
FM story

Life of the third son of The Duke of Aris.

glactic_view · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ryan Siliyan

[Author's Note:

Inner Thoughts (Mind Voice): Enclose inner thoughts in single quotation marks (' ').

Normal Speaking: Use double quotation marks (" ") for regular spoken dialogue.

Unknown Language: Indicate an unknown language using asterisks (*).

Ray - Transmigrated Soul name.

Ryan - Body name.


No, no, damn it! Ah, shit... Not again... Just let me die," Ray exclaimed in his mind. His panic and frustration reached their peak as he struggled and, unfortunately, failed to control his bladder, resulting in soiling his diaper.

'Uhhh, I can't control my bladder even after two weeks of my birth,' he mumbled in his mind.

Then, he looked at his surroundings. He appeared to be in a high-tech baby cradle, seemingly floating in the air, defying gravity. The room itself was filled with baby toys and products. On the ceiling, a virtual screen projected the serene blue sky with passing clouds, casting a soothing and calming effect over the space.

Ray's appearance was distinctive, with white hair and striking green eyes. He was dressed in a side-snap t-shirt, his tiny form nestled comfortably in the advanced cradle.

'Well, let's start the plan... huff, huff... one... two... three,' as he made his preparations, and then he began crying, "Wauhhh, wauhhhh, waauhhh," aloud in a high-pitched tone, hoping to get his diaper changed.

Suddenly, the room's stillness was interrupted as a woman entered through doors that seemed to have sprung from the realms of science fiction. The doors slid open silently, revealing a futuristic entranceway. Their surface gleamed with a sleek, metallic finish, giving an otherworldly aura to the otherwise tranquil space.

As the woman, in her twenties with blonde hair and brown eyes, stepped inside, her presence brought a sense of reassurance, a nurturing figure ready to attend to the baby's needs. Her youthful air was complemented by a beautiful silver bracelet adorning her right hand, which caught the soft room lighting and added a touch of elegance to her appearance. Her eyes, filled with compassion, locked onto the source of the cries, and she moved forward with grace, her purpose clear.

As she came closer to the crying baby, she gently scooped him up into her hand, her warm smile exuding comfort. She spoke in a tender tone, *"Aww, what happened to baby Ryan?" Her eyes held an affectionate gaze.

Upon closer inspection, she discovered that he had soiled his diaper. Her expression shifted to understanding. *"Ohh, so that's the problem. Let me change it pretty quickly for you," she reassured as she prepared to tend to his needs.

As she gently placed him back in the cradle and began preparing to change Ray's diaper, his thoughts raced. 'Mission completed,' he thought with a hint of satisfaction. His gaze shifted slightly, and he observed her from the corner of his eye. 'Well, this all seems a little unbelievable. I got reincarnated as a baby in another world. Yeah, another world. And the crazy part is that this world is advanced and has... magic. Freaking magic.'

Ufff, first things first. I want to know the identity of this body. To do that, I first have to learn their language, as it solves most of the problem. Next is understanding this world's power structure to prepare how to live in it. And then, I want to learn magic. Lastly, I just want to squeak,'

As the cute sound escaped Ray's mouth, he suddenly started floating in the air without any support.

A few seconds before Ray started floating, the blonde-haired young woman finished her diaper preparations. She noticed that Ray was lost in his thoughts, and a chuckle escaped her lips. With amusement twinkling in her eyes, she extended her hand forward.

The silver bracelet in her hand transformed into a wand with red-colored gems embedded in it.

She murmured, *"Float," and Ray started to float, suspended in the air as if by some invisible force.

With a wave of the wand, the diaper was removed and placed into a metal dustbin that opened automatically.

Then, she cast another spell, *"Clean," and the baby was instantly free from dirt and bacteria. With another wave of her wand, a fresh diaper replaced the old one, completing the diaper change with a touch of magic.

Experiencing this magical diaper change, Ray started giggling uncontrollably, his laughter filling the room with pure joy.

Seeing Ray's hearty laughter, the blonde woman smiled, her own expression reflecting the warmth of the moment.

Then, after completing her magical task, the wand transformed back into a bracelet, resting elegantly on the woman's wrist.

"Now that the cleaning is over, let's play together," the blonde woman said with a warm smile on her face. But suddenly, the bracelet on her wrist started to emit a red light. Seeing this, the woman's expression changed to one of seriousness. She sighed and said, "Sorry, Ryan, let's play next time." With that, she left the room, her departure marked by the fading red glow of the bracelet.

'I wanna learn magic, I wanna learn magic!' Ray thought with exhilaration, his mind buzzing with excitement from the incredible experiences of the past few minutes. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, and his heart raced with the thrill of what lay ahead.

Suddenly, Ray heard a mechanical monotone voice that startled him.

[Protocol 019L completed]

[Initializing protocol 001A]

As Ray was trying to process what was happening, the mechanical voice continued.

[Congratulations, host. You have been chosen as the host of the perspective system, which will guide you through the process of transcending immortality.]

'What is happening here?' Ray's thoughts raced in his mind again as the mechanical voice sounded once more, leaving him bewildered and intrigued by the mysterious turn of events.

Without giving any time for Ray to think, the mechanical voice sounded again.

[Say "status" to open the status window.]

Ray was now faced with a choice, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic voice and its instructions.

Ray said "status" in his mind.

suddenly a semi transperent green screen appeared in front of him with a list of details.


Player Name: Ryan siliyan

Age: 0.0385 years (2 weeks)

Level: 0

Race: Human

Health: 5/5

Mana: 5/5

Experience: 0/20


Strength: 2

Agility: 1

Dexterity: 1

Defense: 1



'woah woah now that's sick', as Ryan exclaimed in his mind.