
Freedom Path: The World of Deva

The world of Deva is a place where geniuses rise and fall every day and only those with extreme luck can survive. George is a naive poor boy who grew up not knowing the horrors of the world. After being thrust from one situation to another again and again, he learned that there is no escape to being used by others. With no backing and no one to look after him, George will strive further and further until he can be free of the influence of the world. In a perfect world this would be the story of him climbing over every single person to become the sole strongest, but life doesn't work that way. There will always be those who stand in his way, even those he's known since the beginning of his journey. Alex is a former noble abandoned by his family. From a young age he has always had a sadistic streak, but that apparent flaw of his ended up leading him to his destiny. Alex and George. These two will continue to clash and take away from each other until there only one thing remains. Their lives. George raised his red sword that had been his companion for years on years, and uttered one word. "Flash." Immediately, thunder struck and lightning fell from the sky, encasing him in a golden glow. Golden armor formed around his body, his sword turned to black lightning and his eyes went black. He gazed at Alex who stood far away, and breathed out a challenge. "Come. Today, we will end this." Alex didn't respond, but raised his twin black daggers that were so jagged that they looked like they would tear through anything. He too narrowed his eyes and spoke. "Monarch of the Night." This is the story of how it came to be, and how it will end. I would like it if any potential readers would read the first fifty chapters before deciding whether the book is good or not. The story gets better the more you read. ----------------------------- Check out my NEW book Primordial's Champions. The academy tag won't really come into play until Chapter 100 If you want to join the discord server for this book then leave a comment asking for the link. For every: 60 power stones per day, I will release one extra chapter per week.                                                      120 power stones per day, I will release three extra chapters per week.                                                  250 power stones per day, I will release five extra chapters per week.

CarltheCreator · Fantasy
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220 Chs

CHAPTER 25: Why Not?

[The current age we live in has no defining feature and thus, no name to describe it. The war at the edges of Valner is quite a big deal but not enough to define an era, although that could change if things escalate to a higher level.

There have been no more wars for a while now, but with tensions between nations rising it could all blow up leaving the delicate in balance we have created through conservative politics in ruins.

With no current wars, everyone has turned to a war of intelligence where the one who gets the information first wins. The advent of assassin organizations, information guilds, underground auction sites, and all the other shadowy organizations pushed everyone into an information war.

We have many who have chosen to be an information broker or an assassin instead of a knight or ranger because of the times. Who can guarantee they'll rise through the ranks in a time of peace or even make decent money as a combat based personnel, so of course they would rather they would go into a profession that suits the times.

This made the current situation we have now, with the workforce being drawn away from the military towards the fight in the shadows. This may either save us or destroy us........Excerpt from: THE WAR IN THE DARK]

[George's POV]

We haven't stopped sparring for the past two weeks, and I finally think I'm seeing some progress. Although the others have been making leaps and strides, I'm still crawling.

I'm now the weakest in the entire group. After that initial win against Amanda, I haven't won against anyone. I've lost to Alistair, Josephine, even to Amanda when I fought her again. I was beat badly when I fought Alex and Carter, they left me with a broken nose and arm respectively. Very brutal stuff.

At this point, I've officially given up on surviving the fight club. I now spend my time trying to prepare myself for my death that gets closer with every day, although I haven't told Alistair about my decision. There's no need for him to feel burdened about what's coming.

I said I've given up, but I haven't stopped trying to get better at fighting, even though there has been practically no improvement. What can I say, it seems Warden was right, the reason we're here is because we're trash. Well, at least I'm trash.

Even though I've tried to keep my resolution from Alistair, he's started to notice the change in my demeanor lately, and even expressed his concern but I've been able to rebuff him for now.

Do I tell him my reasoning? Maybe not, I just hope I die a quick and painless death. It's all I wish for.

All I want to do is rest like I'm doing right now.

"Hey George, how's it going? Do you want me to whoop your ass again, cause I'll gladly do it. All you need to do is ask."

I didn't bother to glance up. I already knew who it was, that tyrant Alex.

"Back off, Alex."

There was a pause from him before he replied.

"All right, I will."

What did he just say? I was forced to look up because of my surprise.

"Huh? Did you just agree to leave me alone?"

He had an innocent look on his face.

"What do you mean? Of course I did, after all it's not as if you have long left to live anyway, do you? I don't like to torture someone who's already dead."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"If that was supposed to be a taunt, then you failed miserably."

He focused his gaze on me with a smile on his face.

"What did you just say to me?"

I sighed. I've had enough of being tormented by this guy, I won't take it anymore. I turned to face him and looked him directly in his eyes.

"You didn't hear me? Let me say it again then. You are a weak, pathetic, demented, poor child whose parents didn't even want him."

His face had a wonderful expression when I said that. Eyes bloodshot, veins on his neck bulging, his face red and looking like he wanted to tear me limb from limb. It's rather refreshing seeing him with this expression, as it's usually me with that face after he's finished beating me.

He took deep breath and spoke in a scorning tone.

"You really think you're funny, don't you? You say my parents didn't want me, but isn't the same true for you?"

I looked at him, puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me like I was stupid.

"What do I mean? You were sold here by your parents, remember? It took me a while, but I definitely remember some people talking about how 'George' is useless and other crap like that."

What is this guy talking about? I started to recollect what happened when my I felt excruciating in my head.


Alex looked bewildered.

"What the hell is going with you?"

As the pain faded from my mind, I felt like I needed to correct his misassumption.

" I-I was not sold here by my parents. They wanted me to get a better life at any cost."

Alex's face had a strange expression that was hard to explain when he heard my words.

".....Dude, I saw that video with my own eyes. You can't lie to me. I know what I saw."

I felt an anger rising within me I didn't know I had.


Alex looked surprised at my outburst, then like he started to laugh his heart out.

"You're really crazy, George. Even I have to applaud you on how crazy you are. To think you'd stop yourself from remembering why you're here, I'm truly impressed at how insane you have to be to do that. Like, you may call me twisted, but I've never gone to the level of deluding myself."

I would probably have attacked Alex had Alistair not showed up at that moment.

"Go away, Alex."

"Alistair, now you're showing up?"

"Go, Alex."

Alex looked towards Alistair with a disgusted gaze.

"You know, I have a problem. There's someone who's talking to me like we're on the same level. Do you want me to bust you up?"

He made towards Alistair like he was going to attack him, when a voice came from the side.

"Who will you be busting up this time, Alex?"

Josephine had arrived! Alex's face was getting more and more distorted.

"Wow, if it isn't the most magnificent Josephine and her loyal slaves. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You're not going to hurt anyone on my watch."

Alex grinned, but it was obvious he was enraged.

"Her majesty Josephine, who made you the ruler here?"

Josephine scoffed.

"Don't start this now, you're vastly outnumbered. You can't take on both of us at the same time."

Alex looked around at Alistair and Josephine and the people they brought with them.

"You're right, I can't. But that doesn't mean I can't try."

Alex got into a fighting stance and was about to launch himself at Josephine when Alistair intervened.

"Both of you stop with the acting. You both don't want to fight, so don't fight. Just throw away your pride for a moment."

Josephine nodded.

"Well said."

Alex forced himself to stop in the middle of his dash and laughed mockingly.

"Yes, for once I can agree with this girl. Well said."

Alistair sighed like a weary old man intervening in a fight between two youngsters.

"You can fight all you want when it's time for the final exams."

"You're right. We'll settle it that day. You better pray it never comes."

Alex laughed and walked away. Alistair turned to me and asked me if I was okay but I didn't respond. I was still trying to make sense of my mind that had become very confused.

Please leave a comment to let me know if there's anything I need to improve on.

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