
Flames of Destiny

Soukou Shuosai is a young boy, whose entire family and village were killed, he had everything taken away from him after the fire he ran away until he found an old man who taught him magic. Now Soukou must live in this world, get stronger, make friends, start a family, and hopefully change this corrupt world for the better.

Salty2974 · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


My mom was standing right there...with her silver-gray hair and her pointy ears making lunch.


I tried to reach out and touch her but as I did...

She was enveloped in flames. She screamed so loud "How could you abandon us Soukou!? This is all your fault your family is dead because of you! It's all your fault!"

I woke up gasping for air.

"Woah, calm down are you okay Soukou?"


"Don't worry there's no fire here."


"Of course, I promise."


"Are you ready to start your training?"

My eyes lit up with excitement I'm so happy I can hardly describe it.

I start jumping up and down overflowing with glee.

"Really?! You really mean it?!"

"Yes, haha I take that as a yes than no?"


"Well, today will be more of studying than actual training but..."

Every ounce of excitement left my body as I heard the words "Study"

"I'm going back to bed."



"Haha, I'm sorry Soukou but this is the only way, if you don't study you'll never be able to learn magic."

"What?! But...fine ill study."

"Good now sit."

I sit down on the wooden log right in front of a board.

He picks up a white cylinder thing, and starts to write "Mana fiber"

"Mana fiber is the very essence of our soul and it's what allows us to use magic, listen carefully because if you don't know this you'll never learn magic. Magic in this world comes from your mana fiber the very fiber of your being your life force some would call it. By using this mana fiber and controlling it we can produce something we call magic that magic can be used to do extraordinary things. For example, magic can make water fall from the sky or even raise the dead. Everyone has this mana fiber so anyone could become a mage, this fiber is broken down as you use it and once it breaks down all the way…you can't use magic anymore and you may die that's why you should always stop casting magic at 10% of your fiber left. When you break down this fiber it will grow stronger like how bones grow back stronger after working out. Once it grows back you can cast stronger and more spells before it breaks down again."

"Got all of that?"

"My head is spinning..."

"Haha well, it's all right you don't need to understand it all right away you'll learn as we go."

"The first thing ill teach you is how to sense your mana fiber."


"This will be the hardest part most people can't even become a mage because they cant sense the mana fiber flowing inside their bodies."

"You need to have extreme focus during this or you may strain your mana fiber and won't ever be able to cast magic again."

"Okay, I got it..."

You didn't have to scare me like that gramps.

"Before we start what's your dominate arm?"

"My right arm"


"First close your eyes."


"Now breathe in deeply"

I took a huge breath through my nose.

"Now use all of your senses, pay attention to your breathing your earing, your smelling, and focus."

I was focusing extremely hard I could hear the birds all around the crickets the ants taking food from some trash left outside a snake eating a mouse everything. I could also smell all of it.

"Now focus all of what you can feel on your right arm."

"Like this..."

I focused all of my on my right arm but I can't feel anything maybe I should give up...

"I feel it!"

"You can?!"

"It feels like a warm red color and I can see it too!"

Gozan thought to himself: He can already see it and its color this early?!

"Good job Soukou!"

Gozan came and picked me up and gave me a huge hug. I had the hugest simle on my face.

"I did it! I really really did it!!" I said while he still had me in his arms.

"Yes you did boy, I'm so proud of you but you still have a ways to go but for tonight we'll celebrate!"


Later that night Gozan took me to get some ramen.