
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (8)

"Descendants of the fairy?."


Rosie nodded her head excitedly,

"Yes, fairy descendants. According to legend, one day before the prince was born, the fairies came into Empress Loea's dream and gave all their blessings to prince Arenmiz. That's the reason why the prince has a very handsome face and a very strong body, "

Rosie again puffed out her chest proudly.


"But, it is certain that Prince Arenmiz's strength is nothing compared to the duke. So, Loea is forced to admit defeat and give up to Ethreal. And as a guarantee, the king asked Loea to directly hand over Prince Arenmiz as proof that they had fully surrendered themselves to Ethreal. "




Reina muttered, underlining the word "fairy descendant" in her head. Maybe this knowledge is needed to help Arenmiz destroy Ethreal.


Actually, it's not completely devastating, though. The mission Earthos delivers doesn't clearly represent the kind of destruction that Reina must do.


Removing the emperor and changing the name of this kingdom could be categorized as destroying this country, right?. So, Reina chose that kind of destruction. Smiling with satisfaction as she imagined the expression of that damn king when he was abdicated from his throne.



"Hem, by the way, how old is Prince Arenmiz?"

Reina asked again. Of course with an indifferent tone. As if they were just talking about the usual trivialities, although inwardly, Reina was excitedly listing many question about prince Arenmiz.


One more thing that makes Reina getting annoyed again with Joana. Why is Joana willing to swap Rosie and Annie for the love of the king?. Even though they are both very smart.


Reina was very grateful to have them, at least Reina's way of completing this mission had become much easier.

"His age,"

Rosie rubbed her chin, looking deep in thought,

"There are a lot of rumors circulating about how old Prince Arenmiz is because based on the Loea culture, they don't allow theirself to tell their age except to someone closest to them or their family."


Reina's eyebrows instantly furrowed,

"So what?."

"According to legend, every time Loea people tells their age to other people who are not their family, then indirectly, they have bound a promise to always be loyal to that person."


"Is it true?,"

Reina laughed softly,

"How is it possible that just telling something trivial like that can be interpreted as binding promises?"


"It is only based on the circulating legend. However, almost all the people of Loea believe in that legend.



Reina muttered softly. Again sipping the tea in her hand.

Just as Reina was about to open her mouth to continue her question to Rosie and Annie, Earthos' voice suddenly rang in her head.


"You have to make a plan Reina. Remember, to remain a scheming empress towards Roxanna. If you don't do that, then your mission will fail, "

It felt like Reina wanted to hit the handsome face of that parallel gatekeeper who made her super annoyed right now,

"And remember, there is an intruder here. And you, only need to look at their face to find out who they are, "

After saying the last words, Earthos's voice completely disappeared from Reina's head.


Hem, intruders huh ?.

Before Earthos even told her, Reina had already guessed that there must be an intruder in her palace. The intruder who leaked Joana's plan to Roxanna. If not, how could that concubine escape from Joana's various schemes with easily?. And then, all of Joana's plans turned into weapons that stabbed herself.


Aish, even though Reina didn't want to get involved with anything related to the king and his beautiful concubine. Why she must do that?. Reina just wants to live in peace, while waiting for Arenmiz to come to Ethreal.


Can't Reina not do anything ?. After all, don't those two people really dislike her?. So, instead of having to face each other, it was better for them to walk their separate ways.


"You can do nothing, but your vengeance won't be able to continue either."

Earthos's irritated voice rang in Reina's head again. Make Reina snort in annoyance.

"Yes, yes, I will."

Reina grumbled to herself.


She then looked at Rosie and Annie who were still busy explaining about the leaders of the other 3 kingdoms, then said,

"What ideas do you guys have to prevent Roxanna and the king from being together tomorrow?"


Annie and Rosie's faces, which were full of enthusiasm, now turned pale. Their mouths that had previously wide open to told stories, now suddenly stopped.


Sorrow ran through Rosie's heart. Even though she thought her mistress had returned to her old state, when she was still a daughter of the duke.


However, Rosie know she shouldn't be expecting too much. Of course, the empress still loved the king very much. After all, love is not something that can be erased in just one night. Maybe earlier, the empress was deliberately calm just to get the king's attention.


"Of course, her highness. I have prepared a plan to prevent Roxanna from attending tomorrow's event. Or rather, Roxanna and her child couldn't attend at all."


Annie bent her body, then whispered something into Reina's ear. Reina quietly rolled her eyes after hear Annie's idea. Seriously, an idea like this doesn't even fit to be called an idea.


the idea that Annie whispered into Reina's ear was making the prince trapped in a labyrinth garden located in the palace garden.


Of course, because the prince was trapped, Roxanna automatically couldn't attend the party because she was busy looking for her child. Automatically, the king was forced to welcoming the guests alone, and that's when Joana would come and accompany the king throughout the event.


Reina took a deep breath. All right, because Joana usually happily accepts Rosie's and Annie's ideas, this time, Reina just put on a satisfied smile and said,

"Good idea,"

"As expected of the duke's servants. You guys are really great. "


Annie just bent her body. There was absolutely no happy expression on his face.

It seems that the figure of Joana who hugged her this morning is just an illusion. An illusion created by her mind because she missed the lady that she served in the past ...