
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (9)

Reina looked at her face which was reflected in the mirror. Her shoulder-length brown hair hung down beautifully, with two clear, crystal purple eyes. It was as if her eyes had many mysteries that were difficult to solve.

The navy blue dress she wore perfectly wrapped her body. Showing Joana's perfect curves.

Reina chuckled with concern. In fact, as a fellow woman, Reina's mouth fell open when she saw Joana's beautiful face that she was possessed reflected on the mirror surface.

Ah, Joana, you can even get other men who have a high position and status, even if not as high as a king. But, won't Joana's life be happier ?. Instead of living in a cage of jealousy and resentment that corrupts her to her bones.

"I really don't understand the thoughts of beautiful women."

Reina murmured concerned, ignoring the fact that she also belongs to the category of beautiful women.

"Your Highness, Mr. Dereck has indicated that our plan is in full swing. Your Highness can leave now, because the king has arrived at the royal hall. "

Said Rosie.

Reina nodded her head, accepted Annie's helping hand and got up from her position.

Now, all Reina needed to do was accompany the king like Annie's idea. Then, after that, Reina had to thicken her face and strengthen her heart to face the king's anger.

Of course Reina didn't bother hiding Annie's ideas. She had indeed let Roxanna's spy hear her plan.

Reina had even guessed what Roxanna would do afterwards. Roxanna will definitely pretend to be caught up in Joana's plan.

She would follow her path, then at the end, she would launch a surprise attack on the empress and make the king even more disgusted by the empress. Of course, the prince is not really lost. Joana will send someone to monitor all of her child's activities.

Hhhh, Reina sighed hard,

"Let's go."

She said, walking with an elegant stride, as she often did at corporate parties, when she was still the sole heir.


Reina stared at the door that towered over her. The door which is a battlefield for her. Of course the battlefield, because the people in there were like enemies carrying weapons to destroy her. The invisible weapon called respect and courtesy.

"Announce my arrival."

Reina's orders to the doorman.

But the doorman didn't budge. He showed absolutely no sign of opening the gate.

"You dare to disobey me?"

Reina asked sharply, her eyes giving a signal that the doorkeeper wouldn't be able to see tomorrow if he didn't immediately open the door.


In fact, Joana will not hesitate to punish anyone who disobey her orders.

The doorkeeper finally gave up, opened the door and announced the empress's presence,

"Your Majesty the empress entered the royal hall."

He shouted aloud.


The room, which was once boisterous, suddenly fell silent. All eyes were now on Reina, or rather Joana.

A gaze that was a mixture of awe, envy and pity. Ah, there was also a look of hatred, as if Joana deserved it. And the ones who looked at Joana hatefully were Roxanna confidant.


But Reina didn't care at all, as long as she was the one who controlled Joana's body, she wouldn't pay the slightest attention to other people's gazes at her, not even the king.


Reina began to walk, making the dress she wore sway, adding her elegance to the maximum level.


Since long time ago, Reina believed that clothes have a big influence on a woman's beauty. But especially for Joana, she didn't need that sentence at all. Even the ugliest clothes still looked beautiful on her body.


Reina's steps stopped right in front of the king. While bending her body, Reina began to greet the king,

"Your Majesty, I have come to accompany Your Majesty welcoming the guests."

Reina said calmly.


Reina could see the annoyed on the king's face when he saw her presence earlier. But of course, the king shrewdly hid his expression very well.


"Of course, i welcoming my queen."

Greet the king with a smile full of love on his face.


Reina snorted in her heart. Another traitorous trait that existed in the king, that is his ability to act as if he was full of love even though he was disgusted to death.

Reina took the king's hand, preparing to do the most tiring activity in the world. That is the war of words with the nobles.




Reina took a sip of the wine in her hand, staring at the king who was talking to the nobles. Of course Reina and the king had just finished a round of dancing together.


At this moment Reina deliberately stood a little away from the crowd. Reina is too lazy to talk to all nobles in this room.


"Her highness, may I accompany Her Highness?."

Reina raised her head, looked at several beautiful women who were standing in front of her.


Of course Reina was familiar with all of those faces. Because they are women who like to flatter Joana and convince Joana that the king only loves her.


But, their praise is only in their mouth. Because in their hearts, they happily mocked Joana's foolishness and inability to win over the king's heart.


Joana smiled gently,

"Of course you may."

Well, all right, like it or not, Reina must has to face a very tiring round of words war ..