
Flames of Destiny

Soukou Shuosai is a young boy, whose entire family and village were killed, he had everything taken away from him after the fire he ran away until he found an old man who taught him magic. Now Soukou must live in this world, get stronger, make friends, start a family, and hopefully change this corrupt world for the better.

Salty2974 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Town and Fire.

As we walked down the path leading to the nearby town a bunny jumped in the middle of the road.

"Oh, look at that a rabbit perfect timing we were running out of food."

Gozan thought to himself: Let's see how he responds to that.

"Well we can buy some more food at the town! Hey little bunny" I said while crouching down and petting the bunny with a huge smile on my face.

"Awww It licked me! Can we keep it?"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid, not young one."

Gozan thought to himself: Good job young one you have proved once again to be a worthy student.

"Aww alright.."

We kept walking down the path that lead us through a forest until we saw an entrance to the town. The town looked fairly advanced much more than mine was.

As we walked in, their was a bunch of townsfolk all waving at Gozan.

A relatively young man who looked about in his early thirties came up to Gozan.

"Hey Gozan, thanks again for fixing our heat problem."

"Haha, no problem Kyle after all you need heat to survive in this cold winter. Plus I owe the mayor one."

"Oh yeah speaking of the mayor he recently went out on a visit to the king's palace. So if you're here to see him you're out of luck."

"To the king hm? Haha well, I'm not here to see him anyways."

"Oh, really what are you here for then Gozan?"

"I actually came to find out the affinity of this young one here."

"Oh I was just about to ask about the little guy, is he your sun Gozan?"

"Oh no, not at all I found him on the way to that village that sent out a distress call."

"Poor kid...well anyways good luck with the affinity test!"

I say in a soft voice hiding behind Gozan "Thank you..."

"Alright boy, let's get going now."


I followed behind Gozan avoiding eye contact with any of the other townsfolk.

"Hey gozan thanks again for taking care of those wolves!"

"Haha, no problem!"

"Hey Gozan! Thank you again for defending us against the bandits"

"My pleasure!"

It seemed Gozan was pretty popular in this town.

"Alright we're here boy you can stop hiding behind me now."


We were at some shack that looked very old and broken down, it looked very out of place in this fairly nice-looking town.

Gozan walked into the shack and I followed behind him.

"Hey, Dorthy!"

A woman who looked like a witch and looked like she was in her sixties came out from the back.

"Oh Gozan is that you?! It's been too long."

"Haha yeah well it's been a while since I trained my last student..."

"I thought you would never train someone again."

"Yeah well, me neither but that's how things turned out."

"So what do you need? An affinity test?"

"Yes exactly"

"Alright then, come young one put your hand over this globe" She said while pointing at a round ball-looking thing.

I cautiously walked over to the globe and put my hand over it.


The moment she said those words the ball started to glow with different colors from green, blue, orange, brown, and finally red.

"Hmm, interesting he seems to have slight affinities for nature magic, ice magic, electric magic, and a medium affinity for earth magic, sky magic, and his main affinity is fire magic."

"Impressive! I haven't seen someone with that many affinities since akaan..."

"Indeed, he also possesses the legendary sky magic!"

"Haha, yeah and thankfully he has his main affinity in fire magic that will make teaching him way easier"


I thought back to what happened to my village.

The screams of despair I heard while running away...seeing my family being burned alive...having my home taken away from me in front of my eyes. It was all because of fire.


"Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire" I said rapidly while breathing extremely fast and heavily.

"FIREE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE" The absolute despair I felt was immeasurable I started to break down into tears.

"Woah! What the hell has gotten into him"

"Soukou calm down!"

My vision started to fade along with my hearing and all my other senses.

I had a panic attack.

The very thing that took away everything from me...Is now the very same magic I have to learn.