
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: No Title

Damn you gacha! I've been getting nothing but trash ever since I made into class! Calming down I released a sigh and decided to use the golden ticket I got from the Rizer quest.

[You've gotten Prya/Mythra]

Holy shit aren't they from Xenoblade? I couldn't afford the game, due to being poor as shit, but I am gonna need an explanation for when take them out.

"Hey Hyoudou how ya doing?" said Aika Kiryuu, I just smiled "Nothing cutie what's up with you." I flirted with her.

"Dude have you no dignity!" said four eyes who pointed at me "Yeah man why is it that you keep getting the hotties!" said baldy with tears in their eyes.

"Uh! Just stop being a dick to them and maybe you two can't see it but Aika's hot." I calmly told them, the two looked at me in disgust and backed off.

"Thanks for the compliment Hyoudou." said Aika seductively as she gave me a wink. Asia though was pouting, a lot of head pats fixed that problem.

- Later -

I was now in the Forest dungeon, its time I test out my abilities I already know I'm heading towards the peak of highclass, but I have to see what I can really do. "Alright then!"

I threw a punch with all my might and shockwave flew off my fist leveling the trees right in front of me. A smile came onto my face as I saw just how powerful I am.

I then looked down to my fist, it was kind of surreal knowing I had power I once thought impossible. Like if I were a normal person and my hand went as fast as it did, it would've been nothing but mush.

But now I kind get this isn't a game, if I'm able to cause such a huge amount damage while just being close to high class, just how much could the stronger beings do.

((Getting scared child.)) said Gilgamesh as if taunting me. "Kind of I guess." I said as I looked up to the tall trees covering the sky only letting through a bit of sunlight.

((Why are you still fretting? You have a system plus the dragons and my power and your still afraid!)) shouted the king of heroes.

"Maybe I'm scared of becoming something I don't want to be. I've read plenty of fanfics where the main character after reincarnating become, something else and now knowing that the multiverse is real and that all those stories are taking place, I'm kind a scared."

((I understand power corrupts, just like most of my past hosts. However you can't let your fear rule you. Issei Hyoudou and Nathan Summers, you are nothing like them.)) said Ddraig, at his words I couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks partner, I needed that, let's go form a few points then get upgrade the equipment in the training room!" I said as I ran off to terrorize the variety of creatures living in the dungeon.

- A while later -

All around were the remains of bears, wolves, slimes and Trent's along with a variety of giant insects. In my hand was Brotherhood bubbles floating off the blade.

"Man this sword intent thing is pretty wild." I said as I looked at the trees area me covered in slash marks.

[Sword Intent 1.9 Mastery]

This probably takes longer to level up, but die to my perk, it's going up relatively fast.

[Quest Complete; Defeat One of every monster in the Forest dungeon. Reward: 300 stat points/ Silver Gacha ticket /Water Magic manual]

Sweet! I took out the water magic manual and learned it along with doing another roll.

[You've gained Rune and Enchanment Manual]

Runes and Enchantment? Why would I need this? I can just make whatever I want with [Arc of Embodiment].

((Yes but I might be good learning from it.)) said Ddraig.

Might as well then and so I learned runes and feeling a little lazy I threw a hundred points into it along with Water Magic, which evolved into [Hydrokinesis].

When all of a sudden a huge amount of information went into my head. Like I totally underestimated [Runes and Enchantment].

"Holy shit!" If that's true then! I formed a magic circle Akeno already taught me how to do this. I began to change it up a bit.

"Alright then." I then summoned a huge fireball and when I meant huge I meant fucking massive and looking my status it displayed I only lost about 10 MP!

Something like this should've taken at least most of my MP. Holy shit. I the summoned a magic circle out of the runes I learned on the ground and a huge blade of earth shot up out of the ground.

"Well shit I'm able to use magic I don't even know how to use!"

((See I told you.)) said Ddraig with a 'I told you so' tone of voice.

"Yeah Yeah let's just go."