

When the world turns its back on people who depend on it, when the entire earth comes crumbling on their feet. Do they sit back and face their fate or do they take actions which defies their being. Find out in this Interesting novel(revenge my alma mater) A pleasure to many A job to plenty A keeper to some When the world seems far away It gives us a way not to go astray It gives us a reason to think of day But the calamity in your household Makes many to withhold Their joy and peace Found in the place Flytopia

Ena_Nora · Urbain
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7 Chs

1 Welcome to my world

Flytopia the only word that echoed in the mind of ten year old little Freddy. Since he was a baby, he had never gotten enough of that word. That place of flying planes and busy beings that always caught his attention at his room window during the day and night. Every year on his birthday, Little Freddy wished with all his guys that his father, David Cooper would allow him to at least see the gate of Flytopia but always gets disappointed by just getting cotton candy or a Flytopia toy plane. One day, he promised himself, he will not only see the gate but he would become a great pilot just like his father.

The sound of Freddy's wooden door jolted him out of his thoughts

"Freddy?? you asleep??" Alma, Freddy's mother asked, a woman of high prestige, a chef in one of the famous restaurants in Mesopotamia "Alma's foods"

"Not yet mom, come in" Alma walked in with Anne, Fred's sister who was sound asleep in her arms. With just one look at them, anyone would know he and Anne were siblings, that shiny black curly hair and pair of blue ocean eyes which always made them unique in a crowd.

"Hey little champ"

"mama" Fred gave his mother a faint smile and offered her a stool besides him at his room window

"what's going on in that head of yours?? Still wishing to see that place?" Alma asked when she noticed him staring interestingly at the far image of Flytopia

"Mama...."Fred dragged "You know that's a dream I would always want fulfilled"

"Yes I know, and I also know that not all dreams must come to a reality, they would always be that, just dreams" Alma replied with concern

"I know mama, please....." Fred's plea went unfinished as he took his mother's hand and saw cuts and bruises all over then he took a good look at her neck and realized there were red lines and his face brightened in shock

"What happened mother? Is it dad again?" he asked with worry all over his face

"No it's nothing champ just got little burns in the restaurant thats all"

"Mom I may be young and naive but I know that these are not burns and what about the ones on your neck, don't tell me those are burns too" Fred responded with distraught half yelling

"shhh, you gonna wake Anne" Alma said patting the half asleep Anne and looking at Fred

"Fred...hey before I forget" Alma turned the conversation around, she did not know the right words to tell Freddy so she decided to change the topic

"Mom....." Fred drawled, his mother was doing it again, changing the topic when she didn't want him to know anything and he hated it but Alma wasn't fazed

"remember Shanya, our new neighbors daughter?" Freddy's face lightened up a bit

"yeah I do, what about her?"

"ehh nothing big, her birthday is this Friday and she wanted me to let you know" Alma said with a grin

Though he wanted his mother to finish their conversation but at the mention of Shanya, Fred couldnt help but grin then replaced it with a scowl, since he wanted to prove to his mom, that he wasn't still over their incomplete conversation

"mama, go now, I need to rest for school tomorrow" Fred said with a straight face making Alma to chuckle. She knew what he was doing and she knew he had a crush on Shanya, so many emotions for a 10 year old, she couldn't help but to laugh out loud

"won't you give me a good night kiss mama?"

"hmm, would have but it seems you would rather someone else did" Alma replied with a smile

"Who mama?" Fred asked with raised brows

"Shanya of course, good night my little champ" Alma left his room in a blink of an eye, leaving Freddy with a face full of redness from embarrassment

Minutes after Alma placed Anne in her crib, she heard the horning of a car and knew it was her spouse, David. She hurriedly opened the gate and took his bag upstairs, he reeked of alcohol which Alma hated. She was about to start trouble again, little did she know that Freddy was at his keyhole watching and listening

"Why are you home late and why do you reek of alcohol, don't you care about your children even if I know you don't give a damn about me?" Alma bombarded David with questions while he just said

"I own this house and everything in it, I work day in and out trying to put food on your table and when I go out to have some fun, you start acting all up like my mom" he fired back

"Don't forget that I also work to provide for this family, Mr..." Alma yelled then her faced reflected her sorrow as she continued

"What's wrong David talk to me, am your wife, ever since you began working in Flytopia, you have had a hell of an attitude downgrade, and have been looking so miserable, talk to me, ple-ease..." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she said that while David just had a bored expression on his face

"Look here woman, it's my life to dictate, I am the man of this house, so you would have to listen to me and leave me the hell ALONE" he yelled

"How can I respect an irresponsible drunkard whose one breath alone can destroy all the plants in my garden, you are a moron David, I regret ever falling in love and getting married to someone like you!!!!" David got fed up, those last words of Alma's sent him over the edge, he held her by the neck and dragged her to the floor hitting her head in the process. Alma winced in pain as she felt blood on her head

"You don't know what I go through everyday, the struggles and pains I go through, you think if it was that easy, I wouldn't resign? I would but am held by indestructible chains Alma....," David said with a sad look. he finally let go of Alma whose neck was now swollen and red. Freddy who was watching heard that last remark of his father and wondered which chains he was talking about and why was it indestructible. He then looked at his mother with heavy eyes, wishing he could run up to her and hold her, tell her he loved her so much, but he knew better. He could only go to bed with a heavy heart and try as much as possible to capture sleep which seemed so far away

While in the living room, David began throwing n breaking stuffs, murmuring incoherent words while Alma managed to stand up

"I really hope you change Mr Cooper but until then, enjoy sleeping on the couch" she then limped off to bed

On Alma's way, she saw light peeking from Freddy's room, she hoped he never overheard nor saw the confrontation between her and his father. She opened the door slightly and went to Fred who was sweating and shaking profusely, he was also murmuring some words like 'dont,.. please...don't ' Alma shook him and he woke up with a very scared expression. On his mother, Fred hugged her tight while still shivering

"His coming mama, for you and dad and hes gonna take Anna and theres nothing I would be able to do, I don't wanna lose you mama" Alma wiped some sweat from his forehead with her palm and tried to console him

"It's ok champion, am not going anywhere and neither is your dad or your Anna, now go back to sleep baby" She said trying to sound calm though deep down she wa scared because Fred only began having this dream when David took that job in Flytopia, she knew it was no coincidence

"No I can't mama, he's so scary"

"okay, how about we see those lights and planes shall we?"

Fred and Alma looked out the window and saw the light shining beauty of Flytopia each occupied by their own thoughts. Alma knew Freds dreams were connected with David being im Flytopia but what could be the connection and what indestructible chains were David talking about? Almas head was in a turmoil. She wondered how such a beautiful place could make someone so dreadful...

When Fred had calmed down and slept again, Alma carried him and placed him on the bed and headed for the door when Fred spoke

"Promise me mama, that you would never leave me" Surprised by his words, she replied

"I promise Champ, I will always be with you, now good night... Again"

Good night mom, I love you" Fred said with sleepy eyes

"I love you more my little champ..."

To be continued.....

Hey!!! Writing my first book and it's FREAKING me out. Just a very short story, no long plots may be good, and may not be good , but your comments may just help me make it better. Thanks, love you

Ena_Noracreators' thoughts