When the world turns its back on people who depend on it, when the entire earth comes crumbling on their feet. Do they sit back and face their fate or do they take actions which defies their being. Find out in this Interesting novel(revenge my alma mater) A pleasure to many A job to plenty A keeper to some When the world seems far away It gives us a way not to go astray It gives us a reason to think of day But the calamity in your household Makes many to withhold Their joy and peace Found in the place Flytopia
In Flytopia, Captain Ninda, a 37 year old was making breakfast for her 13 year old son Jefferson in their cabin which was their home
"Mom, aren't you done, my tummy can't wait" Jeff said rubbing his stomach which made the Captain to chuckle
"come on champ, it won't hurt if you wait another 3 minutes"
"I'm afraid I would have fainted by then" he said making a funny gesture with his face
"Here we go" the Captain placed pancakes on his plate topping it with milk. He had his cup of tea at his side. Ninda dished some for herself and they sat to eat.
The interruption of Natasha, a final year student in flight attendance startled the mother and son
"Uhmm sorry for barging in on you guys like that" She apologized immediately knowing she disrupted their Peaceful atmosphere
"Captain, Mr Craig seeks your presence"
"Tell him, I will be right there, you can go now" Ninda said to Natasha before looking at Jeff who had worn a sad look
"It's ok mom, you can go it's not like it's the first time" Jeff said finishing his last piece of pancake, not looking at his mother
"Am so sorry Champ but I have to do this. Promise to be back before dinner ok? I love you" Those were the last words of his mother before she dashed out of the room. Jeff picked up their plates and took them to their small kitchen, he was already used to this. Since the day, he and his mom started living in Flytopia, his mom hardly had time for him, it was always one routine, training or interview she has to go for. She was hardly at home all because of Craig. Jeff was grateful to Craig because he saved both him and his mother in that fire which burnt their house along with his father to dust. Craig also gave them a home in Flytopia, made his mother a Captain and in charge of all flights and management. Craig really did a lot for him and his mother, he would never be able to repay him but sometimes he really wished they were back at their old house, living their old house along with his dad. Jeff really missed him so much.
David arrived at Flytopia and took a deep breath before he entered the gate, he knew that all eyes were on him since he got that promotion three months ago. Some people envied him, others just hated him. He never blamed them because it wasnt everyday an employee gets promoted just three months after getting employed. David got to his office and heaved a sigh of relief because he did not get to see the face of that devil called Craig early in the morning which always spoiled his mood. The sound of the door knob got David out of his thoughts. The door opened revealing Mr Craig and Captain Ninda
'speak of the devil and here he is' David thought
"David" Craig said in his intimidating voice
"What is it this time?" David asked with a straight face
"You will be flying tonight"
"Why me I'm sorry but I have to be with my wife tonight"
"you cannot deny me, our other pilots cannot take the loads, only you can and that's why I promoted you" Craig said with his fierce voice which always sent shivers to David but today he wasn't buying it
"I'm sorry, but not today Craig" David said returning a sharp gaze at Craig who still kept that emotionless face
"No one dares deny me David, you know what can happen"
Ninda who hadn't been understanding the fierce atmosphere finally spoke
" Uhmm, I am still here..." Ninda said to the two men who kept shooting glares at each other
"If it's up to me David, you can have this day off for your wife, as for me, I better go back to my son"
Nindas' absence only intensified the tension in David's office
"What's really in there Craig?"
"Uhmm who knows, it's none of your business just continue doing your job, after all that's what I am paying you for"
" I know Craig, I have known for weeks" David said but that didn't move a muscle in Craig's body, he just raised his brow
"How can you be removing the engine of planes and transporting it to Portsmouth, what do you need it for. Do you have any idea of the countless of deaths you have caused?" David continued
"Not me, YOU David" Craig said which made David to shiver making Craig to smirk
"You are the pilot, you are the one transporting without checking, who do you think would be in trouble if anyone where to find out? Huh,? YOU!! MR! DAVID! COOPER!! " Craig said hitting David's chest with a finger
"Bu..But I had no idea that's what I was doing" David said with a shriveled voice, he felt so defeated
"But But.. But No one will believe you, Between me, a business tycoon and you, a curious little pilot who has nothing, who do you think they will believe huh" Craig said still smirking. David controlled himself, he wouldn't allow Craig to see him crumble, now that his suspicions were true, he had to find out more
"But why do you need them, and why isn't anyone suspicious, how do you do it?"
"Let's just say there is nothing money can't buy, very soon your good for nothing planet will be no more, you will be no more, your wife... tsk tsk she will be gone forever" Craig answered with a wide smile before it turned into a scowl
"Keep this in mind David, one wrong move, and you are going to be removed from the human race before the real fun even begins. Just one, Have a good day Mr Cooper" And with that Craig left the office leaving David speechless. He was worried, afraid, scared, left in a trance, he couldn't understand what was happening. There were a lot of questions, but no one to answer.
'What did Craig mean by the planet would be no more?'' Isnt Craig a human being too??' Though he doesn't behave like one
'What was Craig doing with those engines' David had tried so hard to find out whenever he went to Portsmouth but there were men who were always waiting for him at the location and immediately took the goods, he hadn't gotten a chance to find out where they were taking it too
David felt like he just had a brain freeze, he couldn't think with a lot going on in his mind
He had to think of a way to get out of this and fast, he couldn't continue being an object for killing. He was done!!!
In a restaurant called Almas food, Alma sat on a chair in the kitchen with her hands placed on her chin, she was so lost in thoughts that she never noticed the number of people who came to order food. Her assistant, Brittney after checking in the guests with the other employees, and making sure that the meals were being prepared to perfection, came up to her and patted her on the head
"It's ok ma, he will come around someday"
To Alma, Brittney was more than her assistant, she was her friend, her family, the Family that David denied her from seeing two months ago. Since David got promoted in Flytopia, she had being denied from seeing her family at Hot Springs. Brittney was the only person she could confide in
"I don't think so Brittney, he is getting worse day by day, I have ran out of ideas"
"I know and that's what is disturbing, I am so sorry Alma, this is not the David I knew back at Hot springs, he has never been so savage" Brittney said looking intently at the marks on Almas neck, she looked over Almas head and saw Fred coming through the front door
"Hey, Freddy is here" Brittney added. Alma turned to see Fred running towards her with smiles
"Hey mama"
"Hey my baby, how are you?"
" I am so happy mama"
"Had a very good day at school I presume?" Alma asked
"Yes mama, I received an award from my maths teacher" Fred said showing Alma the little medal, he was holding
"so beautiful my champ" Alma said beaming with smiles before she turned to Brittney
"Champ won't you greet your aunt?"
"I am sorry milady " Fred gestured to Brittney
"Good afternoon milady, nice to see you again" Fred took Britney's hand smiling up to her, which made Alma and Brittney to chuckle
"That's my Champion" Alma said puffing Freddy's cheeks
"Aww mom thats so cute, Where is my Anna?" Fred said observing the kitchens lounge
"oh she is sleeping in the guest room"
"I am hungry, mama.." Fred said rubbing his tummy
"My gentleman is hungry Alma, dont keep his tummy waiting" Brittney said. The trio went in the restaurants' kitchen to collect some food.