

"Yaaa!! I didn't expect for Hayama-Kun's friends to visit so suddenly" the gang is currently inside the Shiomi Seminar " Please forgive us for the dirty place." Jun bowed apologizing and served them some herbal tea. Alex and the others looked around the messy room, all sort of stuff is thrown around.

Hayama who is on the other side of the couch looked at his Dormmates with a displeased eyes " Once you drink that tea, leave, we are busy." He said while crossing his arms.

"Busy?!..." Alice put her index on her lips in confusion " But you're just sitting there. Is this a new definition of Busy♪?" said Alice

"I have to move in the boxes outside." Hayama had a tick mark on his forehead, he really can't take this girl.

The two entered a heated argument, Jun, on the other hand, was looking at them with nervous eyes

"H..Hayama-kun, Don't treat your friends like that!!!" Jun shouted at Hayama making the two stop their argument.

"We're not friends really." Said Alex in a monotone voice, his words made the room quite for a moment.

"W..What do you mean? aren't you guys Hayama-Kun's Dormmates?? So, you guys are friends." Jun questioned nervously, if she could cry at this moment then she would.

"Well, we are dormmates, but he always leaves the dorm earlier than us, comes back late at night. We can't say we are friends at all" Said Alex, Alice, Takumi, Ryo, and Isami nodded in agreement, they rarely see the white-haired boy.

Jun looked at Hayama who was avoiding her gaze, she was somehow angry at him " You said your relationship is going smoothly..." Jun said with teary eyes "...Hayama-kun, Did you lie to me!! How could you?!!"

Hayama was feeling bad right now, why had these idiots come here, just to expose him.

"What was even the reason I sent you to live in a dorm?!" Jun asked. The sole reason she sent Hayama to a dorm is to have friends of his age instead of spending the whole day taking care of her and cleaning after her. He's like a son to her and what would a mother want for her son other than to enjoy his youth

"I do not need friends, Jun..." Hayama looked at Jun in the eyes and said confidently " ...I need to be by your side."

"You don't need to be by my side at all the time. I want you to have friends and have people you can rely on." Said Jun. She turned and looked at Alex and co, she bowed to them " Please forgive Hayama-Kun's behavior, in his heart, he doesn't want to hurt everyone" Jun looked at everyone with Gentle eyes " Please, be Hayama-Kun's friends"

"Oi! Jun why are you asking them---" Hayama's mouth was shut by Jun's hand. If Hayama isn't willing to take the first step then she will do it for him.

"Why not." Said Alex.

"I see no problem," said Takumi

"Nice to know you." Said Isami

"We're in your care♪♪" said Alice

"Whatever my lady said," said Ryo

Jun looked at the bunch of youth and her eyes had teardrops " T...Thank you very much." said Jun " C'mon Hayama-kun, greet your friends." said Jun

Hayama reluctantly bowed with Jun and said " I'll be in your care." he said, he was expecting these guys to make a fuse and trouble Jun. Hayama can admit that his behavior toward other people is shit due to him cleaning after Jun and helping her around. He didn't have time to interact with other people or make friends in his whole life.

'It won't hurt to go along with Jun's wishes this time.' He thought

"Yosh!" Alice stood up with a cheerful tone " I have a suggestion" she said. Everyone looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"Since Hayama-san was away from us for a couple of the past day. He doesn't know much about us and we don't know anything about him." Said Alice, her face shines with the aura of ' I have the perfect plane'

"And that is why I say we should spend the rest of this day together." She said.

Everyone except Jun had one thought in their head 'A Pretty basic idea'

"THAT'S Right!!!" Jun's eyes had sparkles in them, she really thinks this is a great Idea "Isn't that right Hayama-kun...Yes yes, It's really great."

Alice had a proud face as her idea was being appreciated.

Alexander stood up " Then, let's do it." he said, " We can walk around the school, go to the arcade, and we even have bikes that we can ride." Alex looked Hayama " What do you say, Hayama-Kun?"

Hayama looked at Alexander and the others for a moment before he sighed deeply and scratched his head ' There is no need to keep avoiding them all the time.' he thought.

"You can choose..." Said Hayama, he stood up from his place. He brought out his black coat with white fur on the collar. "... I will tag along!" he said

"Yosh, Let's go, Friends♪♪" Alice dragged Alexander out as the others followed behind them. She sat behind Alex on his bike.

Ryo behind Takumi, Hayama behind Isami. The group took off from Shiomi Seminar. Jun is standing at the door waving at them with teary eyes that only a mother could have ' Hayama-Kun...Please enjoy your youth, you don't need to care for me at all time. I can take care of myself' Jun thought in her heart sincerely. She turned to enter the Shiomi Seminar, on her way she clumsily tripped all alone.

Maybe she still needs Hayama around a little.

The gang took off to the Arcade with their bikes. To say they enjoyed their time would be an understatement. They played all sort of games, from shooting games to card games.

Surprisingly, Alexander was the last in every game they played

"Hahaha!!! You're the last! hahaha!! you suck at games" Takumi was rolling on the floor from laughter. He was enjoying seeing Alexander losing for once.

" SHUDUP!!! YOU'RE THE 5TH, YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN ME!!!!" Alexander shouted at Takumi who just hold his stomach from laughing too much

After the Arcade. They went to a restaurant to eat grilled food and in there they tortured its owner with their comments about the food. The chef said they were just brats that don't know anything about cooking.

Being the prideful chefs they are. The 6 of em end up working at that restaurant for a few hours. They made that chef regret his decision. Unknown to that guy, he had just witnessed the world next Gourmet leaders.

After sunset, It is safe to say that those guys became friends.

They returned back to the North Star Dorm on their bikes where the old lady Natasha was waiting for them.

Alice got down from behind Alex, she adjusted her uniform and hair, her face had clear joy on it. It can be said that this day was the most enjoyable day she had.

All of them were tired, after eating dinner together, they all went to their assigned rooms.

They Should Rest. Because the hellish training of Totsuki is about to start.


Chapter 16 is out on Pare-on.

Go to: https://www.patreon.com/RedVoidDoragon

On the mobile app: Doragon

Hit me with whatever you can.


Also, I won't be updating until the 14th of this month due to my exams. I entering a tough phase