
The Encounter.

I never thought that I would leave the one I loved so abruptly, yet I had to. I stopped all relations with him after merely 12 years of knowing each other. I know, why would I break off a friendship that has a huge part of my life.

"Min.... Min!!! Snap out of it. We must get going if we are going to make it to the market before it closes." Mother states with a sense of urgency. I wonder what she has planned. She is never in a hurry. It doesn't matter, as long as she's happy. "NeNa keep your mother from buying everything in the market please."

"Of course Papa! That's why I'm going is it not?",

"That's my baby girl." Father states as he walks up and lightly kisses my mother. If only I knew that one day I'll have finally found the man of my dreams.

As mother and I walk to the store, we slowly realize that I haven't told her how America was and my adventure in another country.

"So Min, How has leaving Hantori? Was it everything that you dreamed of and more? Also why did you change your major? You were suppose to be a beautiful actress by now. You could have stayed here, and help take care of your father." I can tell my mother is really asking if I regret leaving.

"Well Ma, It was amazing! Very different that here. Yet, I did miss everyone here while I was away. Plus when I went to America I realized that I didn't really want to be this huge star, but I did want to help the people in the industry that need legal help. So I didn't technically leave the industry completely, and I still got my acting degree. I just also took up a law major. It's not big deal."

I really didn't want to leave when I did, but I needed to. I needed to help my parents or that's what I keep telling myself. Maybe I really did leave because of him.

As we walk up to the store I start to see a familiar figure that I never thought I would see again. I finally saw both of them again. After two years, The pretty girl with curly brown hair and bedazaling green eyes that looked at me with a sinister grin. She wore just as much as she did back then; the desginer skirt with a white blouse and some black heals, oh and you couldn't forget her desinger purse that held a small dog, like always. It had been so long, yet she still looked like she did two years ago. A girl that knew she could have anything. Her name Seol Hee.

Then there was him, Jin Soo. This man had bright brown eyes that always sparkled when he looked at something he had fallen in love with. He had very short pushed back brown hair that when wet made him look even sexier than before. I hadn't seen this beautiful being since I left. To say the truth, I didn't even tell him that I was going to leave. I just hopped on a plane and left as soon as I can. So that I wouldn't see him anymore.