
FM story

Life of the third son of The Duke of Aris.

glactic_view · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
2 Chs


1 PM, 09 September 2023

In a softly illuminated room, two figures are nestled in plush armchairs, their interaction laden with an unspoken but palpable tension. On one side, a patient sits, their demeanor revealing a subtle nervousness, while across from them, a compassionate doctor extends a calming presence.

Suddenly, the doctor said kindly, "Okay, Mr. Grey, that's all for today's session. We shall continue your treatment next week." The man sitting opposite him flinched slightly and gave a weak nod.

"Thank you for the treatment, Doctor Ray. I shall meet you in the next session." Then he shook hands with Ray and left the room.

After Mr. Grey left the room, silence enveloped the space. Ray sat there motionless, his once-kind smile gradually turning into something eerie. As minutes passed, his smile grew increasingly unsettling. After five long minutes had elapsed, he suddenly burst into a creepy, unsettling laughter.

After a whole minute of hearty laughter, he stopped laughing.

"That idiot wanting to end his life because his girlfriend left," he grumbled. "Thought his novel was quite good," he added as he glanced at the novel on the table and proceeded to grab it, starting to read.

Then, he began reading it intently, with only the sound of pages flipping echoing in the room. Only when the night had fully descended did he finally put away the novel and stare at the moon, which brightly illuminated the night through his window.

He proceeded to begin wrapping up his remaining tasks for the day. Afterward, he turned off the lights in the room, locked it, and then drove home in his car.

As he neared his home, his eyes fell upon a luxury villa. He parked his car, opened the front door, which stood at 10 feet in height, and proceeded inside. Everything appeared ordinary at first glance, but upon closer inspection, one would be shocked to discover its finest details and top-notch quality.

He proceeded to hang his car keys on the hook on the side of the wall and went to the master bedroom via the spiral stairs in the right corner of the hall. He began undressing and then entered the bathroom to take a warm shower.

After a long shower, he dried himself and stood in front of the mirror. In the mirror was the reflection of Ray, a 35-year-old man who looked handsome with chiseled jaws, sharp eyes, and dark blue eyes that seemed to have an abyss in them. His muscles resembled those of Greek gods, and his pitch-black hair complemented his sharp nose, making him appear as the epitome of perfection. He then put on his shorts and finally settled into bed. Darkness filled his vision as his consciousness slipped away.

Little did he know, this would be his final sleep in this world...

As Ray's consciousness seemed to float in endless darkness, he heard a monotone mechanical voice:

[Initializing perspective system...]

[Request accepted.]

[Proceeding to integration with host...]

[Integration... 10%... 20%...]

[...50%... 90%...]

[...99%... 100%]

[Integration with host successful...]

[Initializing protocol 019L...]

As Ray heard this mechanical voice, though he was a calm and collected person, he couldn't help but panic in this situation. He struggled to open his eyes, but he couldn't. He tried to speak, but his mouth remained closed as he endlessly wrestled with this situation.

After the endless struggle, he struggled less and less as his consciousness slipped away into the darkness.

After what felt like an eternity, Ray regained consciousness. However, he still couldn't see or speak. It was as if he were trapped within a bubble. But this time, as he struggled, he could slightly discern a small white light. Ray fought to move towards this light, pushing against the bubble-like structure that restrained him. As he gazed into the sea of blinding light, it engulfed him once more, each brilliant beam piercing his vision like a thousand suns, leaving him momentarily sightless.

Suddenly, a momentary jolt struck Ray, and he heard the excited, high-pitched voice of a woman exclaiming, 'cegergrtv snfhu idsnfujg fijeffjeg fuejuf.' Although he couldn't comprehend the words, he couldn't fully open his eyes as the blinding light overwhelmed him. He attempted to speak, but all that escaped his mouth were unintelligible sounds like "ooh, aah, huuh..." Even Ray himself was bewildered by the noises that came from his mouth.

'What the heck is going on in this place? If I find the motherfucker who put me through this, I'm going to freaking kill him,' Ray thought to himself.

Then, he heard a cold voice of a man say, "fsfeef."

Ray felt a warm sensation flow through his body as he could finally fully open his eyes and see his surroundings.

'W-w-what the heck...'The first thing he saw was a smiling giant female human face, beaming down at him affectionately. Ray froze in fear, not daring to move an inch, and stared at the woman without blinking.

Upon seeing Ray staring at her, the woman excitedly spoke in an unknown language to him. To get a closer look at his face, she gently lifted Ray closer to her own. It was only then that Ray realized he was in the woman's hand. As he lifted his hand to examine it, he finally noticed how small and delicate it was. "Huh... huuuuh," a noise escaped his mouth in astonishment.

Ray finally realized his situation; he had been reincarnated as a baby.