
Fire Emblem: Warlord of Elibe (Oneshot)

Not so distant future game have evolved along with everything else. The main character had to give them up to his mental health. He started having dreams of a game that he played back on the Gameboy Advance. Fire Emblem. Countless visions of himself growing up as a nobleman. Getting mistreated and plotted against as a child he has had enough. He took the advice of his doctor. Doctor recommend he quit cold turkey anything fantasy based. She encouraged him to become active in sports again. With her help, he was able to relax once again. This all changed when a nightmare started to happen of a Dark voice calling in his dreams. "Brother I have found you. I will help you soon." What if it isn't a dream? What if he is being experimented on?

FrozenTide · Autres
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9 Chs

After the fight. Back with the thief.

"Tch, why should I tell you!" The thief roared. She tried to jump back and away but her strength still failed her. Noticing the displeased look on his face she calmed down.

"How foolish. I just wanted some info...you rather die than give it up. That it is very admirable but stupid." Jules moved a little closer. He looked ready to finish the job.

"They said you were a fool. But this is ridiculous. You are the nephew of the King of Bern. Your late father is the King's older brother. A lot of the nobility wished for him to be King instead of the current ruler. If it wasn't for your father, marrying a Sacaen woman he would have been king. You are a threat to his rule and his sons rule. Or his daughter rule if the rumors are true."

"Ahhh, ok. Do continue." Jules said as he stroked his chin. The information started to enter his head slowly this time. 'What an unusual scenario this turned out to be. Make sense. Considering all the '

'What is there to continue? They have been trying for several years to end your life. But you have the devil's luck. With you declining the proposal of that Eturia nobility, your final loyal guard was able to be bribed enough for the king to make a move." The thief said as she sat up. "Look I don't know all the details ok. I only know this. So what happens now?"

"Well.. let's see.. give me a moment."

'Why the hell did he want me to sabotage this guy's system? To think I almost died. How strong is this bastard?' The thief thought to herself as she looked for a way out of this mess. Luckily her overall stats stayed the same. She just dropped a few levels. Gear and skill wise it was a problem, but stat wise it was a blessing.

"Well, I could kill you .. but.. I need someone to get info for me."

Relaxing when she heard the second part the thief calmed down. "Ok, what do you need exactly?"

"Just that. Info. Collect information on the nobility as well as others who are looking for me." Jules said as he went into the ruins.

"No problem!" With that, the thief left no reason to wait. 'He might change his mind.' "Gate Open."

With that, she returned back to the real world. The magic had linked her to Jules who then started to fade away as well.

"What the hell why do these ruins look older than the ones I was in earlier?" Jules questioned. The inside of the ruins had more dirt and cobwebs compared to the one he remembered.

Before he could check further he started to disappear.

Back inside his den, he reappeared in a trance again. His eyes took on a new glazed look. He traveled back to his room and into bed. In moments he was out like a light.

When leaving out the room the neural scanner scanned over everything in the room again.

(Assessment complete)