
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs

Arriving in the Unfinished Dimension

Chapter 1 - A Dimension Unfinished




In the bustling life of a city, A man named Haru lives in an apartment. He spends his time working for a company he doesn't really want to work for but works for anyway because he needs the money. His work is not bad as it allows him to not go to work but has an absurd amount of tasks for him everyday.

"Ah! I've had enough! They seem like they're stacking up tasks for the whole company for me to do. What the f*** do they think I am? A machine?!" Haru complained to himself as he was the only one in the apartment. He went to his email and sent a message to his immediate boss "I F***ING QUIT! F*** YOU AND THE COMPANY!"

Haru breathed a sigh of relief "That felt f***ing great!"

As he said that he got an email notification in his email that caused him to be surprised as he saw the email notification. "He saw my resignation email that fast?"

Email sender [god of writing]

"god of writing?" Haru confusingly said but opened the email anyway.

The email contained "Hi, Haru ! You've left the world, you've created frozen due to not writing further. I urge you to finish writing the world you've written or I'll create a special realm for you if hell didn't exist. Anyway, I'll send you to hell if you don't finish it."

"What world?" Haru asked confusingly as he didn't remember creating any world.

Another email notification popped up and said "This world." with a link that caused Haru to be frightened as how would this "god of writing" hear him talking to himself.

Haru smiled and said "I have time anyway. Wouldn't hurt to click a link even if it had virus"

Haru clicked the link and his laptop brought out a blinding light that enveloped him. "So bright!"

When the light faded, Haru felt himself sitting in the grass and feeling the fresh air of the surrounding. Haru opened his eyes and found himself outside of his room. Confusingly Haru said "Where is this?"

As Haru said that, a man who could be called really handsome with long blue hair tied and rested on his shoulder, wearing a formal suit without the coat said with a voice that has a mix of authority and amusement "Welcome, Haru. I am the god of stories, and you find yourself here because of your unfinished creation."

Haru's heart was as calm as a flowing river despite the show of power by the god of writing. "Who are you?"

The god sat beside Haru and laid down on the grass "What an abnormal attitude. How could you remain calm in this situation while knowing you're a powerless mortal."

"Well… Although I don't have the ability to sense hostility or anything manga like, I feel like you don't have any bad intentions towards me, even though you brought me to this place without consent." Haru said as he looked at the god laying on the grass.

The god of writing smiled and said "Exactly. I don't have any bad intentions towards you but I have a task for you."

"I see… and why should I do you a favor by doing a task for you?" Haru asked

"I'll send you to hell if you don't." The god replies

"Hell exists? I didn't know that. Okay. What task do you have for me?" Haru recovered from his initial shock as even the god of writing existed. Why would it be shocking if hell existed?

The god chuckled at Haru's reaction and said "Finish this world that you've built. This world was frozen because you didn't finish it, although the time flowed again as you reached this place you still have to finish it to the end."

"When did I… I see… The only world you're talking about that I built is the dragon ball fan-fiction I've written a couple of years back, and you're the god of writing. That makes sense." Haru initially asks but realizes what world he was talking about.

The god chuckled again at Haru's quick thinking "I'm really glad that you're quick on the uptake so I don't have to explain much to you. Alright. Since I appreciate your quick witted thinking. I'll grant you any wish or cheat if you'd like. Tell me what you want. I'll also grant you divine power when you finish this world. I'll explain later as you don't need to know for now."

Haru looked at the god and said "Just grant me the ability to see the power level of the people in here and myself too. Let me remain human. With 1000 battle power. I'll become stronger after that by myself since this is my own world anyway."

The god laughed out loud thinking of Haru as a crazy person

"Don't laugh at me like that… I'll become a god too anyway after I finish this world." Haru said as he looked at the god that was laughing.

The god wiped the tears from his eyes from laughing too much and said in amusement "You already know that much? and I haven't even gotten there. How do you even do that?"

"The part where you'll grant me divine power so… Deduction and Observation." Haru said without changing his face.

"Alright! Granted! I wish you the best of luck! Try your best to become a god!" The god cheered as he slowly faded away like a dust being

Haru smiled and said "Thanks."

After the god of writing left he looked towards the pond and saw his face and outfit. "It's great that I just finished a video call with my immediate boss so I'm wearing the same outfit as the god of writing."

After seeing his handsome face left the way it was he sat on the grass and tried to channel ki "Since this is the dragon ball world let's follow Gohan's method of training ki."

He remembered the scene where Gohan taught Videl how to use ki. "Be still and relax… Slowly, draw out the power within you…" and slowly a ki blast forms in the hands of Gohan.

But in Haru's mind that doesn't really explain it so he probably meant to direct the ki into his hands…

Haru closed his eyes and sat still. He felt the ki all over his body flowing like water but with a gas like consistency but still like water. "ki feels weird" Haru said as he familiarized himself with it.

"Anyway, direct the flowing ki to release it to the hands." Haru slowly directed the flow of the ki to the hands only for his hands to suddenly fly apart from each other.

"I see… I can't just release it but also form a shape." Haru tried again but formed a circle shape and finally did it "That was easier than I thought."

Haru stood up and directed his hands towards a tree and directed ki towards his hands and formed an orb, he didn't know how to release it and thought about how his hands went apart with each other and did that. And ki flowed from behind the orb that pushed the orb of ki away.

A ki blast sounded as it hit the tree but only destroyed the surface of the tree. "So the density of the orb decides the strength of the ki blast."

Haru tried again but formed a ki orb that's more dense and fired it towards the tree


An explosion sounded as it hit the tree and destroyed a part of it that caused it to not be able to support the head of the trees and caused it to fall down.

"So that's how you do it." Haru said with satisfaction

"Next is the flying technique."

Gohan's flashback "You don't hop around. You have to draw out the power from your whole body. And concentrate on your ki."

"I think I got it already without the explanation. As I can feel the ki from all over the body all I have to do now is to let it rise slowly without it going out of my body." Haru talked to himself

Haru closed his eyes and felt the ki all over his body again, he tried to do it like he did with the ki blast but inside his body that pushes his body slowly towards the sky.

Haru slowly floated and he opened his eyes "Why is it so easy?"

He then controlled the ki to move in the direction he wanted to. He flew forward, backwards, upwards, downwards to test controlling the ki and flying.

"I got that down pretty quickly." Haru said as he flew around the mountains and got bored pretty quickly so he controlled his ki to go faster.

"Now this is fun!" Haru laughed out loud as he flew anywhere and saw that the Earth in this world is pretty big and still full of green despite the technology discovered by the Capsule Corporation.

"Let's try again!" Haru covered his body with ki and went faster like most of the Z-fighters and he found out it worked and went 10 times the speed "I see… since the ki covers the outside of the body too it's easier to push faster like throwing a ki blast."





(Age 750)