
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Films
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115 Chs

A new path forward for General Ross.

-POV Tony Stark-

The military types were a pain in the ass but it's a pain I am familiar with from the number of them I had to deal with. The trick to their hearts lies in making them believe you are above their station and a new Superhero in the eyes of the public had been quite the authority figure to these hardened men.

They stopped firing quicker than I anticipated and I entered the building hurriedly once I heard a wall being smashed through, I expected it to be Spidey getting his ass beat but he looked to be much more capable of this whole superhero thing than I thought he was he was quick to tell me as soon as I landed "Always quip before you punch, throws them off and makes them too angry to think properly" I nod as he jumps down through the tall man-sized hole in the wall.

"Mr.--Mr.Stark" I turn to the quivering man and tell him "I liked your article on stem cells Dr. Stern's" before I go after Spidey through the hole and float towards the lamp post on which Spidey sits to look down at the 7-foot tall green, lean, mean machine, Hulk like a monster "Who is that?" I ask in confusion and Spidey tells me as if I was asking him about the weather "That is Emil Blonsky, a British SAS soldier loaned to General Ross to help catch the Hulk" I hmm and ha before I quip "The British have grown uglier since I last saw them" before I fired a laser at his ankle.

Spidey hums approvingly as he says "You are learning but say it to his face and then get up close and personal, if you don't get up close and personal..." Spidey pauses as if waiting for something before he continues "..these idiots throw things at you" I turn just in time to find the British Abomination throwing a car straight at my face, if it was the suit that fought Obadiah I would have dodged but ever since that fight I made a couple of tweaks which let me grab the offending car mid-air and drop it down.

Just in time for the green monster to jump straight into my face faster than I expected like in a horror movie but Spidey didn't abandon me after all as he swooped in and kicked the Abomination aside back to the ground making him roll and tumble before he stopped himself by digging his claws into the ground as Spidey lands in front of him.

I too land beside him hoping to know what his plan is "What could we do against a monster like that?" Spidey shrugged as he started to stretch like he was preparing for a day at the gym "I dealt with a big bruit like him before, just close his always if you can and I'll try the same" Spidey started running towards the monster and I too fly beside him while I ask Jarvis "Activate OB mode" the hub turns from blue to red and the 59 movement sensors I place on my suit activated.

Which is probably why I could still follow the movement of Blonsky who moved too fast for the naked eye but Spidey wasn't so lucky as he got hit in the ribs by the walking tank with enough strength to push him through 2 buildings. I dodged left just in time with my lat thrusters to escape his claws but he threw another and another of his devastating punches until the lat and side thrusters were overloading from the amount of times they had to dodge.

I had to end this quickly if I wanted to survive with more than 10% battery but at the rate it was currently going, Tony was hard-pressed to finish the fight within 13 minutes. Tony activated his left leg thrusters making it move fast so that his knee connected with the 7-foot-tall monster's ugly fucking chin.

The hit connected and Tony wanted to whoop in Joy but his joy was cut short when the abomination bit his ankles, out of all the things he did for his suit to withstand extreme conditions a monster bite hadn't been a part of it so it shouldn't have been a surprise when the monster chewed threw the Armor and a chunk of his thigh before Tony was pushed down and started to panic in the pain.

Tony would have left the place by activating his thrusters at full capacity now that his life was in danger but the horrified looks of a black mother and her children watching him from the window of their home, afraid of what might happen when the monster was through with him, it was a dreadful thing to watch, looking at hopeful eyes as you ponder leaving the place to be defended by someone better suited 'Spidey, Nick Fury, Bruce, any of the Avengers that were about to be recruited, heck General Ross even but not him, he wouldn't be able to, couldn't be able to do it'

But Tony was an arrogant man, no matter the situation he wouldn't go down with a fight so the answer to the monster's furious growl was 30 flares to its face, obstructing its vision for Stark to stand on a wobbly leg and releasing the cooling agent straight into its nose and mouth...forcefully might I add. I expected the thing to choke and die the moment its airways were tightened and its eyes burned but it seems gods played cruel tricks on me as I suddenly remembered something that hadn't been considered when this foolhardy plan was made and that was.

Tony looked at the behemoth looking at him with squinted, sweating eyes and open mouth showing its rotting gums and the layer of ice right at the beginning of his throat and nostrils. The man started moving and Tony started dodging the desperate claws of the wild animal about to die.

Blondky was an SAS soldier which included training for Underwater stress tests and flash-bang resistance.

'I'm fucked'

-General Ross POV-

Generally(bad pun) he wouldn't involve himself in the grunt work of the army, those days were behind him after he became a general but the curiosity about what happened forced me to land on the roof and enter the room Banner was last seen in.

My daughter was holding his head as he seemed to be suffering from a headache, I wanted to rip her away from him but I stayed my hand to ask the Scientist just one thing "What did you do?" Banner still in his drowsy state answered to the best of his ability but his answer made me angry all the same "I killed the Hulk".

I wanted to kick him in the shins, hurt him, and break his legs but with the Roar of a monster, I started to loathe but want in my hands. I look at Banner in surprise and ask him "What was that?" But he looked just as surprised, I ran to the hole in the wall and looked down to find Stark and that vigilante fighting a Monster similar to Hulk but not as big as him.

I turn to Banner once more "Where is Blonsky?" Banner looked away from me and I followed his gaze to find Dr. Samuel Sterns trying to make himself look smaller "Care to share where Blonsky is Dr.Sterns?" He seems to give me an awkward smile as he says "He asked me to" With dread pooling in my stomach I ask him "Asked you to what?" He gulps as he answers slowly "He wanted power and I gave it to him" The monsters roared again and I turned back to the fight and found a car flying straight towards Stark which would hit me if he dodged.

But Stark saved my life by putting his on the line and catching the car mid-air probably damaging his suit. Before I knew it the monster had jumped up with speed I didn't know it possessed which definitely would have killed Stark if not for the fact that the Vigilante swung by and kicked the monster to the right.

I realized something at that moment, the Hulk was great but uncontrollable in its strength but a soldier that can have the strength and agility of that vigilante would make the perfect soldier he needed. Not the Hulk, Not the Super Soldier, him.

I walked back to Betty as the explosions started going off, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her up "You will follow me into the helicopter so too will your boyfriend and Dr.Sterns, this building wouldn't last long in front of that monster"

As we fly away on the heli there was only one thought in my mind 'a bit more money on oscorp might provide the results I want'