few baskets. When light comes and the sun settles all will be revealed and my actions will be questioned, scrutinized, and fought against.

I will defend the hill I am climbing with every arrest even if I have to put my entire career in line. I have all year my and Officer Jefferson's family at risk. I should not have ordered this mass arrest, no it is more akin to war now. He wouldn't have done this but when he beheld the files filled with all the dirt and filth of this city his hands itched to clean it up and George found himself in this predicament now.

He wanted to award the man that provided him the opportunity but he found himself at his wit's end to reward a teenager of all and how such important information reached him is another point of contention. The kid mentioned his friend being the one who gave him the point files. Jefferson suggests we learn the whole story before announcing anything and I agreed too but right now I regret that decision very very much.

The flashes of these reporters' cameras are annoying me to the bone but I must endure and answer stupid questions like "Is this a show of force?" Or "What proof did you have to arrest this many people?" Or "How many innocents were arrested during this?" I will admit that some of them were valid questions but they already knew the answers so why bother asking again, as if hearing it from my mouth would make a difference?

Out of the sea of stupid questions, one of them stands out "You have arrested everyone who had the authority to stop you from doing what you are doing, is this your way of taking over?" I looked at the young man from Daily Bugle, somehow J.Jonah Jameson always chooses the most irritating people to work for him, asking questions that are traps that kill you if you answer and kill you if you don't.

I consider his question for a while before I answer him "Do you know how much information I have on these people?" The man is about to answer but I ignore him as I continue "..I will tell you that I hold in my hands enough evidence to prosecute them as soon as we round everyone up. I am not arresting without due procedure. I am making a nice gift for the city of New York, the cleanest case ever for the judge to deal with"

After that, there were fewer questions about my intentions and I was happy to complete the press conference and head back to the Police station. I walk towards my office when Vlad tells me "Jefferson called for you from interrogation room no 7" I nod at him and walk towards the room where we put the kid. When he called his friend, he used some pretty crude language but I could understand considering the situation.

I enter the room and come face to face with the YouTube kid that pissed off Mr. Prested with his whole *Power of the sun, the palm of my hand* schlitck. I still remember the man's red face as he had to sputter in indignation as his hands were tied from taking action against the kid.

I take a closer look at the kid and he is calm if anything and seems to know Jefferson, I look on as he explains to the officer "...believe me, Officer Davis, I didn't have a choice" I ask out loud announcing my arrival "Why?" The kid looks at me in surprise before he quickly answers "They had my girlfriend, I was helpless" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as I told him "You could have come to us and we would have negotiated in your stead" the kid looks at me challengingly as he counters "They said they were watching me, so I sent Ned instead" I place the pen drive containing the point files on the table as I ask him "You could have given this to them instead, why risk it?".

The kid looked confused as he questioned me "But I did give it to them, the one you have is a copy" I asked him in surprise "Why did you have two copies of it?" He answered as if it was normal "I made Multiple copies as soon as I knew what it was, just in case" I nodded as Jefferson asked him the question of the day "Do you know who killed Wilson Fisk?" The kid looked surprised as he asked "Wait He died, when?".

Me and Jefferson looked at each other as he threw the Newspaper in front of the kid. The news read in Big red letters *Lost an angel while clearing the streets* It showed the picture of Wilson Fisk's giant body flat on the pavement. I look at the kid as he reads the whole article before I ask him "You were the last to leave the tower, do you know who killed him?" The kid shook his head as he answered "I don't know, after I gave them the Pen drive they told me to get my girlfriend from another floor and leave".

I sigh as I ask him "Do you perhaps know who might have killed him?" the kid seems to be thinking hard before he answers "The guy with a bullseye on his jacket was fighting with Mr.Fisk but he kept calling him Kingpin for some reason, other than that I don't know much" I take in a deep breathe as I look at Davis and find him doing the same. THE KINGPIN, the man behind a lot of shit that goes on in the Underworld, the ever-mysterious don was Wilson Fisk all along.

A man known for his efforts in making New York clean. I considered the revelation as I dismissed the kids to leave, they don't need to be involved with this. I sit in the chair or more like fall into it as Davis asks me "The kingpin dead, half the corruption gone, Most thugs off the street, we keep this up for a year and we'll be the safest city in the world" I nod as I say "Our names will be in books if we can keep this up, not in history ones but definitely in the police records and the hall of fame".

We both start laughing as our minds catch up with the statement. Well we got our work cut out for us.

-Ricky POV-

Being an intern of Coulson was great, you get to work with a veteran, the veteran is very good at teaching and he has a cool car. But right now Coulson is making my life very difficult as he says "You just have to go there and tell them what happened" I shrug as I ask him "What if they ask questions?" Coulson sighs as he says "You answer them" I ignore the smart-ass remark and tell him "Tough questions".

The man looks at the retreating car in the distance as he says "I know you can handle it. The field job is not for you, I'll admit.." it hurt hearing that as he continued "...but handling the day to days of being an agent is where you are really good at" that did not make me feel better one bit as I asked him bitterly "So, you are saying I am better off as a paper pusher, is that it?". Coulson shook his head with widened eyes "No, no, no I am trying to say that, you would be a great partner" I looked at him in genuine surprise as he just asked me to be his partner.

I nod at that, determined to do whatever job he assigns me because I will forever be grateful for the man who rubbed my back as I vomited after seeing a tortured corpse. Not a good bonding moment for others but two field agents can probably bond over the smell of a donkey's ass from the amount of contact they have with other people.

-1 Day Later-

I should not have been so grateful about Coulsons words, because as I stood before the senate. My legs trembled wondering if I could answer their questions but their first question itself ruined the entire after-action report I was going to repeat to waste their time. "From what we read from your After Action Report, we understand the situation itself but what we don't understand is where these point files even originated from?"

I stand there with my mouth hanging open as I curse my luck for being cruel once again, I close my mouth and mull over their question before I give them an answer albeit not a good one "The point files were stolen from the Jablin gangs of Hell's kitchen by reporter Antoniv Dolohan. He was tortured and killed for doing so" Alexander Pierce removes his glasses and wipes them as he questions me again "All mentioned in your report Mr.Hamper but we don't want to know how it reached the police's hands, we want to know why it was even made?"

My hands shake as I couldn't possibly tell them I didn't know but nobody actually knows why they were made anyway so I didn't care about what spewed out of my mouth as I let the floodgates open "The point files were made to destroy every gang in the city except one" a small bead of sweat rolls down from my forehead as they all listen intently to my bullshit.

Councilman Jakuna Singh even asked me to explain myself "Which gang?" My mind tried its best to build a story "We don't know the name because they don't exist yet" Councilwoman Pamela Hawley exclaimed "What?" I grin as I get confident in my story "Their first strike would have removed every competitor they will ever have and would have given the police enough power to stay unquestioned about their allegiance for a long long time".

They look at each other in alarm as I continue "Then they would bribe the police in power and be the only gang to rule New York. It was a carefully concocted plan if not for the point files escaping from their hands letting Officer George Stacy and Jefferson Davis deal with the corruption before going after the gangs" I stop to take a deep breathe as my story finished.

Councilman Chao Yen questioned me with a frown on his face "This Mysterious Gang needs to be dealt with if you want New York to be safe, what do you suggest we should do Mr. Ricky?" I once again sweat as they will find no mysterious gang waiting for them and will find out that I pulled the whole thing out of my ass.

I try to find someone who I can push the blame of to and remember the New York newspaper mentioning a dead businessman so I shift as I tell them "There is no need for that as the gangs main source of funding has already died" I make a show of satisfaction on my face as they chitter amongst themselves, I wait for them to stop before I continue "It was none other than Wilson Grant Fisk" their eyes widen and I ignore their stares as I tell myself *Any business man worth his weight would have some connections to some gang or the other and if we what I heard about Wilson Fisk is true, he was really heavy* If the senate decides to look too deep, they will definitely find some dirt.

I grin and pat myself as the senate murmurs amongst themselves before Councilman Douglas Rockwell speaks up "It is a happy day to learn of a gigantic city being cleaned of most of its filth Agent. We commend your efforts in finding the truth and we shall endeavour to make sure the city stays the safest megacity of all." They then dismiss me to discuss their next courses of action and I go back to my room with a jump in my step.

As the young Intern Agent went towards his room he didn't know that the story he so craftfully wove was the reality all along and the few people who knew that reality were terrified of the level of deduction that coulsons protege had.

Alexander Pierce in his home ordered his assistant Patricia "Increase the threat level of Coulson, his protege had been able to uncover a carefully crafted plan easily, they will uncover hydra if we give them any chance at suspicion" Patricia nodded and noted down the details in a coded language before whispering in his ear "Hail Hydra" Alexander Pierce whispered back "Hail Hydra".