
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Video Games
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10 Chs

Alex Mercer (cont)

The labyrinthine corridors of the first floor dungeon sprawled before Alex Mercer, his sword at the ready. He was joined by two fellow adventurers, Lars with a sturdy two-handed axe and Joyce wielding a katana. Together, they delved into the shadows of the labyrinth, seeking both challenge and reward.

Alex had come a long way since the first day, he had honed his sword skills to be one of the first to level it up by two ranks and learn two skills no one had gotten yet. Alex felt pride welling up within him when word got out about his advancements, maybe he could even start a guild in the future.

As they ventured deeper, the air thickened with tension. The walls echoed with the distant scuffling of unseen creatures. Alex tightened his grip on his sword, his senses alert to the potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

Lars, ever the stalwart warrior, led the way with his two-handed axe gleaming in the dim light. "Stay close, everyone. We don't want to get separated in here," he advised, his eyes scanning their surroundings. The group had been working together a few weeks and now had a plan and performed decent teamwork in the labrynth.

Joyce, agile and swift with her katana, nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's keep our guard up and watch each other's backs."

The trio moved in unison, their footsteps echoing through the labyrinth. Suddenly, the silence shattered as a group of kobolds emerged from the darkness, their crude weapons clutched in clawed hands.

Battle cries filled the air as the trio engaged the kobolds. Alex's sword clashed with a kobold's mace, the metallic sound reverberating through the corridor. Lars swung his axe with calculated precision, while Joyce danced between opponents, her katana cutting through the air. Each member of the party had focused on certain stats when they leveled up to compliment one another's weaknesses. It was something they all had agreed on after almost dying to a few traps within the dungeon.

After a fierce struggle, the last kobold fell, dissipating into pixels. The victorious trio took a moment to catch their breath. The labyrinth's challenges demanded both skill and teamwork.

"Good work, team," Alex commended, wiping sweat from his brow. "Let's take a short break to recover and eat something."

They found a relatively safe alcove, sitting down to rest. Each of them accessed their inventory, retrieving health-restoring items and provisions.

Joyce bit into an apple, the crunch audible as she restored her health and breathed a sigh of relief. "These breaks are essential. We need to be at our best down here, wish we could find better food though."

Lars nodded, taking a swig from a water flask. "I agree, maybe some grilled food we can bring." He felt himself drool at the idea and had to wipe his face.

As they replenished their strength, they shared stories of their experiences in past games and how they brought it to Sword Art Online. Alex learned more about Lar's fascination with leatherworking and Joyce's determination to master the katana and see if there was any hidden skills. She had shared that someone from the beta had told her there are hidden skills all over but they are hard to get.

With their health restored and provisions consumed, the trio stood once more, ready to face the challenges ahead. The labyrinth stretched before them, its mysteries waiting to be unveiled.

"Let's keep pushing forward," Alex said, determination in his eyes. "We're here to find the boss room, we need to do our part." The others nodded in agreement as they snaked through the tunnels, creating a map along the way using their menus. This data could be shared or copied onto paper, many players sold information like this or shared it to the public.

It was hours into the exploration when they happened upon a large opening that ended with a massive double door that was emphasised by the lit blye torches on either side.

"I think this is it!" Joyce cried as she looked aroynd the room, energy flowing through the group as they made sure the area was sfe before marking down their maps.

"Now we just need to go back and figure out weather or not to give away the map info or sell it." Alex smiled while sitting down in a corner, catching his breath. Lars sat beside him after sheathing his axe.

"I think we should give it away, the loot we got from here today is definitely enough col for a while." Lars swigged from his water, the others agreed without hesitation. "We shoukd do our part, right?" He smiled, quoted Alex and nudging him as his face flushed.

"Maybe you should find some passive healing, become known as a paladin." Joyce smirked, playing on Alex's good nature.

"A healing spell would be nice, but no magic apparently is in tthis game. Always relying on other methods to heal." Alex sulked but smiled. "We did it guys, once we're rested lets head back with the news. Groups will probably form to take on the boss. Should we join?"

"Maybe, a break would be nice though, we've leveled a lot and been able to progress this far with just us three." Joyce commented.

"True enough, I could use a few days rest, i heard some fish is being sold at the mining town now. Maybe we cpuld check it out, something other than sandwiches to celebrate." Lars agreed. The trio talked about what to do on their self given 'vacation' as they made their way out of the dungeon.