
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

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10 Chs

Mark Castora

In the heart of the labyrinth on Sword Art Online's first floor, four teens embarked on an adventurous quest. Mark Castora, wielding a broadsword, led the group with a charismatic confidence. Sarah Smith, using a dagger, offered strategic insights. Ethan Brivy, armed with a mace, was the silent observer, while Lily Cusack, carrying a two-handed sword, provided both strength and defense .

Their goals, concealed beneath the surface of camaraderie, varied. Mark sought glory, Sarah craved knowledge, Ethan aimed for mastery, and Lily yearned for companionship in the vast virtual world. Their bond allowed them to watch one another's backs as they traversed the winding corridors of the labyrinth. They cornered small groups of kobolds to farm materials and col as they ventured down paths no one had mapped out yet.

"It looks as though theres a hidden path here." Ethan's low voice echoed in the narrow path they were in. The group ceowded around where Ethan was pointing and sure enough there was a crack in the left side of the path.

"Looks like we can get in if we go one at a time." Lily moved her hair from her face as she squated and began to crawl into the crack. He sword scrapped against the walls, creating a terrible sound that echoed through the labrynth. The others slowly followed through with Mark bringing up the rear.

In the hidden chamber, the group found a shining silver chest in the center of a dirt room. A single torch glowed behind the chest, creating a creepy atmosphere. Greed glinted in their eyes as they imagined what kind of rare treasure could be in there. Ethan placed his hands on the chest first, an eerie alarm resounded in the room. Sarah tried to speak but her words were drowned by the strange alarm. The room lit up as the group screamed out in unison, the floor glowed blue then a hellish red as their bodies vaporized and reassembled in another location.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a dimly lit cave, surrounded by the guttural growls of kobolds. Panic set in as the teens realized their predicament. Kobolds, armed with crude weapons, closed in on them from all sides.

"Mark, you and your brilliant ideas!" Sarah scolded, her dagger at the ready.

Mark, trying to maintain his bravado, replied, "We can handle this! Watch eachothers back while looking for the exit!"

Ethan swung his mace skillfully, landing powerful blows on the kobolds. Lily's two-handed sword cleaved through the creatures, but the sheer number of kobolds overwhelmed them. The cavern echoed with the chaos of battle.

In the midst of the struggle, two kobolds focused their assault on Ethan. Despite his valiant efforts, the mace-wielding fighter fell, his health bar depleting rapidly. Lily desperately tried to cover him, but it was too late. Ethan's avatar disintegrated into pixels as he cried out.

The cavern fell into a momentary silence, time seeming to stop a moment as the remaining trio processed the loss. Fear etched itself across their faces as they doubled their efforts to escape.

"There! I see a light at the end of a tunnel here!" Sarah shouted as she looked around different paths while they ran. The group turned and found they had more kobolds blocking their path out.

Sarah's dagger danced in the air, Mark's broadsword clashed with kobold weapons, and Lily's two-handed sword became a beacon of defense as she blocked many attacks at once using a skill. It was a harrowing escape, but the trio managed to break free from the cave.

Back in Tolbana, the once vibrant town seemed muted. The loss of Ethan weighed heavily on them, a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the digital realm. The teens gathered in the town square, the reality of their adventure sinking in as they slumped around a nearby wooden bench.

"This... can we do this?" Marks words were barely above a whisper, his hands shaking.

"We can't keep pushing like this without a strategy, we cant give up like those back at the Town of Begginings." Sarah asserted, her voice tinged with grief.

Mark nodded, the weight of his decisions heavy on his shoulders. "We need to be smarter, work together. No more unnecessary risks."

Lily, wiping away a tear, added, "And we need supplies. Potions, equipment, everything. Let's visit Emily's shop and take a day or two to process."

"If we do that we might go back to moping around like the others." Sarah said, standing and stretching. "We should use our grief to level and survive instead." As she spoke her face said otherwise as she looked like she was constantly about to break down. The others nodded in agreement, getting themselves together and checking menus to keep distracting themselves.

As the trio made their way to Emily's recently opened shop, Tolbana buzzed with activity. Players, oblivious to the loss suffered by the teens, continued their quests and interactions. Sword Art Online was a cruel world that smacked down those that had hope, but these teens would keep moving forward.

This one was a bit hard to work on as I wanted to branch out and take in multiple characters to set up a small story inside the labrynth. The timing was supposed to match up with the main story when the labrynth was being mapped out.

if possible i wanted to leave this here, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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