
The Girl Who Cried Wolf

I've never been good at uncomfortable silences.Even more so now since it's with Keanu,whom I've never had one of those with.I've never had a steamy make out session with him either so I guess it's apt.

Still,I needed to say something to relieve this weird awkward tension or I'd start pulling out my hair.I peeked at him through the curtain of my hair as he drained his side of the sink.

"Did you notice how everyone was lit like the fourth of July except Wayne when we were out there?"

He wiped down the counter before answering and I moved away,careful not to touch him.

"Yeah.I wonder what his power is....we know what everyone can do except him."

I took a bunch of grapes from the refrigerator and started popping them into my mouth in twos.

"Maybe he really IS like batman.Didn't he mention something about self defense?"

I broke off a cluster and passed to him when he reached out a hand.

He made sure our fingers didn't touch,looked out the window instead of at me.