
The Gift,It Looks Good On You

Thwack,woosh,swat.That was the rhythm we walked to.Ukrik's big rod (really need to start phrasing this better so I don't sound like a perv) slapped a low hanging branch out of the way,-thwack-swept lower to part the long grass,-woosh-and I was constantly swatting at some very blood thirsty insects that kept nipping at my exposed skin.I'm beginning to regret ever wishing for the normal and familiar.

Give me Godis any day.

Throughout my scratching and grumbled curses,Ulrik told his tale."Glob knew that his victory would never be permanent unless he put other measures in place.To maintain dominion,he had to venture out of this realm and into yours."

"I don't get it,why couldn't he just work his voodoo magic on his own people?"

He grunted with his next thwack,forcing me to hop over the branch that fell.

Which caused me to bump into his granite back and pretty much break my face."Holy pineapple on a stick! Ooooow,Ulrik!"

"Take care to watch where you are going" His answer was smug and satisfied, absolutely no remorse. I'd slap him if I wasn't sure I'd break my hand."Maybe now you'll think twice before likening my master's power to something as crass and dastardly as voodoo." He scoffed and went back to clearing us a path while I checked for chipped teeth.The big lug did it on purpose.I'll have to remember to pay him back for that but for now I'll digress."You didn't answer me though,why couldn't he use his great,mighty powers on those of you already here?" He paused to give me a reproachful look.Ah,so he recognized the sarcasm.He didn't address it though,but said "The Noir would have killed anyone who possessed the gift before they reached the age of maturity,"

I ducked as a branch swung into the spot my head was occupying.I swear this guy is trying to kill me."I don't get it,how can he be stuck in his evil lair and be killing people?"

"He himself is trapped but his powers have gained enough strength for him to cast out his dark warriors to do his bidding.If Glob had gifted anyone in Opa,he would have doomed them." Now it's my turn to scoff.

"Perfectly ok to sentence us measly earthlings to death,though"

"Gargol's reach does not extend to other dimensions,you were perfectly safe,"

I thought back to the past few mornings.I'd been waking up to find things strangely beside the bed or in it with me.There was my desk and chair,my lava lamp,my laptop,my clothes,shoes,jewelry.I kept blaming static electricity,afraid to think too deeply about what could be happening.It was just too weird to contemplate.I also realised that this all started happening on the morning of my 21st birthday two weeks ago."21,we have to be 21 before this 'gift' starts to act up,"

He gave me an approving glance."Indeed,your gift begins to manifest when you become an adult and I am sent for you."

"Ok,so let me get this straight,the voodoo-" He shoots me a very disapproving look over his shoulder as he wrestles with some particularly stubborn weeds,I roll my eyes and air quote."sorry,special abilities have been laying dormant inside me all this time?"

"Yes,after the Great War,Glob entered your world and searched for humans who were struggling to conceive.His gift was implanted in each fetus to grow and develop as the child did,only to manifest when the child became 21.You were one of the few."

"So I'm not the only one?"


"Who are the others?"

"I swear,it is as if your ears only work selectively.Did you not hear me say 'one of the four?' You will meet the others when we get to Cardoza"

"Aren't we going to Aorta?"

An inpatient sigh,then "Cardoza is the town,Aorta is the building"

"Oh,I get it now."

I think.

This is all a bit much.I follow him in silence for the next few minutes,trying to process everything he's told me.The names alone are making me dizzy.I thought back to something he said.

"So my room wasn't actually out to get me,I was doing that?"

His response dripped sarcasm.

"How astute of you Ms.Bishop."

I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me.

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help you guys when I haven't the slightest idea of how to use,much less control any of these weird abilities.I'll probably end up strangling myself with a vine or something"

"That is why we will train,"

"In Aorta."


"Will you be my instructor?"

"One of them."

"Who else?"


I swatted a mosquito at the base of my neck.

"You mean the great Glob comes down from his high horse to instruct us mere mortals?"

"I see no reason for your rancor since you know naught about Glob,"

"He's the reason I'm in this wretched place so pardon me for not feeling very affectionate towards him."

"He's the reason you're alive"

Well that shut me up.

For a couple minutes at least.

"So my parents, they've met him?"

"How else could he have healed your mother's womb?"

I waved my hand infront of my face as we passed through a cluster of gnats.

"I'm just trying to get my bearings here Ulrik so lay off the sarcasm."

"I am simply following your lead Judah"

Right.My mom always said my mouth was going to get me in trouble.

"Anyway,he just appeared to her like an angel Gabriel thing?"

He cut a branch in half,decimated the weeds.


"You know,the Nativity story? Baby Jesus? The Virgin Mary?"

"I know nothing of these people."

"Nevermind, I'll tell you about it later.How did he find them? What did he say to convince my mom he wasn't a stark raving lunatic?"

"Only Glob can answer those questions.My knowledge is very limited."

I sighed.So my mom was visited by a king wizard Gabriel wannabe and now I have super powers.How can I not be dreaming? I looked up from staring at my mocasin clad feet when I noticed they'd suddenly stepped on beautiful lime green grass.The breath was instantly knocked right out of me.Before me was the most vivid meadow I'd ever seen.A plethora of magnificently colored blooms was spread out before me,underscored by the striking lime green of the grass.The flowers were at least waist high and swayed in a soft breeze.I had to literally squint at the dazzling array of colors.I was also squinting at Ulrik's very wide backside.Seemingly unaffected by the spectacular sight before me,he trudged on,unaware that I'd stopped and probably looked like a fish pressed against a glass bowl.I rehinged my jaw and put a foot infront of me.The flowers parted.

Say what.

I snatched my foot back,blinked and did it again.

The flowers parted.Cautiously,I put my foot down once more and just like the Red Sea,thy parted to make way for me.Well alright then.Ulrik has finally realized I'm not behind him n stopped to wait on me.I know I need to hurry but I keep stopping to smell the roses.

And daisies.

And pansies.

And heaven knows what else but they smelled amazing,a real olfactory delight.

I had my face buried in a posie when I heard a twig snap."Judah!"

I looked ahead and Ulrik was motioning for me to hurry up.I put the posie back up my nose.Another snap.Probably some sort of forest animal.I picked a blossom and twirled it with my fingers,spun around lazily with my face lifted to the sky,humming.


Leave it to Tree Bear.

"What is your prob-"

His face is doing all sorts of anxious contortions and now he's pointing to his feet,then mine.He looks.... frightened?


I turn around.

What the.....there are snakes.Dozens of huge anaconda looking black snakes streaming out from the forest,hissing.At me.

No time to be stubborn now.I turn and run.