
For The Failure of Your Unrequited Love

Title: For The Failure of Your Unrequited Love Author: Cha Sohee Raws: https://ridibooks.com/books/777092306 Year: 2021 Genre: Academy, unrequited love Synopsis: Felix Berg , a celebrity of the Xenomium Academy, is being attacked by all female students. Recently, he is annoyed by one person. Lucy Keenan, just one grade lower. With her inconspicuous appearance and quiet personality, the girl is the only one who can distinguish Felix from his identical twin, Adrian, like a ghost. When she meets Adrian, her expressionless face turns into a bright smile. The lips that were tightly closed when they were with him only slurp when she was with Adrian. It is certainly. Lucy Keenan has a crush on his twin brother Adrian. As his curiosity about Lucy Keenan grows, Felix begins to question her. We have the same face, the same height, the same voice, but why is it Adrian and not me? It's a bonus that I wanted to interrupt Lucy Keenan's unrequited love for nothing. __________________ * Male protagonist: Felix Berg - Although the eldest son of the Berg family, he is always compared to his twin brother Adrian. One day, Lucy Keenan, a junior in Adrian's book club, notices that the brothers can be identified at a glance and begins to take an interest in them. * Female protagonist: Lucy Keenan - A schoolgirl who entered the Xenomium Academy as a top student in the body of a commoner. And there he runs into a mean senior. * Look at this time: When you want to peek into the clumsy love story of a teenage boy and girl. * Sympathetic text: “How did Lucy Keenan fall in love with Adrian and not me?"

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Episode 1


Xenomium Academy, Boys Dormitory.

After returning from class, Felix poured the gifts and letters he was holding onto the table. All of them were given to girls.

All of them were carefully wrapped gifts, but some of them fell to the bottom of the table at Felix's rude touch.

Adrian, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, grimaced as he picked it up for him. Because what was written on the packaging was none other than his name.

"Why are you even taking my present?"

Felix shrugged his shoulders once in response to Adrian's question.

"What do I do when I know it's you and give it to me?"

"Are you not going to grow your hair again?"

"Because it's hot."

Felix, who had a playful smile on his face, picked up the gift of homemade cookie that was closest to him, and then unwrapped the ribbon with his hands, invisible to the excitement of the person who opened the gift.

Adrian shook his head as he watched Felix's short hair throw the cookie into his mouth.

Felix, who appeared after summer vacation with his long hair cut short, was often mistaken for his twin brother, Adrian.

They had only distinguished the two by the length of their hair, so similar in face, height, and voice that it was difficult to tell them apart.

With her short blonde hair neatly tucked behind her, it was her younger brother Adrian who was dressed neatly in a school uniform.

On the other hand, the older brother Felix had long blonde hair hanging over his shoulders and the shirt was not buttoned properly.

This was the tacitly known method of distinguishing Berg twins among academy students and teachers.

Felix and Adrian have been sticking to this 'rule not a rule' for several semesters, as it's quite annoying for people to mistake them for another twin and talk to them.

But somehow, on the day the new semester started, Felix broke the rule and showed up with his long hair cut.

"People confuse us."

Adrian complained.

"Then let's change it. From now on, you will raise them."

Felix responded lightly, as if he had no intention of taking his twin brother seriously.

"Now no one will be able to tell us apart. Even my parents."

At Adrian's words, Felix laughed as well. If it were a mother and a father, I really thought that would be the case.

"What does the length of your hair have to do with it?"

Felix, who put the last cookie in his mouth, shook his hand and said.

"As long as we are Confucius Berg after all, we don't care who we really are."

Without a long break, Felix had another class left. He stretched out his arms, stretched out, and got up from his seat with a tired face.

"By the way, I'm so busy, so why are you so free? No class?"

Adrian frowned once more at Felix's taunting question.

"Are you free? You have to go to the student council right away. There is also a library job."

Adrian was in charge of the student body president and the library manager at the same time. It was a passion that Felix could never understand.

"That's why I said that I had taken the required courses earlier, didn't I? I haven't listened to class all this time, so I'm not too busy right now."

When his younger brother showed signs of nagging, Felix quickly grabbed his bag and left the room. Once Adrian started admonishing, no one could stop him from coming.

2nd semester started anew.

The Moon Channel entered autumn, but the campus still contained the summer scenery. The sun shining on the crown was stinging, and the roaring sound of cicadas poured down like rain from the fresh green trees.

As he walked through the heated campus, Felix thought about what Adrian had said.

'Now no one will be able to tell us apart. Even my parents.'

It was true that even the parents wouldn't be able to tell the twins apart. Felix remembered the faces of his mother and father, who over and over again called him Adrian.

But it was not true that no one would be able to tell them apart.

Because 'the boy' is there.

Felix was walking, kicking a stone on the road, and then stopped.

Even the devil comes when I speak.

'The boy' was walking across the street.

"Lucy Keenan."

Felix mumbled the girl's name softly.

His wavy, light brown hair was neatly braided back, and in this hot weather, he wore a shirt buttoned up to his neck, and he looked dignified.

The child, who even walked straight and straight, looked up as if walking down the street looking at the small notebook, as if he felt a gaze looking at him.

Lucy Keenan's eyes widened, then narrowed, and then widened again, as she stood tall when she spotted Felix.

No, it's getting thinner again.

Heh, think about it.

Felix looked at her like that and smirked inside. He must have been thinking about whether the Berg in front of him was Adrian Berg or Felix Berg, squeezing his head.

Felix gently raised the corners of his lips and smiled softly. It was the smile that Adrian often wore.

It was a gentle smile that could make anyone mistake him for Adrian.

just as expected.

Soon, Lucy Keenan, with a friendly smile on her face, strode towards her. Seeing this, Felix felt a strange sense of victory.

"Adrian-senpai, there's a meeting in the student council room later... … ."

Lucy Keenan, who was approaching while speaking in a small, clear voice that was barely audible, stopped at some point.

Soon, the smile on her face disappeared without a trace, and only the embarrassment that appeared in an instant filled her expression.

"Ah… … ."

Lucy Keenan made a sound that didn't make sense, and turned right away. Then I started going back the way I came at a very fast pace.

Felix raised an eyebrow as he watched Lucy Keenan's back disappearing as if running away.

The sense of victory that satisfactorily filled my heart was completely gone.

He ruffled his blonde hair wildly.

"I'm hot."

* * *

It was during the first semester that Felix became aware of Lucy Keenan's existence. It was one spring day when he and Adrian showed up wearing the same hat.

Felix rolled up his long hair and hid it under a hat, so he became indistinguishable from Adrian.

Not only the other students and teachers, but also his best friend Alec stood in front of them and tilted his head.

"What is it, what work is it? Take it off quickly. You never know who is who."

Seeing his confused face, the twins burst into laughter.

"No. Father said he would come today."

"The Duke of Berg?"

Duke Arthur Berg was one of the most powerful and wealthy in the Beros Empire, and he was also making a huge donation to the Xenomium Academy.

The two sons, who were well aware of their father's strict and cold personality, went to school neatly and perfectly dressed in order not to get caught by him. Felix was even wearing a tie that he had been skipping about, saying it was frustrating.

"I can't help it. Until my father left."

Felix said as he roughly straightened the tie around his neck.

When his father came, he and Adrian would also be called to the principal's office. I wanted my annoying father's visit to the academy to end sooner rather than later.

"excuse me… … ."

It was then. Felix and Adrian looked back at the small voice behind them.

A girl was looking up at them with mysterious emerald eyes.

Seeing that he was holding a piece of paper with the words 'Library Freshman List' in his hand, it seemed as if he had come to deliver the list to Adrian, the head of the library.

It was then that Felix remembered that the girl was a book clerk she had seen a few times in the library.

While bored, Felix suddenly wanted to play a prank.

He reached out to the girl with a soft, friendly smile before Adrian could even step forward.

"Ah, thank you."

He waited for the girl to hand him the list.

But the girl was holding the paper and looking down at Felix's hand blankly.

"I… … ."

Then she raised her hardened face and hesitated.

"This is the new list of book clubs I will give to Adrian sunbaenim… … ."

Then he handed the paper straight to Adrian.

"Hey, don't play around."

Adrian poked Felix once with his elbow, then took the paper.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I've been busy with the student council, so it's like I've been carrying a huge burden on you. I am the head of the library."

As Adrian spoke, a girl named Lucy shook her head vigorously with a blushing face.

"no! The 2nd grade manager is me! And I'm not too busy."

"Ok, thanks. I wish you all the best in the future."

Adrian answered with a gentle tone. For the first time, a bright light appeared on Lucy's face, who had been standing with a tense expression throughout.

And Felix was standing there watching it with a surprised look.

How the hell did you know?

He wasn't wearing a name tag or holding a book with his name on it. But without hesitation, the girl decided that he wasn't Adrian.

They were able to tell the twins apart at a glance.

Lucy, who delivered the list, politely greeted the seniors and left.

"What exactly is his name?"

Felix asked, looking at the corner where she had disappeared. Alec then gave him a mischievous laugh.

"What, Felix! Are you interested?"

Adrian also gave Felix a pint glass with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, maybe you… … . Don't do that. Lucy... … ."

But before Adrian could finish speaking, Felix raised his hand to stop him.

"no. you don't have to tell me I was just asking for nothing."

Felix decided that he must have just taped it with his senses. Well, it really could be.

If not, how could they recognize us at a glance, even our parents couldn't tell them apart?