
Forbidden love

Mothernature_xx · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I continued walking down the hallways with my books wrapped around my chest mainly because I was scared. A lot of creepers and weirdos sure are in this school.

You know that pressure of being a freshman?

Yup it was there. I felt eyes trailing me,looking at me from head to toe but I didn't make eye contact with any. I had my head down till I got into English class.

I walked into the class and everyone's eyes were on me. I raised my head and I made an eye contact with a guy with blue eyes,dark hair,perfect skin,great muscles and abs. He looked so hot.

Oh my God...did I just think of that?

He frowned when I looked at him and later focused his attention on his book. He seemed like he wasn't digging whatever we were here to do. Like he didn't give a damn about English class.

I noticed a free seat that was next to a girl. She looked so pretty and calm. Well,I hope.

I made way to the seat and sat upright,placing my books on the desk. I still had eyes on me though.

Oh how sweet!

The teacher was new. So she had to introduce herself.

Her name is Mrs Jane. She seemed so nice,not so classy,simple and elegant.

She wanted to know us more so she asked us to introduce ourselves.

When it was time for the guy with awesome abs turn to speak, he didn't say a word. He just stared into space.

I still can't believe I called him "Awesome abs."

He didn't say a word. Mrs Jane snapped her fingers at his face.

"Earth to you,young man."

"Jax" He replied coldly.

"And?" She asked,wanting to know more.

"I'm pretty sure that's not your business. Just teach already and leave me alone"

I was as shocked and disappointed as Mrs Jane was. The look on her face was more of embarrassment and disgust.

I saw the rest of the class smirk,some laughed, and some weren't giving an actual fuck because it was something they saw everyday.

I started to dislike Jax because of his appalling attitude. Its repulsive. How and why would you talk back or sass at an authority?

Mrs Jane was taken aback and she decided to stop the introduction session and started to teach.


English class was over. I packed my books and I was ready to get up when a bunch of guys walked up to me.

They signaled for me to sit.

"Why should I do what you say" I asked

Yes. They looked scary but I'm not gonna let some fools ruin my jam. I gathered courage and tried to put on a disgusted face.

"Sit down,small cherry" One of the guys ordered.

"No,and oh it's Josephine not cherry" I retorted.

"I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way,cherry" The guy said as he smirked.

He was about to wrap my face with some clothing but someone came in and they all stopped their stupid actions,bowed their heads and stayed still.

It was Jax. He had that intimidating look on his face. With his black leather jacket that never ceased to make him look more dangerous than he already is. I could tell he was trouble. Even though I didn't know him well or at all.

He bent over my desk and looked at my face. I looked him in the eye with disgust, thinking he'd back out and feel kinda intimidated too. He just smirked and raised my chin with his finger.

"What do you want from me" I asked.

"Well,big guts you've got there" He replied with that nasty and ridiculous smirk still plastered on his annoying,stupid face.

"That didn't answer my question" I snapped.

One of the guys pulled my arm violently and I let out a scream.

"Its okay" Jax said,while staring hard at me.

It was weird.

"You were saying?" He asked.

"Who do you think you are?" I scuffed.

He pushed me to the locker. He was about to hit me,and then he giggled in my left ear and trailed my skin with his hand.

Oh God. This feels like torture!

"Not now princess" He whispered in my left ear and winked at me after letting go of my body.

They all backed out and left.

My left arm still hurts. I tried to calm myself down.

First day at school,and I'm already getting into trouble with the bad guys.


I had maths class next and I realised I'm going to have to spend most of my classes with jerk face, Jax.

Heading to class,handling my left arm with great care, and making sure I don't make eye contact with the idiot.

On getting to class I noticed he wasn't in yet.

Sweet relief!

I sat down and prayed he wouldn't come to class.

"Hey" Someone called out

I raised my head and noticed a shy looking girl. She looked Chinese or Japanese. They look the same. I don't really care about specifying. To me they're all Chinese.

"Hi" I replied

"Are you okay?" She asked as her eyes trailed to my left arm. She had noticed me holding onto it.

"Yeah I am" I lied.

"If you say so. I'm Lihua but you can call me Lee " She smiled faintly

"Josephine" I replied

"Nice name"

"Thanks. Are you new here?" I asked her

"Pretty much" she replied

"So am I" I replied

"Oh hey..we should hang out sometime" She said cheerfully.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure. At your convenience"

The Math teacher which was a male, Mr Robert,walked in and we had to stop conversing.

Did i just make a friend?

I think I did and she's fucking normal!

We began the class. Still no sight of Jax here. He walked in few minutes later.

Oh God

"Dillinger! Why are you late?" Mr Robert asked

"Uhm I had to pee" He said

"Pee? How many minutes did that take you?" Mr Robert asked

"That's my privacy,old man!" He replied

The rest of the class laughed but I didn't. I didn't find it funny. There's something I wasn't clear on. Why did teachers keep mute when Jax talked back? Why was he such a creep? Why is it that people are always afraid to look him in the eye to stand their ground?

His eyes scanned through the class and he noticed and empty seat beside me.

Great! Could this day get any worse?

He smirked and sat next to me. I breathed in and out as his eyes were just fixed on me since he sat down.

I tried not to look at him but he was making it hard. He stepped on my feet andI almost squirmed but I put my hand over my mouth to stop the sound from escaping my mouth.

I couldn't take it anymore. I asked for a bathroom pass and walked out of the class,knowing it was almost over.

My feet hurt a lot. Why did I do to this guy? Why is he picking on me?

Little drops of tears came running down my cheeks. I heard someone's footsteps and I hated who it was.

He stood there. Looking at me,watching me cry. He wanted that, He got that. His usual smirk wasn't there anymore. He didn't stare at me,his gaze was on a locker.

I guess a locker was more attractive that me

I got out of his sight and walked back to class to pick my stuff after cleaning my tears.

Just one more class and this horrible day at school will be over.

After my last class. I packed my things and got ready to leave. Lihua approached me. I wanted to avoid talking to anyone because I'm very emotional and I could break down anytime,anywhere.

"Josephine" she yelled


"What's wrong" She asked noticing the coldness in my tone.

I sighed "I wouldn't want to talk about it right now"

She nodded

"I understand. Take care of yourself, see you tomorrow." She said with a faint smile,waving at me.


She left.

....And then I remembered her statement

"See you tomorrow"

I still have to live with this shit. Oh God please help me. I walked to the driveway, hopped into my car and sped off. Thinking of how I'm going to live with this new life.