
For My Dearest, Let Me Love You

Reina thought her life was perfect. Has a beautiful face, the sole heir to the most successful entrepreneur and surrounded by people who really love her. But, who would have thought that everything was fake. The two parents that Reina thought loved her, turned out to be the killers of her own biological parents. The husband who she thought loved her, was only with her for the sake of wealth. The friend who she thought was always there, turned out to be flirting with her husband behind Reina's back. As if it wasn't unlucky enough, Reina actually saw all of that after a terrible accident that almost took her life. And Reina thought, her life is now over. But, like magic, a handsome man suddenly appeared in the hospital ward where Reina was being treated. The man introduced himself as Earthos, a gatekeeper of parallel world. The handsome man offers something tantalizing to Reina, namely the opportunity for revenge on the condition that Reina must fulfill missions in 7 parallel worlds and complete the mission Earthos gave her...

Riricha10 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Mission 1 : Destroy This Kingdom (13)

The palace prison, upon hearing that place, every noble in this Ethreal would be terrified. In other words, palace prison is hell for nobles.

There are 3 types of prisons in Ethreal. The first is Cage, a prison reserved for petty crimes, like where someone accidentally offends the royal family. Rather than a prison, Cage is more suitable as a detention room to restrain one's movements. The prisoners at Cage can still be visited by their families freely.

The second was the palace prison, a place that became a frightening specter for nobles. In this place, there is no freedom to visit. In addition, the prisoners did not get food while in prison. They only get drinks. Not to mention that there is no freedom to clean up. So, the nobles often call it "hell on earth".

And the last prison is the Dungeon, the most terrible and cruel prison. Usually, those who are put in this prison are people with serious crimes, such as treason or other kingdom spies.

"What are you waiting for, quickly bring the empress to the palace prison!"

Duke's order made the guards who had been silent immediately move. they were not completely silent, but they don't think that the duke's orders were so serious

Of course, where in this earth there are parents who are willing to starve their children to death. Oops, but it looks like for the Duke, Reina will make an exception.

(Stop fantasizing. Hurry up and beg for forgiveness. You know, the palace prison is the most terrifying place for nobles, Joana is no exception.)

Earthos's scolding made Reina secretly let out a heavy sigh. Actually Reina really didn't want to ask for forgiveness. In fact she willingly gave up her hand as the guards led her away.

After all, their real plan was only to make Roxanna think that the crown prince was lost in the labyrinth. When in fact, Annie plans to put the crown prince to sleep and hide him in the palace guest room so that no one can find him.

Then, when Roxanna makes a scene in the hall after exhausting her search for her son, Annie will appear together with the crown prince, saying that the crown prince overslept because he's exhausted from playing.

It felt like Reina wanted to clap her hands, praising Roxanna's ability to "twist" her plans. Who would have thought Roxanna would actually lead her child astray. Even though Reina knows, there are people who keep an eye on the crown prince. And somehow, the crown prince ended up in the Duke's hands.

(Stop imagining things, Rei. Hurry up and beg !.)

(Yes, mister so noisy.)

She sneered.


Reina put on a pitiful face again, not forgetting the tears that were still flowing down her cheeks. She then turned around, trying to escape from the grip of the guards.

"Please father, believe me. I was framed by that woman, father. I'm completely innocent. "

She said in a pleading voice, which could cut anyone's heart when their heard her voice.

With all her strength Reina tried to struggle, until the grip of the guards on her arms was released. With alacrity, Reina immediately knelt down, holding her father's leg tight.

"Father, please believe in me."

Said Reina again.

This time, the feeling of sadness really came out at the same time as her words. Ah, it seems like now Joana's feelings are mixed with hers again.

"Please father, believe me. Only father is the only family I have now. "

Reina raised her head, looked at the Duke with a look of despair.

Even though the next second, Reina's eyes that were originally staring sadly and full of sorrow turned wide open, complete with a sense of horror and fear when she saw the Duke's gaze upon her.

The Duke's purple eyes flashed sharply, as if he were not looking at his daughter, but seeing a disgusting piece of trash.

"Take her now."

The guards hurriedly dragged Reina's body back, along with her screams that kept calling "Father" until her voice was hoarse.


Reina stopped her screams after she actually exited the hall. A cynical smile formed on the corners of her lips. That bastard, really didn't deserve to be called a father. Ah, looks like Reina has to wash her mouth with holy water because suddenly her mouth feels numb from calling that bastard father.


"Stop laughing before I break all of your teeth."

Reina grumbled, supporting her chin with the back of her hand. His eyes narrowed sharply towards Earthos who was laughing happily in front of her.

"Sorry, Sorry,"

Earthos wiped the puddle at the corner of his eye.

"You must have seen your expression earlier when pleading to Duke Alairez."

Reina just rolled her eyes in lazyness. Luckily this prison room was located at the corner, so no one overheard her conversation with Earthos. Otherwise, maybe people would think that Reina had a mental attack because of being ignored by the king and her father.

"Stop bothering me, Ear. I'm conserving my energy just in case I really don't get food. "

Reina lay down on top of the hot prison floor. This was also another reason why the nobles hated the palace prisons so much.

"Take it easy, you will definitely eat today,"

Earthos lay down beside Reina,

"You have a guardian angel who likes to hide his feelings in front of you."

"Guardian angel? Who?"

Reina asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

Earthos shrugged his shoulders,

"Secret, if I tell you who your guardian angel is, your mission points may be reduced and will affect your chance of revenge."

He said.

Reina immediately gave her thumbs up,

"Okay, don't say anything. You just need to help me by ensuring that I won't die before my mission is complete. "

Reina replied quickly.

Reina didn't want to bother with the identity of the protector that Earthos was referring to. For Reina, the relationship in this world is just like a novel plot, it has absolutely no impact on her real life.

"Are you sure?. The thing is, you will definitely be shocked when you find out who I mean. "

Earthos tilted his body, looking at Reina with sparkling eyes and seductive smile formed on his red lips. Hurriedly, Reina shifted her body, away from Earthos's face which was suddenly only a few centimeters away from her face.

"Hei ..."


Earthos covered Reina's mouth with his hand, making the anger that almost came out of Reina's lips didn't come out.

"Mm mm ?."

Ah, Reina forgot that at this time her mouth was being gagged.


Reina asked inside her head.

"Your guardian angel envoy has been standing at the door since earlier, and i think, he overheard our conversation,"

Earthos then took off his hand from Reina's mouth, blinking an eye with a flirtatious smile,

"Congratulations on thinking of a good reason if he suddenly asks."

In the blink of an eye, Earthos' figure suddenly disappeared, along with a creaking sound that signaled that the prison door was being opened.

Arrghh, that damn parallel world gatekeeper. He should have told Reina from the start that someone overheard their conversation.

"Your Excellency."

Reina sat herself down when she heard the deep voice of a man calling out to her. She deliberately put on the look of just waking up. Hope that someone who is listening to her conversation with Earthos think that Reina is delirious

In the midst of a very dark prison atmosphere, a lantern that the stranger was holding gave off a dim light. But it was enough to allow Reina to see the face of the man standing in front of her.


like being hit with a hammer, Reina's heart suddenly ached. The man's face felt very familiar in Reina's memory, not Joana's memory that she was currently possessing.

That face, was the same face as the one Reina wanted to crush to his bones. That man, Demian ..