
Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

When I woke up in another dimension, surrounded by nothingness and a ROB. I did not know I would be offered to quest around the multiverse to fix different problems or gain power. But we both knew the real reason; it was more than simply questing across the multiverse. It was my journey to become more and find my purpose. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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213 Chs

Becoming More


Linus POV:

As I wake up and slam my hand onto what I would assume is my alarm clock I find nothing in fact I find that I'm hitting something wet and with that I open my eyes and see nothing but Darkness but also radiant yellow light.

I then rise to my feet finding that I am still in my star wars pajamas luckily. "Where am I because I do believe that I am not in Kansas anymore?"

After asking myself that question I proceed to walk forward which then proceeds to last for seemingly hours as I walk forward which then I begin to run and run and run until I trip and fall on the endless water.

In my frustration I shout out to the void "Hello is anyone there? Is there anyone that could help me?! I don't want to be lost in the void as a virgin!".

Nothing answers my questions as I then sit down and contemplate my fate as I realize that this might be my punishment for the emptiness that I felt throughout life I did not respect it and this is my punishment.

I then begin to mutter to myself almost giving excuses as to why I'm here " I just wanted to be special, I didn't want to feel empty, I didn't want to lose anything, I don't want to be lost in this Darkness".

Then the realm I'm in begins to tremble and quake as soon a large glowing vessel appears and as soon as I blink I find myself on the deck of that magnificent vessel and in my confusion I stand up and look around.

Yet I find nothing but then seemingly appearing from nowhere I find a being interested in Golden ornate armor sitting on a throne meant for a king no a God.

The being then simply stares as if taking in the fact that I'm even here and then he rises from his seat and offers his hand for a handshake while saying in a booming voice "Welcome Linus Ozias You seem To Be Lost My friend".

I then remember how to breathe as the voice seems to take everything from me as if trying to absorb my very being but then the man's Aura begins to dissipate as he summons two chairs and a table in between them.

Which, to be honest look like chairs from a high-end office, and as he beckons me to sit down on the opposite side I do so as this is seemingly his realm and I do not want to be rude.

As I sit in the chair the man in the golden armor then proceeds to say with less of a Divine effect in his voice " I do not know how you ended up here but I believe that this encounter is fortuitous my friend at least for yourself".

I continue to sit silently confused as to what he means as I ask sir I don't know where I am and I don't know why I'm here would you be able to enlighten me?". The being then laughs as if remembering an old joke but then his laughter ceases as he recomposes himself.

The Divine Being then says in an almost excited tone "To be honest I didn't know I would find myself in this position, as this feels all too familiar as to what I went through a very very long time ago. Yet In this moment, I offer you what the being that granted me the ability to become more offered me but different.

I then ask confused "What is it you want to offer me sir as you seemingly have everything you want?"

The Divine being then continues by saying "I was in a certain position similar to yourself as I was on my deathbed when he came to me and offered me a chance to be more, to help others, and to not die alone and forgotten".

The Divine being then sits back in his chair almost reminiscing of events long past as he seemingly smiles under his golden helmet and continues "Now I have a loving wife, beautiful children, and unlimited power and now I'm going to offer you something similar. So to begin have you heard of essences or a cyoa".

Linus then sits up in his chair intrigued by what this being was going to offer. As he had read of similar situations in the few Fanfictions he read which he found could be good time wasters.

Although he was then a bit turned off the due to the fact that beings like him would often mess with them as a form of entertainment.

But before I'm able to respond the being then raises his hand and says "No I am not one of those random omnipotent beings that likes to mess with people. Unless they truly deserve it or I feel like in a bit of a joking mood and at worst it would be me misplacing an item you have or changing the clocks in your house".

I immediately deadpan the Divine being as my brothers had done that to me many times when I was trying to wake up for an appointment or would do that before school days to make me think I slept in.

The Divine being then chuckles seemingly amused by my expression as to be honest I begin to laugh along with him.

I then ask with a curious tone "I do know what a Choose Your Own Adventure is as well as what Essences are albeit vaguely and from how I am hearing this a random omnipotent being appeared before you as well and offered you Essences and then you went off on your adventure?".

The Being then pauses for a moment before addressing me by saying.

"Yes that is what happened from a very vague and simplistic point of view but yes and I want to offer you something similar although a bit different as while I was offered a set amount of Essences to start with. I want to start you out with something different you will begin with two Essences and be assigned a quest in each world you find yourself in and after completing the quest you will be able to leave that world and the world's time will be stopped".

I then ask with a serious tone "Will these quests involve me doing anything heinous or otherwise untoward towards people that do not deserve it?".

The being then just begins to chuckle again and says "No I would not do that to you at worst I would ask you to separate certain couples that are having an unhealthy relationship or to eliminate certain chaotic factors before they can take fruit".

I then lay back on my chair relieved and ask so which essences am I getting with the being then seemingly smirking under his helmet and says oh you'll know when you get there and I hope you have fun truly I do because what's the point of having an adventure if you can't enjoy it. Though the first mission will probably be pretty straightforward in order to you to get into it more easily".

The Divine being then says before standing up "Before you wonder if you did die you're unhealthy lifestyle really did not help you there and your family did mourn you. They never truly get over it unlike what most Fanfictions will lead you to believe, but they'll keep going and I blessed them with minor luck so that their lives will be easier from now on it won't be an easy mode but just easier".

I then do what I seemingly have been keeping myself from doing and I cry and scream as while my life wasn't perfect it was still mine and I lost it.

The being then walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulder reassuringly and then says in a sympathetic tone "You may have lost your life but now you are getting that second chance and now live if not only for yourself but to have your family look back on what you've done and say that they are proud".

The being then ruins the moment by saying "And if you can't just look back on the Fanfictions you've read for guys on how to live with a reincarnated life".

The being then let go of my shoulder as he returns to his throne and says in his Divine voice "Now go live, love, fight, for what you believe in make mistakes and grow as a person, become more, and maybe just maybe. We will meet back here not as a random omnipotent being and a mortal but as equals".

And just as quickly as the being appeared before me he vanished and so did I from that space to go on what I will believe is a life-changing Adventure to become more.

Random Omnipotent Being POV:

I smile fondly as I send Linus on his Adventure he reminds me so much of myself before I got my meta essences, that same hopeless look in his eyes, that empty posture, and that sinking feeling that all that will be left in the future is monotony and boredom.

Because even after my thousands and millions of years of existence I have never once felt bored as I understand that there will always be those that need hope and something different and I also have an infinite Multiverse that I can explore.

But before I teleport back to my home Dimension which has now become a bustling Metropolis I feel too soft hands grip my shoulders as I see my wife looking at me with a dangerous glare.

" Beloved you have missed over five different meetings," my wife says dangerously. As I scramble to find a response but then say "Honey I understand you're mad but I was helping someone that needed it"

My wife then just sighs in a resigned tone as she sits on my lap and hugs my shoulders and says he's very similar to you I hope he succeeds as He has that same potential that you did for both kindness and greatness and also remove that helmet beloved it it looks ridiculous".

I then say incredulously this armor is awesome I learned every smithing method across the known multiverse to make it and do you know how hard it was to convince Sauron to teach me his Elven craft".

My wife then takes her hands and places them upon my helmet and removes it but not before kissing me deeply and I say "Well honey it looks like I'm going to have to miss more meetings".

Omni POV:

As we pan out from the primordial profound Arc we see on the side in bold letters the property of Emilio Reese God of Freedom.