
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · Jeux vidéo
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10 Chs


Metal Tails flies over the city, dropping bombs from the hole in his stomach. Causing explosions below as the screams of civilians are heard in the background

A lady, carrying her baby, runs through the hell zone that is what is left of the Residential District, trying to get to safety

As she is running the lady trips on a crack in the ground. Causing her to fall. But before she could crush her baby she controlled her body to where she fell on her backside

The lady looks down at her


"Are you okay?"

Then a giant piece of a building overhead breaks off of the building. Falling directly toward the Lady

Before the piece of debris crushed the lady Fog comes from the side, kicking the piece of debris! Causing it to scatter

Fog lands right next to the lady who's looking at him with an amazed look


"Are you two okay?"




"Then get to safety, you're leader Onyx is evacuating the citizens on the far north side."


"O-oh, okay."

The lady stands up still carrying her baby

She starts running the opposite way but stops after a little bit

The lady looks toward Fog


"Thank you!"

Fog smiles


"You're welcome."

The lady smiles and it slowly dissipates into worry as she continues run the other way

Fog looks toward the sky looking up at Metal Tails

Fog takes a deep breath

Fog looks toward the top of a building

Metal Tails flying, spinning his two tails like a helicopter, hovers just above the skyline

Metal Tails scans the area and sees that there are no organisms left under him



Metal Tails changes the direction and starts to fly toward another district

Fog looks down on Metal Tails on a building

As Metal Tails hovers under the Fog. He jumps off the building, landing on Metal Tails's back

Metal Tails then starts to go frantic

Fog steers Metal Tails in the direction of a building

Fog grabs Metal Tails's head and drags his head on the side of the building

Metal Tails spins but Fog has managed to hold on

Fog's hands slowly start to slip



Metal Tails start to spin as it falls to the ground along with Fog

Fog's fingers slip off of Metal Tails. Causing him to fly off

Metal Tails crashes into the ground, breaking the ground on impact

Metal Tails stands from the rubble and looks around

Metal Tails scans the area with his thermal scanner. Seeing Fog's outline


"Calculating, calculating, calculating…"


"Calculations complete."

Metal Tails's shoulders turn into missile launchers

Fog hides behind cover and peaks to look at Metal Tails

Fog jumps from cover and starts to bomb-rush Metal Tails



Metal Tails shoots two heat-seeking missiles

When one got to Fog, he jumps over the missile and touches it. Seeing its future


"Sya Narra."

Fog grabs the missile and flips it over to aim at the other missile

When the other missile got close Fog let it go. Then jumps to cover as fast as he could but was blasted back when the explosion occurred

In a split second Fog regains his composure and circles around Metal Tails and jumps behind it

An arm then exits the back of Metal Tails, showing a minigun

Metal Tails's head turns all the way around to look at Fog



Metal Tails starts shooting at Fog

Fog jumps back but gets hit by a bullet before he could get to cover. But luckily he was hit in his metal arm, not causing any great injury

Fog jumps to cover

Fog uses his other hand and digs out the bullet out of Metal Tails's arm

Fog sighs


"That was lucky."

A piece of his cover was then suddenly blown off

Fog gets into a crouching position and proceeds to sneak through the cover of a cement wall as Metal Tails continuously shoots at the wall, hoping to hit Fog

A part of the cement wall in front of Fog suddenly is blown away by a missile, knocking Fog on his posterior

Fog regains his composure peaks out to look at Metal Tails

Fog dodges a bullet that was immediately coming toward his way, going back to cover



Fog's eyes then go wide

Fog turns his head to the direction of Metal Tails

Fog peaks an eye out and Metal Tails immediately shoots in his direction, missing Fog

Fog starts to think "It may be a learning AI. But the difference is that I can see the future."

Fog closes his eyes

Fog breathes in and out

Fog touches the ground

"How am I going to beat you?" Fog thought

Fog looks into the future, seeing everything. Up to the tinniest detail

Civilians are running through a tunnel under the ground, while Knuckles is causing Mayham on the other side of the city


Fog pinpoints his powers to the future of Metal Tails

Fog opens his eyes


"You're done."

Fog jumps over the barrier and starts to sprint toward Fog

"Clear my mind. Only think of the target."

Fog closes his eyes and opens them focusing only on Metal Tails



Metal Tails shoots a missile to the left of Fog and Fog dodges by spinning to the right



Metal Tails's chest turns into a gun and shoots a calvary shell at Fog and fog slides on the shell



Metal Tails shoots a missile to Fog's right and Fog dodges by rolling to the left


"Now down."

Metal Tails changes the position of it's minigun and tries to shoot Fog's legs and Fog jumps over the bullets toward Metal Tails

Metal Tails gets ready a monsterous kick


"Your days are numbered you damn Fox."

Fog then kicks Metal Tails's head clean off in an instant!

Fog, to the back of Metal Tails, manages to stick his landing. Sliding on the ground in the process

Metal Tails's body falls to the ground

Metal Tails's head rolls on the ground and is stopped by the wall of a building it destroyed



Fog walks toward Metal Tails and looks down at the robot

Fog stomps on the robot's head. Crushing it completely, ending the fight



Metal Tails is one of the few androids that has an advanced learning chip within it. Given the time it could even figure out the best way to kill you a hundred times.

But Fog didn't give it the time to do so. Defying the calculations due to his ability to see the future and past.