
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (12)

Reina must admit, Duke Alairez and her are very similar. Even Reina seemed to be in the mirror when she saw Duke Alairez's face.

Brown hair and purple eyes. Even though there were wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, the Duke's good looks did not diminish in the slightest.

Of course, what else was expected of a knight with the nickname 'The strongest and most handsome knight' of this century?. Although according to Reina the nickname was too much, but after seeing the Duke's face in person, Reina had to admit that nickname.

Reina tilted her head, looking at Duke Alairez who still looked very angry. Haha, shouldn't this man show a little love for his daughter right now? Instead of putting on an angry face, it was as if the sword hanging at his side was ready to separate Joana's neck from her body.

"Don't you love your daughter the least?"

Reina muttered sadly. Even though before dealing directly with Duke Alairez, Reina did not feel any feelings for the Duke.

As someone who has already tasted the bitterness of the betrayal of someone named "father", Reina has killed her affection for any figure named father.

Ah, maybe this time Joana's original feelings were mixed with Reina's. Even without Reina noticing, tears fell down her cheeks.

"Dad ... These are all false accusations."

Reina's mouth even moved without her being able to prevent it, letting out a sentence full of hope and wounds.

Joana's memory spins again, showing how little Joana always expects love from her parents.

The love of a mother who always acts temperamental towards Joana because her face is too similar to the duke.

Reina grimaced when she saw how many punches, slaps and neglect that little Joana had to accept from her mother.

And the duke, even as bad as the duchess. Ignoring his daughter is the duke's routine. Even looking at Joana's face he was reluctant.

Anger bubbled up in Reina's chest. These two irresponsible humans!. What right do they have to express their disappointment to Joana ?.

If from the start they didn't love each other, then there was no need to carry out their obligations as husband and wife. Poor Joana is forced to endure the harsh effects of their loveless marriage.

Reina wanted to scream, cursing at the Duke who loved his first love child even more than his own daughter. Cursing the Duke who married the Duchess as a formality, even though the Duchess already craved a life full of love like an ordinary woman. Even until the end of her life, the Duchess only received a cold back from the Duke.

'Ah, should I also repay you for all your actions, father?'

Said Reina sarcastically in her heart. Reina can ease Joana's sadness by destroying Duke Alairez slowly.

As if to be the answer to Reina's idea, her chest suddenly throbbed. Tears even poured heavy down Reina's cheeks. As if Joana was strongly against Reina's thought just now.

"Father .. Please, believe in .."

"Enough, Your Highness the Empress. Her Highness will not be able to dodge it again. There are many people who testify of Her Highness crimes against Madam Roxanna and the crown prince. "

Duke Alairez interrupted Reina's words. His sharp gaze seemed to say that Reina was very unworthy of self-defense.

Reina's head was now bowed. The pain in her heart was getting worse. Arggh, Reina hates this stuff. Losing control over Joana's body and feeling Joana's miserable feelings that were still lingering in her heart.

Even when facing Galaes, Reina is able to stifle Joana's feelings and take complete control over her feelings and body. But, why when facing Duke Alairez, Reina is helpless like this ?.

"Your Majesty, the king need not worry. I will make sure to warn the empress. "

Said Duke Alairez, shifting his gaze from Reina to the king.

"Leave it to you?,"

Galaes narrowed his eyes, staring at Duke Alairez with a mocking gaze,

"Are you sure you can be fair to your own daughter?"

He asked, it was obvious that he was mocking Duke Alairez, who he thought could never be fair because of his affection for his daughter.

It felt like Reina wanted to laugh right in Galaes' face. Love his daughter ?. If this irresponsible human really loved his daughter, it was certain that he wouldn't behave like this.

Suddenly Reina remembered an incident when she was in high school. There was a student who managed to beat his group of bullies to a pulp. And when their parents were summoned to the principal's office, all of them defended their children to the death. And according to Reina, it is very natural, because every parent tends to have a protective instinct.

Even if Duke Alairez obeyed the king very much, shouldn't the Duke show a little love for Joana while punishing her?. In fact, at this moment his gaze alone made it impossible for anyone to think that Duke Alairez was the father of the Empress.

"But, alright. I'll let you take care of this matter. I want to see the extent of your loyalty to me."

Galaes said again, suppressing the intonation of the word 'loyalty'. He then ordered the guards to take the crown prince from Duke Alairez and walked away from the royal hall.

After the king's entourage was completely out of sight, then Duke Alairez turned his body towards Reina again. His eyes were still narrowed sharply. He then said,

"Take the empress to the palace prison!"

His orders were merciless.

Ah, this damn man, he doesn't even deserve to be called a father ..