
Forbidden love

Mothernature_xx · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


Hi I'm Josephine. I live in Canada with my parents and sister,Maddie.

Although,my parents travelled out for what they call "business trips" and they're gonna stay for a long time. So,we moved to New Orleans and we live with mum's younger sister,Tracy.

Our parents are really busy people. They don't really have time to bond with their kids...or do anything for themselves. They just wanna chase one thing.


....And Maddie and I are soooo sick and tired of it. We're always being pushed to live with someone else whenever they're gone. Its annoying.

Do you know what's also annoying?

I have to start college here. It's like starting a whole new life. I left my close friends and relatives. Here I am, trying to ignite the candle again. I'm not really an extrovert but I can be troublesome.


College was going to start today. I chose to wake up early because I didn't want to be late on my first day.

(Knock on the door)

"Come in!"

I yelled

Maddie walked in and smiled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing,just checking on my sis" she replied

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked

She is the"I don't care type" so I didn't really believe her.

"Sure...First day at college. How do you feel?" She asked

"Nervous" I said shortly

"I'm afraid I won't make friends, I'll be a nerd and everyone will hate me and I'll be a sad sad girl whose life is just so messed up and I'll get beaten up by a bunch of girls and I'll never get to...."

I was overreacting,obviously.

"Breathe Josey...breathe" She said as her eyes widened. She signaled me to breathe in and out and I did that.

"You will. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you anyways?" She asked

I raised my eyebrows. "Have you forgotten Janice Truce so easily?" I asked

"Ohhhh...yeah that girl doesn't like you" She said,shaking her head.

"Not one bit"

I replied.

"Now don't be a pessimistic lady. Warm up and be positive. You have a great day ahead of you". She said,hugging me tight.

I smiled..I really liked this side of Maddie. She's all like "Whatever" when she's socialising but she's so charming when she's home. I guess I was the only one who really knew her for that.

"Thanks sis" I said,smiling.

"No shit. Is there anything i could help you with?"

"Food" I blushed

"Monger!" She replied

I laughed as she walked her way out of my room.


Okay. I needed to be in school in 26 mins or less. I was busy fixing my hair and makeup..... (A/N: Pshh girls!😒😒). Thanks to Maddie, I ate early enough.

As soon as I was done,I grabbed my car keys and made my way to school.

And there it was!

I started to have cold feet. I hope my start at Nirmala won't be that bad.

I wandered about the structure for some minutes,admiring the architectural design and development of the school. Then I figured it was almost time and so I made my way to the hallways.

The hallways were curved. It was so beautiful and nice,until people started to walk in. I took my gaze off the hallways and I glanced at the floor and walked in. Though,I didn't know where I was going to, but I hoped I'd find someone to help me with directions.

The sooner,the better!

It was weird staying around people you don't know,seeing unfamiliar face and all.

I could tell most of the kids here were  terrible. Their faces looked crude and unfriendly,especially the guys.

I leaned on a locker and someone poked me by my arm.

I flinched and turned to see a girl wearing all black. Black hair dyed red halfway,with a scar on her left cheek and an alligator tattoo on the right side of her neck.


"I can tell you're new by that fucked up look on your stupid face" The stranger said.

Way to be rude!


I'm Josephine, I'm new here. Can you......."

"I don't like you. You talk too much" She said,sticking her tongue out indicating disgust.

"Oh. I'm sorry " I said,feeling bad.

"Whatever. I'll show you around,follow me" she said and sighed.

I followed her. Do I have a choice?

I'm following a complete stranger but I'm kinda calm because we're in a school setting.

She showed me the gym,chemistry class and all the directions I needed.

"Thank you" I said.

"Yeah sure" she replied

She was about leaving when I decided to ask her a question.

"Wait...your name please?"

She sighed

"Maurice Palmĕr" She said

"Nice name" I replied.

"Yeah. Watever" She left.

Cold and harsh

Well. My first friend,or should I say acquittance,wasn't as friendly as I hoped but at least now I know the directions.

"That's the most important thing" I thought,as I made my way to English class.