
Explosion of Planet Zeoter

Before the Rhino King could react, one of his subordinates was already impaled by a sword, sending shock and fear through the group. The fallen Entomon was a Champion Noble, one of the strongest in their tribe. In that moment, they felt completely vulnerable standing before Rick.


Rick pulled his sword from the corpse, and with a quick vibration, he flicked away the blood, restoring the sword to its pristine condition. Witnessing this, the Rhino King could no longer contain himself. He exploded in his full power and charged straight towards Rick, driven by a mix of fury and determination.

Rick lightly tapped his feet and vanished from his position, reappearing next to another Champion Entomon. With precision, he plunged his sword straight into the Entomon's neck. The Champion didn't even have time to scream as his body slumped to the ground, twitching before going still. The nearby Champion Entomon, seemingly anticipating the attack, slammed his foot and charged at Rick, spearheading him with his horn.


Rick's foot plowed through the ground as he blocked the Champion Entomon's attack. With swift precision, he plunged his sword right into the left eye, pushing it through the skull and into the brain. As soon as the sword reached the brain, the Champion Entomon halted abruptly, frozen in place.


With the sword embedded in his brain, the Champion Entomon's entire body collapsed, ceasing all movement.


The last Champion Entomon successfully managed to slam into Rick with his body, but Rick swiftly clung onto the Entomon's body, using its momentum against it. With expert skill, he executed a judo throw, sending the Entomon crashing to the ground.




With a powerful slam, Rick brought the Champion Entomon crashing to the ground. Swiftly, he plunged his sword into the Entomon's neck and expertly dismembered his head. The Champion Entomon twitched for a moment before finally ceasing all movement.

All of this happened in just one breath. But before Rick could even take a breath, he saw the Rhino King charging straight towards him, his fury palpable.


Rick's body flew across the room, slamming against the wall with a force that shook the entire bunker. As he slid down from the wall, he realized the Rhino King was already upon him, ready to strike.

How could Rhino King give Rick a chance to recuperate?

The Rhino King grabbed and attempted to crush Rick's body, but Rick seized his hand and twisted it, nearly dislocating his joints. Then, with swift retaliation, Rick kicked him squarely in the stomach, sending him staggering back.


The Rhino King flew out like a rocket, tumbling several times before crashing onto the ground. Despite the impact, he swiftly flipped and stood up, as if unaffected by the fall.

Rick stood up slowly, brushing off the attack, and inspected his cracked energy shield, which was slowly repairing itself. With a sigh, he glanced at his energy bar, noting that the recent attack had depleted a small chunk of its reserves.

The Rhino King clenched his fist with hatred, feeling a sense of betrayal. Initially, when they clashed head-on, he had believed he was winning the fight. Now, however, he found himself unable to even put up a fight. The sudden turn of events made him realize how foolish he had been.

Realizing he had no chance against Rick in his current state, the Rhino King finally decided to unleash his ultimate form. His body began to vibrate intensely, emitting a dense aura that surrounded him completely.


The ground beneath his feet cracked, and the air around his body visibly trembled as his transformation began.

Rick was curious to see the extent of the Rhino King's increased power, but he knew he couldn't afford to take risks in the midst of the war. With determination, he decided to end the fight swiftly.

He vanished from his position and appeared next to the Rhino King. However, just as his sword was about to strike, the Rhino King, who was in the midst of his transformation, suddenly stopped.


He slammed his foot on the ground, creating a large crater and blasting away everything in its surroundings. Rick, caught in the shockwave, stumbled across the room but managed to stabilize his footing again. His expression turned serious as he looked at the large crater beneath the Rhino King's feet. The impact was so powerful that it shook the entire bunker and reverberated across the battlefield.

The Stag Queen, already engaged in battle against the Atom suits, was startled by the impact. Sensing its magnitude, she glanced towards the bunker where the Rhino King and Rick had entered. Instinctively, she knew the Rhino King couldn't have created such a large impact on his own.

"Unless... he's using his ultimate form," a chilling thought struck her. Suddenly, she realized the gravity of the situation, and this realization only deepened her worry.

Inside the bunker, the dust finally settled, revealing the aftermath of the Rhino King's devastating attack.

Rick shook off the dust and beheld the gigantic monster before him. It was the Rhino King, now fully transformed into an Alpha Rhino King. His body radiated intense heat and emitted endless energy.

Rick couldn't comprehend where this energy was emanating from, and his curiosity drove him to investigate further. Meanwhile, the Rhino King closed his eyes, allowing the immense energy to surge through his body, harnessing its power.


With his power doubled and his defense fortified, the Rhino King felt a surge of confidence coursing through him. Now, he was more determined than ever to defeat Rick.


Rick snorted in disdain as he gazed at the bloated Entomon, sensing the Rhino King's overconfidence.

"Sadly, you've chosen the wrong opponent," Rick shouted defiantly as he charged at the Rhino King.

As if in response to Rick's contempt, the Rhino King exploded with anger, unleashing his power and slamming his foot down, shaking the entire bunker. With a roar, he flew straight towards Rick, ready to meet the incoming attack head-on.

Both of them charged straight towards each other, but just before they collided, Rick opened his wings and came to a halt, soaring upward and evading the Rhino King's attack. The Rhino King, taken aback, forcefully halted his momentum and spread his wings, attempting to pursue Rick. However, it was already too late.

Rick descended from above with incredible speed, aiming to deliver a devastating blow. With precision, he slammed his foot down onto the Rhino King's head.


The force of Rick's blow sent the Rhino King crashing down onto the ground. Without hesitation, Rick seized the opportunity, grabbing the Rhino King's horn and driving his sword straight into his eye.




The Rhino King screeched in agony, swinging his head wildly in an attempt to shake off Rick. But Rick held on tightly, refusing to relent, and pushed the sword all the way into the Rhino King's brain. With a final twitch, the Rhino King ceased all movement.

Outside the bunker, the war was nearing its conclusion. The Entomons had breached the frontlines and now wreaked havoc deep within human territories, laying waste to everything in their path.

Despite the chaos unfolding outside, the turrets and soldiers within the city walls continued to hold their ground, fortified by the protection of the energy shield enveloping the entire city.

As the Stag Queen battled the Atom suits, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, though she couldn't quite pinpoint the issue. Restlessness gnawed at her, intensifying her anxiety with each passing moment. Suddenly, she glanced towards the bunker with astonishment, sensing a shift in the battlefield.

"The Rhino King's life signal vanished!" she exclaimed, startled by the sudden realization.

She glanced towards the bunker, anxiety coursing through her veins. Sensing that everything was spiraling out of control, she swiftly departed from the battlefield, leading billions of Entomons towards the bunker. Within moments, she arrived at the entrance and stood before the door, her heart pounding with anticipation.


She slammed into the door, attempting to force her way inside, but the impact merely shook the bunker without causing any real damage to the thick door. Recognizing the futility of her efforts, the Stag Queen reluctantly ordered her subordinates to bring down the metallic barrier.

Inside the bunker, Rick's senses sharpened as he heard the sounds of Entomons outside, attempting to break through the door.

Ignoring the clamor outside, Rick focused his attention on the Rhino King's carcass.

"These King Class Entomons seem to be distinct from other Noble Entomons. How did they evolve to such an extreme stage?" he mused, studying the body with curiosity.

"If we could decipher the evolutionary process, it could prove immensely beneficial for humanity. With our intellect and formidable bodies, we could potentially dominate the entire universe," Rick mused aloud.

He dragged the Rhino King's body into the medical lab, where he began dissecting it with the assistance of the AI machine. The Doomsday Bunker, equipped with nearly every resource imaginable, was designed to withstand virtually any challenge.

Without resistance, even the hardest materials could be cut through effortlessly. The high-power laser began slicing through the joints in the carapace, ripping off the armor piece by piece in a rapid, high-speed process.

The AI machine then initiated a comprehensive scan of the body, meticulously analyzing every aspect and detail of the Rhino King's physiology.

"Beep, beep, beep…"

"High form of energy detected," a monotone female voice reported. It projected a 3D hologram of the Rhino King's body in front of Rick, revealing all of its inner structures. Within the body, a blue ball was prominently displayed, emitting a powerful energy signature.

"What is that?" Rick exclaimed in awe as he gazed at the condensed energy ball within the hologram of the Rhino King's body.

"Unknown... The system requires two days to analyze the data," replied the monotone female voice from the AI system.

'It seems like some kind of energy core,' he thought to himself.

"Collect tissue samples, blood, and the energy core, and pack them all in an isolation box," Rick commanded, his tone urgent. With the war outside nearing its end and the Entomons already knocking on his door, time was of the essence.

​"Yes, General," the monotone female voice responded as it began the process of collecting samples and packaging the materials as instructed.

Rick pulled up a holographic screen to assess the situation outside of the bunker, and what he saw was not pleasant. The war was rapidly approaching its conclusion, with the turrets barely operational and the power of the energy shield diminishing.

"While the city's energy shield still holds, I need to leave this planet swiftly," he thought, urgency coursing through his mind.

"General! The package is ready," the monotone female voice announced.

Rick swiftly retrieved the package and secured it in his holder located at his waist. "Ava! Open the emergency door!" Rick shouted, his urgency evident. With that command, he activated his invisibility and prepared to make his escape.

Once the door was open, Rick charged into the underground tunnel at lightning speed, disappearing into the darkness without a trace.

The bunker that Rick and the Rhino King had entered was now surrounded by billions of Entomons, their relentless efforts focused on breaking through the fortified door.


Their relentless efforts translated into deafening impacts that reverberated through the bunker as they slammed their bodies against the thick metal door. Meanwhile, Greedworms burrowed up from deep within the earth, beginning their assault by attempting to tunnel under the fortified walls.

The walls trembled as they were gradually chipped away by the sheer force of the Entomons' onslaught. Amidst the chaos, Spitter Entomons joined the fray, launching their acidic projectiles at the bunker's door. With each corrosive strike, the steel and concrete slowly began to melt away, inch by inch.

Rick had already distanced himself from the bunker, swiftly flying beneath the surface through a hidden tunnel. Meanwhile, in a secluded mountainous region, a door slowly creaked open, revealing a concealed entrance to an unknown location.

Invisible Rick emerged from the door and ascended into the empty sky, seamlessly passing through the clouds without causing any disturbance. As he soared into outer space, he inadvertently collided with numerous small insects, though he remained unaware of the minor impacts.

The Stag Queen, keenly perceptive, detected the presence of someone attempting to escape.


With a deafening screech, the Stag Queen pointed towards the location where General Rick was escaping. Billions of Entomons positioned in outer space immediately responded to their Queen's command, giving chase to Rick with relentless determination.

"Ava, fire the remaining UVA bombs," Rick ordered, his tone resolute as he disabled his invisibility. Boosting his power to its maximum, he focused his gaze on the small cluster of Entomons ahead. He knew he had no choice but to forcefully break his way out. While he wasn't concerned about the obstacles before him, he dreaded the large clusters of Entomons behind him.

"If I'm entangled in this fight for more than 30 seconds, I'm afraid I would never be able to leave this place," he thought grimly, acknowledging the urgency of his situation.

Before the Entomons had a chance to organize, seven rays of light shot out from the city at incredible speed. In just a few milliseconds, they reached outer space and collided with the clusters of Entomons, striking them with devastating force.




Seven devastating explosions were heard in space. The UVA bombs directly exploded into the cluster of Entomons destroying almost everything with its flame.

Rick didn't have time to admire the explosion as his wings fluttered, propelling him forward at an extreme speed. Despite the numerous Entomons charging towards him, he avoided entangling himself in combat, mostly ignoring them. With his sheer size and power, he held an absolute advantage over these low-level Entomons and didn't bother attacking them directly. Instead, he simply blocked their attacks with his energy shield and charged forward relentlessly.

If he encountered low-class Noble Entomons, he effortlessly slashed them with his wings, swiftly eliminating any obstacles in his path. Breaking through the small cluster, he increased his speed even further. Though the Entomons attempted to follow him, the vast difference in speed proved insurmountable. Soon, the distance between them widened considerably, and the Entomons were left far behind, unable to keep pace with Rick's rapid ascent.

Rick soared deeper into space, following the indicator until he drew closer to its source. As he neared the indicator, he finally came to a stop, his gaze fixed on the object or location that had guided him here.

"Oliver! If you don't open the door, I might just smash your precious ship," Rick shouted, his voice carrying through the invisible expanse of space.

In response, in the empty expanse of space, a door suddenly opened, allowing Rick to fly inside before swiftly closing behind him with a resounding slam.


A burst of laughter welcomed him.

"I thought you'd be fighting for a few more days. Who knew you'd escape this early?" A tall man with gray hair, clad in a white bio-suit with his head exposed, replied. He was none other than Air Chief Marshal Oliver, one of the highest-ranking commanders in the army. With the same rank as General Rick, they were friendly rivals in the army, both renowned for their outstanding leadership—though differing in age.

Rick emerged from his Atom suit but remained clad in his Bio-suit as he approached Oliver.

The two men laughed heartily as they embraced, Rick squeezing Oliver tightly in his arms, almost choking him in the process.

Oliver let out a yelp and quickly asked for forgiveness as Rick finally released him. Gasping for air, Oliver coughed before regaining his composure.

"That's for not opening the door when you knew I was already here," Rick remarked with a snort as he turned and walked towards the command center.

"Hey! This is my ship. You can't do as you please," Oliver protested, hurrying to catch up with Rick as they made their way towards the command center.


Planet Zeoter.

The Stag Queen witnessed the entire process of Rick's escape from the group of Entomons, but she couldn't do anything to stop him. By this time, she had already realized that the one who had escaped was the individual who had fought the Rhino King, and she knew the outcome of that battle. She halted her subordinates from attacking the bunker and gazed out at the battlefield. Although the planet was now under their control, she couldn't find any satisfaction in it.

"This planet makes me extremely restless," the Stag Queen thought to herself.

As she watched Rick grow increasingly distant, the restlessness in the Stag Queen's heart intensified. She felt an ominous foreboding about the planet, prompting her to take action. Without hesitation, she flew into space, leaving the planet behind, and let out a piercing screech as she attempted to organize her subordinates for a retreat.

But suddenly, something clicked within her instincts. With a sense of urgency, she flew away from the planet as fast as she could, all the while emitting piercing screeches as a warning.


Inside the spaceship, Rick and Oliver watched the unfolding events.

"That Stag Queen is pretty smart," Oliver remarked with a smirk.

"Are we far enough yet?" Rick inquired.

"We're now at a safe distance. You can deploy the weapon," Oliver confirmed.

Rick pulled up his hologram screen and began inputting the codes.




He pressed the button to activate the bombs.

"Planet destruction initiation, 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." the countdown began.


Three bright flashes of light illuminated the Z solar system. The surfaces of the surrounding planets were scorched as the heatwave blasted through the solar system, consuming everything in its path, including the Entomons.

It was a beautiful sight, but only if you weren't one of the creatures caught within the blast wave.

Editor; Sighe

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