
Return back to Earth

Three bright flashes of light illuminated the Z solar system. The surfaces of the surrounding planets were scorched as the heatwave blasted through the solar system, consuming everything in its path, including the Entomons.

It was a beautiful sight, but only if you weren't one of the creatures caught within the blast wave.

Except for the Stag Queen and a few of her subordinates, the entire clusters of Entomons were wiped out from the Z solar system.

The Stag Queen and her subordinates were in poor condition despite surviving the explosion. Almost all of them were injured, though the Stag Queen herself sustained only minor wounds. They gazed back at the planets and witnessed the devastation wrought by the explosions, a sight that instilled fear in everyone, including the Stag Queen.


Before they could organize their thoughts, a giant spaceship halted in front of them.

A giant silver net shot directly at the Entomons, capturing them all. The Stag Queen attempted to fight back by snapping her scissor horns and attempting to break free from the net, but her efforts were futile. The silver net was crafted from a soft fiber with high tensile strength, a material derived from a rare fiber plant found on planet Cloud-17 in the PE5 Cluster.

The Entomons were dragged into the ship and chained up in a cage. The vessel was equipped with the most sophisticated and highly advanced technology available. As one of the highest-ranking members of the military, Oliver had been granted access to one of the finest spaceships in the fleet.

Rick and Oliver proceeded to the cargo area to inspect their newly captured enemies.

Approaching the cage, Rick fixed his gaze on the Stag Queen, who bore minor injuries. Despite her wounds, the Stag Queen hissed and screeched at Rick with evident hatred in her eyes.

Aware that it was Rick who had decimated her armies, the Stag Queen realized that she had lost everything. With no option to return to her colonies, she faced an uncertain fate at the hands of her captors.

Returning to her colonies would condemn the Stag Queen to a fate worse than death. She would become a slave queen, forced to produce hundreds of billions of Entomons until her vitality was drained. Eventually, she would be consumed by her successor, the new Stag Queen.

The Stag Queen despised this harsh reality where the law of survival dictated that one must either consume or be consumed. It fueled her ambition to become the Overlord Empress, a position that would grant her dominion over the entire galaxy.

Rick nodded, acknowledging Oliver's jest. "Indeed, they'll be thrilled to study these creatures. But let's make sure they're securely contained during transport. We don't want any surprises on the way back."

Oliver nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, we'll keep them under tight watch. After all, who knows what tricks these creatures might have up their sleeves."

With that, the two commanders set about ensuring the captured Entomons were securely contained and prepared for transport back to Earth.

Rick and Oliver returned to the captain's cockpit after assessing the condition of the captured Entomons. Their expressions were serious as they discussed their next course of action.

"Indeed, it's quite a catch," Rick replied, nodding in agreement. "But we must handle them carefully. The potential of these creatures is still largely unknown."

"Indeed... While we've managed to destroy one of their swarms, considering the sheer numbers of bugs on Earth, I doubt it's made much of a dent in their overall strength. It makes me question our existence in this vast universe," Rick replied with a sigh, his gaze fixed on the dark, empty void of space.

"Indeed, I've always pondered the variety of species, intelligent life, and unique beings scattered throughout the universe. Perhaps... there are other humans with magical abilities, dragons, or even cultivators capable of sword-flying," Rick mused.


Oliver laughed heartily, his joy evident.

"I've often dreamt of soaring with a sword. What about you?" Oliver quipped, lost in his fantasies.

"Open the wormhole and return to Earth. I have more important matters to attend to than argue with your childish nonsense," Rick scolded.

"Lock in the wormhole coordinates for the Space Desert," Oliver ordered.

"The wormhole coordinates for the Space Desert have been locked in," replied one of the crew members.

"Initiate the space jump," Oliver ordered.

The spaceship shot out a repulsive energy beam, tearing a space tunnel into the void. It then flew into the tunnel and vanished with a zap.

Now, space was empty, and an eerie silence filled the void.


Space Desert.

A space tunnel materialized, and a spaceship emerged from its depths.

It was Oliver's spaceship, emerging from the wormhole. The Space Desert was a barren expanse, devoid of stars. Everything around the spaceship was pitch black and empty.

Oliver's spaceship floated in the empty void, surrounded by an eerie silence.

Unprepared travelers risked becoming lost or stranded for eternity in the Space Desert. Only a sizable ship with a large crew stood a chance of navigating through and using the wormhole to escape from this desolate expanse.

Oliver Spaceship made another space jump and now they are back to the Sol system.

Both Rick and Oliver were finally able to see their home planets. It was the place where they came from, it was their roots. No matter where they go, the Sol system will always be their home.

Inside the Spaceship, everyone was feeling excited.

Finally, they were back home.

Navigating through the Sol system, they passed by Jupiter, the majestic Saturn, Mars, and at last, Earth—their birthplace and the beginning of their journey.

In the bustling solar system, numerous spacecraft traversed the spaceways. Defensive measures were evident, with deployed mines and fortified bases on asteroids and moons. Space stations gleamed with upgraded armaments, ready to defend against any potential threats.

Amidst the bustling activity, everyone was fully engaged in preparations for the impending conflict, each contributing their skills and efforts to the cause.

Occupied by the military forces, the moons orbiting the planets were transformed into strongholds, bolstering the planetary defense systems.

As Oliver's spaceship traversed the solar system, military personnel across various installations and outposts saluted with utmost respect. Oliver's ship was renowned within military circles, and word had spread that General Rick was aboard. Rick was idolized by every member of the military, revered almost like a deity.

They flew past several planets and eventually landed on Earth's space station, a structure resembling a vast country with double layers.

The space station had a design reminiscent of a nautical wheel with six spokes and handles. These spokes extended from the center to the outer ring, each containing six docking stations that were 45 miles in length. Two of these docking stations were occupied by the military. The upper ring housed the residential area, covered with transparent tubes containing skyscrapers, fields, mountains, and rivers.

From this vantage point, one could behold the majesty of outer space and the breathtaking sight of Mother Earth below.

The lower ring served as an economic zone accessible to all, functioning as an underground city dedicated to trade, transportation, and markets.

At the center of it all stood the military headquarters, encompassing the Gravity elevator that linked directly to Earth.

Oliver's spaceship landed gracefully in one of the military docks, greeted by a lineup of elite soldiers and high-ranking officials awaiting the Generals' emergence.


With a loud hiss, a heavy door opened up, and Rick and Oliver emerged followed by a contingent of elite soldiers. Despite having seen them numerous times in the military camp, those standing in line were still in awe at the stature of Rick and Oliver.

Humans had finally reached the pinnacle of their genetic potential through enhancement technologies. Freed from the constraints of illness and aging, they could now dedicate themselves to physical augmentation. Rigorous workout routines, specialized diets, and advanced machinery such as gravity chambers all contributed to their development.

Once fully developed, individuals could synthesize and enhance their bodies with superior materials, resulting in increased durability and strength.

Enhanced individuals from the 29th century possessed immense power, capable of demolishing high-rise buildings without the need for conventional weapons. The stark contrast in materials between the future and the past was evident.

In earlier times, construction materials like baked mud bricks and low-quality steel rods were commonplace. These materials were easily manipulated and lacked the resilience to withstand high temperatures, melting at relatively low thresholds, such as 2 or 3 thousand degrees Celsius, rendering them ineffective in modern contexts.

"Welcome to Level 1 Docking Station of the Nautical Space Station, sir!" Group Captain Eloise greeted them with a crisp salute. Hailing from the Air Forces, she was one of Colton's subordinates. As she saluted, the soldiers and officials standing behind in the line mirrored her gesture, straightening their backs in respect.

Group Captain Eloise, a high-ranking member of the Air Forces from France, held a rank similar to that of a Colonel in the Armies. She guided Colton, Rick, and everyone else inside, acting as their guide.

Once inside the medical lab, they underwent thorough health checks and assessments. In times of war, nothing was certain, and everything was closely monitored, particularly for those returning from the war zones. With Notata running rampant across the world, humans were now more cautious than ever.


When they emerged from the pressurized airlock chamber, they were bare naked. The female nurse blushed upon seeing Rick's body and quickly handed medical clothing to Rick and Oliver. Lowering her head, she concealed her flushed face from everyone. It couldn't be helped; Rick's physique was extremely impressive to females. He was massive, with a perfectly chiseled body resulting from his intense training regimen.

After the checkups were completed, everything returned to normal. Rick and Oliver were treated like VIPs, and nobody dared to offend them. Even if they had attempted to bypass the tests, no one would have had the audacity to stop them.

Fortunately, all the high-ranking officers had set a good standard for everyone to follow. Lord Adril heavily emphasized the importance of leading by example. When high-ranking officers uphold the rules and laws, it sets a positive example for their subordinates to follow. Conversely, if those in top positions were corrupt and disregarded the rules, it would only encourage misconduct among those below them.

"General Rick, Air Chief Marshal Oliver! Lord Adril and the high council members are awaiting your presence at the Central Tower," Group Captain Eloise reported promptly.

"Lead the way, Group Captain Eloise," Rick replied, following her into a gravity train bound for the center of the Nautical Space Station.

Once they disembarked from the gravity train, they proceeded directly to one of the military elevators. Rick ordered the cargo to be sent to the freight gravity elevator with high-level security measures in place

Everyone settled into the gravity elevator, taking their seats as the doors closed and the room was pressurized to Gravity force 1. The spacious and luxurious surroundings allowed everyone to relax a bit. Some officers engaged in conversation, discussing the current situation, while others occupied themselves with various tasks.

The gravity elevator began its descent at a speed of 24 miles per second. Despite the rapid velocity, those inside the room felt no sensation of movement. As they passed through each magnetic ring, a brief flash of white light illuminated the space.

The journey lasted only 15 minutes, prompting most of the officers to maintain silence throughout.

"General Rick! I'm one of your biggest fans," Eloise approached Rick, eager to engage in conversation.

"As the youngest general with the highest combat rating, surpassing the records of all predecessors, including Marshal Brayden, you're an idol to everyone. I have a question for you: how formidable were those Noble Entomons?" Eloise inquired.

She gazed at Rick with curious eyes, recognizing him as the epitome of the ideal man. He possessed strength, status, and stood as a symbol of humanity. She had always harbored admiration for him, yearning to get closer, but the opportunity had never presented itself until now.

Rick closed his eyes, dismissing the question. He seemed disinterested in engaging in conversation, too lazy to entertain her curiosity.

Observing the uncomfortable atmosphere, the entire room fell into an awkward silence.

Oliver, eager to engage in conversation, attempted to strike up a dialogue with Eloise, but received only silence in return. It was clear she was ignoring him, likely aware of his reputation as a playboy. Despite his superior rank, they belonged to different factions within the Air Force, with Eloise under Colton's command while Oliver led a separate division.

She withdrew her hologram screen, accessing the battle footage between General Rick and the Rhino King. With her high rank granting access to classified materials, she could view such footage.

Watching the display of General Rick's combat prowess left her in awe. As someone who admired strong and dependable individuals, she couldn't help but be captivated by his abilities in battle.

Oliver felt a surge of annoyance at Rick for monopolizing the attention of the females.

"Hmph…" he huffed, his frustration evident. "Who cares about fighting power! My ship has more firepower than his," he boasted, attempting to divert attention away from Rick's prowess.

After 15 minutes of the ride, they reached their destination.


The gravity elevator door opened up with a hiss. Outside the door, people were already waiting for them. At the front stood Lord Adril's personal assistant, as well as Rick's mentor Nolan, there to welcome them.

"Long time no see, Nolan!" Rick went forward and gave him a big hug, examining his body closely.

"You've become a little thin... Don't tell me Lord Adril hasn't been feeding you well!" Rick said, laughing heartily.

"When did you start nagging so much?" Nolan asked with a puzzled expression.

"Welcome back, Rick and Oliver," Nolan greeted them warmly, chatting happily. He was not only their mentor but also a close friend.



"Lord Adril and the High Council members are waiting for you. Let's go, or else those grumpy old men will start complaining again," Nolan said, leading them toward a private gravity train. They all hopped in, and the train sped off to the Council Chambers.

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