
Freedom Path: The World of Deva

The world of Deva is a place where geniuses rise and fall every day and only those with extreme luck can survive. George is a naive poor boy who grew up not knowing the horrors of the world. After being thrust from one situation to another again and again, he learned that there is no escape to being used by others. With no backing and no one to look after him, George will strive further and further until he can be free of the influence of the world. In a perfect world this would be the story of him climbing over every single person to become the sole strongest, but life doesn't work that way. There will always be those who stand in his way, even those he's known since the beginning of his journey. Alex is a former noble abandoned by his family. From a young age he has always had a sadistic streak, but that apparent flaw of his ended up leading him to his destiny. Alex and George. These two will continue to clash and take away from each other until there only one thing remains. Their lives. George raised his red sword that had been his companion for years on years, and uttered one word. "Flash." Immediately, thunder struck and lightning fell from the sky, encasing him in a golden glow. Golden armor formed around his body, his sword turned to black lightning and his eyes went black. He gazed at Alex who stood far away, and breathed out a challenge. "Come. Today, we will end this." Alex didn't respond, but raised his twin black daggers that were so jagged that they looked like they would tear through anything. He too narrowed his eyes and spoke. "Monarch of the Night." This is the story of how it came to be, and how it will end. I would like it if any potential readers would read the first fifty chapters before deciding whether the book is good or not. The story gets better the more you read. ----------------------------- Check out my NEW book Primordial's Champions. The academy tag won't really come into play until Chapter 100 If you want to join the discord server for this book then leave a comment asking for the link. For every: 60 power stones per day, I will release one extra chapter per week.                                                      120 power stones per day, I will release three extra chapters per week.                                                  250 power stones per day, I will release five extra chapters per week.

CarltheCreator · Fantaisie
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220 Chs

CHAPTER 26: Daemon

[The Daemon Hunters are a group specialized in the killing of Demons using various methods. It was started by Daemon Wilde, an orphan whose family and town was destroyed by the Demons during the Purgis Era.

Driven by his hate and despise of demons, he created a band of mercenaries made up of children whose loved ones were also killed by the demons. As one would expect from a group of children without training, the records of the Daemon Hunters say that they did terribly, blundering with every mission they undertook and losing many of their members in the process.

That all changed when the leader Daemon awakened his Greda, a spear meant just for killing Demons which he later called Pointer. It is unknown to the outside world why he chose such a name, but the spear has been passed down from leader to leader, and the rumors say that the spear gets stronger every time it is passed down.

Whether this is true or not, only the leader can tell us...Excerpt from: THE DAEMON HUNTERS]

[George's POV]

I sat on the ground after Alex had left, Alistair was standing next to me with a worried look on his face.

"George, are you okay?"

My mind was hazy, so I couldn't really understand him.

"Am I okay? AM I OKAY?! Do I look like I'm okay?!"

"Calm down. I'm on your side here."

"A-A-Am I really okay? I feel like something's wrong with my mind, but I don't know what."

"Like I said, calm down. Tell me exactly what happened."

I took a deep breath and continued to talk.

"It's like there's something missing from my memories that should be there, but it's not."

Alistair face made a weird expression.

"Something missing? What exactly do you mean by 'missing'?"

In my derangement, I felt irritation with all he was saying.

"How am I supposed to know? That's why I say something's missing!!"

"Hold on for a moment, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. This really sounds like a problem."

Josephine walked over while smiling like a benevolent goddess. Alistair scowled.

"Butt out, Josephine. This is none of your business."

Josephine harrumphed.

"I will not 'butt out', Alistair. I like to believe everyone's wellbeing is my business."

Alistair's scowl got worse.

"Don't be an ass. Go back to your side."

"I will not. George, are you sure you're okay?"

Alistair growled.

"Leave, now."

Josephine ignored him and looked at me with concern.

"George, you need to stop training. I've been watching you the for a while now, and you're working far too hard. There's nothing over here for you to use to relax, so come over to my side."

"Josephine, this is your last warning. Get out, before things get ugly."

"Why are you being so sensitive, I'm only looking out for his mental health."

"Looking out for his mental health, my ass. You just want to poach him."

"Alistair, stop with all the games. For once, put aside our disagreements so that we can help your friend."

"Just stop it with the nice act! We both know you're not really like that."

"Alistair, how long will you continue to act like this? Why are you so suspicious of me? When have I ever done anything to harm you?"

"You are a very infuriating person. Fine, take him with you."

Josephine smirked.

"I'm glad you've finally seen reason."

"Just go. And be sure to bring him back."

"Yes, yes, I'll be sure not to use my overflowing charisma to steal him from you."

"No jokes."

"You can never appreciate a good joke, can you Alistair?"

"I don't do jokes."

She walked off dragging me behind her.


"So George, what kind of person are you?"

Josephine tried to engage me when we were back at her side. It was luxuriously furnished, with a large array of things, from an antique jewelry set to rare cards of Indon players.

"No response?"

I tried to not to look at her as I responded to her. I might have toughened up during my time here, but I still can't handle looking at her directly.

"Why do you want to help me?"

"If I told you it was just because I could, would you believe me?"


"Not one for jokes, are you?"

"It wasn't funny."

"Okay then."

She made an expression as if to say 'this guy's a piece of work' and continued her talk.

"You were asking why I wanted to help you, and it's because of my parents."

I couldn't help but to turn and look at her weirdly at her response.

"Don't look at me like that, I know it's stupid to still want to emulate my parents even after they dumped me here, but I can't help it. Wanting to help people is just the right thing to do. Everyone may say it's stupid and foolish to even try to save anyone in this world, but I don't want to be like that. If everyone were to not act in their own interests, the world would be a much better place for everyone. It's my dream to make it happen. Sorry, you're probably have no interest in my dreams."

"...You know, I didn't expect you would be like this."

"Be like what?"

"Be nice. Alistair said you were a dangerous opponent."

Josephine's eyes glittered with interest.

"A dangerous opponent? Whatever does he mean by that?"

"I-I-I'm not sure what he did mean by that, but he said you were manipulative."

She exclaimed and brought her face really close to mine.

"Manipulative? Why does he think of me that way? What did I do to him George?"

I blushed.

"I'm not sure, but you're too close."


She finally realized the position we were in and blushed as well.

"Oh, sorry. I just got a little irritated."

"Never mind about that, but you're seriously not what I expected."

"What did you expect from me?"

"From Alistair's words, I thought you would be someone who's very calculative and always trying to use every person to her advantage."

Her face took a different look and she muttered under her breath.

"That guy, he still believes that?"

"What did you say?"

She swiftly recovered her composure and acted like nothing happened.

"I didn't say anything."

She brought out a can from a fridge and handed it to me.

"Anyway, here's a drink."

She raised hers and clinked it with mine.

"To long friendships."

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