
FFXIV/DC: An Ancients journey

When one experiences Death, you do not know what to expect. One would certainly not expect to be given oppertunity to live again. This was chose given to one young boy, now he awakes in a familiar land. His humanity gone, what is he you might ask? Just an Ancient.

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"C'mon, I'd totally make the best leader!" The self-centered exclamation came from Kid Flash.

"Please, I'd rather follow the bug." Superboy huffed as he gestured to Blue Beetle before crossing his arms; the latter only sent a sheepish expression to him, said expression clearly shown despite the helmet covering the face.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kid Flash asked, an eyebrow raised behind his mask.

"Exactly what it sounds like."


"Let's not start fighting now; we just assembled this team. If the League finds out there's been infighting on our first day, then they'll revoke our independence." Robin came in as the voice of reason before a full-blown argument could start. "Besides, we hardly really know each other, so we can't just immediately nominate a leader. And we're still waiting on someone."

"Should we start with introductions then? Madre always said that was the best way to build connections." Blue Beetle suggested. It was a good suggestion; they had engaged in idle conversation, but some introductions may have been in order.

"Oh! That sounds like a fantastic idea!" M'gann's ever-excited voice was heard as she and Supergirl stepped out of the elevator, seemingly done with their exploration of the tall building; now everyone was in the lobby area.

"Yep, yep! Great idea; I'll go first." Seemingly now invested in the idea that Kid Flash went first. "My name's Kid Flash, almost the fastest man alive." He bragged as Superboy scoffed.

"Right..." Skeptism found itself on his face as Kid merely narrowed his eyes.

"Well, I might not be the fastest now..."His voice trailed off as he seemingly disappeared from view, as if he simply vanished from thin air, only to reappear at Superboy's side, throwing an arm around the boy as he grinned. "But I'm still faster than you."

"Grrr..." Superboy all but growled at the other boy, who chose to step away.

"Oooookay, I'm moving away now. Sooo, how about one of you lovely ladies introduce yourself?" He smiled in the direction of Supergirl and M'gann, the former sending him a confused look while the latter beamed with a smile.

"My earth name is Megan, but if you like, you can all address me as M'gann. It's nice to meet all of you." M'gann's smile seemed to entrance Kid Flash and Beetle, the latter clearing his throat as he introduced himself.

"My name's Blue Beetle; I'd like to say my real name, but you know how it is—secret identity and whatnot." Despite a somewhat lackluster introduction, he still received a single smile.

"Robin. I already know Kid Flash, but I'm hoping to get acquainted with all of you." A short introduction that served its purpose.

"Right, then I'll go next. My name is Kara Zor-El, and it's... uh, a pleasure." She introduced herself as Kid Flash immediately appeared before her.

"Hey! Is it true your Superman's cousin? 'Cause that would be so awesome!"

"Yeah, Ka-Superman is family." Supergirl confirmed.

"Wait, seriously? No way..." Blue Beetle voiced as Kara seemed to shrink under the gazes of the two. She really has not had that much interaction since coming here. Kal-El's parents were the only ones she had been talking to for the past few days. They were nice and treated her like their own. But she lacked experience talking to people her age. M'gann was easiest to talk to since they could relate to being so unfamiliar with Earth and its inhabitants. And conversation with her wasn't strained; the Martian girl was just so full of enthusiasm that it was almost hard not to smile with her. But still, she hoped to see Emet again. He was the first person she had met since coming here, and she wanted to talk with him more. That's why she was here; when Kal-El told her he was going to be on this team, she all but jumped at the opportunity, much to her embarrassment.

"So are you going to introduce yourself?" Robin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as the boy directed his gaze to Superboy.

"Conner, or Superboy. I don't care what you call me." With that, he merely walked past them and towards the elevator.

"Hold on, where are you going?" This question came from Kid Flash.

"Training" was all he said before the elevator took off.

Kara couldn't help but frown. Superboy, Kal-El introduced them awhile ago. She was excited and thought that there was still another Kryptonian survivor, even if he did look eerily similar to Kal-El. But it appeared that Conner was some sort of clone. That was an even more eerie fact. She thought Earth was too primitive, but to be able to clone someone else was disturbing. Kal-El didn't seem to mind all that much; there was a hidden feeling behind his eyes, but for the most part, he didn't mind Conner's presence. He even welcomed the boy into his own family. But Kara couldn't help but hold a certain distaste towards him, for obvious reasons. Not to mention, he nearly lashed out at M'gann when she spoke into his thoughts. He had a clear temper.

"Aren't we missing two people?" Blue Beetle questioned Robin as he shook his head.

"No, only one. Our other member's been here for awhile." Gesturing with his hand, they all followed at what he pointed at. Of course, Kara already noticed the lone, cloaked girl leaning against the wall. The girl noted the gazes as she spoke.

"Raven." She curtly introduced

"Has she always been there?" Kid Flash whispered to Blue Beetle, the latter just shaking his head.

"Ninguna pista." He spoke with a shrug as Kid sent him a confused look. Quickly noting his mistake, he spoke up again. "Ah, sorry, I meant no clue."

"Well, so almost everyone's been introduced now, right?" Kid Flash asked.

"Nope, we're still waiting for one more member." Robin corrected. "But for now, I say we check out the training area." Robin's suggestions got nods of approval. "Right, then let's move out." With that, the members of the group went on an uneventful elevator ride in the surprisingly large elevator. There was an awkward silence as most relished when they reached their stop. Immediately, Kid Flash zipped out of the elevator, and then in an instant, he came back.

"I found the training area; follow me." He announced this as he disappeared once more, only leaving behind a yellow streak. Kara could just barely follow where he went, but she didn't want to take the initiative and lead; luckily, Robin spoke up.

"Sorry about him; he's not the brightest. Luckily, I've got a pretty decent grasp on the layout of this place." With that, the group just trailed behind the boy wonder. They were on the fourth floor, which was as spacious as the lobby area. Though it did not take them long before they reached the training area, they pushed passed two metal sliding doors and entered.

"Whoa, this place is certainly large." M'gann commented as the others looked around.

"It sure is; it even has state-of-the art training equipment, not to mention an action room." Robin informed her as he got a few confused looks.

"Action room? What's that?" Beetle asked. Robin pointed to an area on the far side; it looked like a small arena. In said an area like training room Superboy resided, currently he was smashing through several humanoid robots. They were made of smooth yet flexible metals, with yellow undertones. They were relatively slim in design, being made for speed and agility rather than heavy attacks.

"Uhm, should he be destroying them like that?" Beetle asked worriedly, but Robin only shook his hand dismissively.

"Don't worry, the tower has an automatic repair system. It'll recycle the ruined droid parts and rebuild them." That seemed to squander any worry.

"You seem to know a lot about this tower, Robin." M'gann noted.

"Well, I've seen the schematics and did some research beforehand." He said it with a shrug. "But c'mon, I've got an idea for a team activity." Robin, along with the rest of the group, neared the training area minus Raven. The girl seemed content to keep her solitude.

"Whoa, what took you guys so long?" Kid Flash zipped in out of nowhere, munching and devouring a bagel.

The boy was ignored, however, as Superboy finished up tearing through yet another droid. The area was scattered with droid bits, and more non-combat droids came out with bulkier designs as they rounded up the shatterd droid parts while Superboy stepped away from the action room. It was impressive how many he managed to take down in such a short time.

"While we wait for our last member, is anyone up for a little sparring?" The boy wonders suggested were met with various reactions.

"You want us to fight each other?" M'gann didn't seem keen on the idea, and neither did Kara, by the looks of it.

"Sparring." Robin corrected. "A little light training would do us good. We've got to assess each other's abilities; I mean, I've done some research, but it's better to know your teammates strengths and weaknesses, no?"

"Sound sweet!" Kid Flash didn't seem opposed to the idea, judging by his happy expression. "Don't worry, ladies, I'll be sure to take it easy on you."

"I'm sure they're feeling better already." Blue Beetle mumbled to himself before turning to Robin. "I'd be willing to go first; I need to stretch my wings."

"Then I'll take you on." Superboy eagerly jumped at the opportunity.

"Okay then, amigo, you're funeral." Beetles words were met with a scoff as the two boys made their way to the action room, which was more or less clean of any broken droid parts. Standing opposite each other, their bodies tensed as Superboy made the first move.

Superboy charged forward, his fists clenched tightly. Blue Beetle's arm seemed to morph in that instance into something akin to a cannon; with a blast from his arm cannon, a blue bolt of plasma whizzed through the air, but Superboy easily dodged it, leaping over the blast and barreling towards his opponent. Blue Beetle's arm canon morphed into a pulsing shield, reminiscent of a kite shield, just as Superboy collided with him with a punch that sent Beetle flying backwards slightly. However, he regained his composure quickly. Rising to his feet, he dismissed the shield in place for the canon again before he started blasting Superboy with a series of powerful plasma bolts. Superboy crossed his arms before his face as he charged forward. Bolts of plasma collided with them, leaving slight scorch marks but not halting his charge. Blue Beetle sidestepped at the last possible second, using his momentum to bring his free fist down hard against Superboy's shoulder. Only to have an electric-like feeling course through my arm.

"Hijo de-" Cursing to himself slightly, Beetle backed away as he circled Superboy.

("Kryptonian physiology detected; blunt force is ill advised.") A monotone, almost robotic voice rebounded in his head as Blue Beetle scowled.

("Gee, who would've thought...any suggestions, Scarab?") He asked mentally as he awaited Superboy to attack, the latter being surprisingly docile.

("Increase the output of plasma canons.") The Scarab advised as Blue Beetle nodded to himself. In the next instance, Superboy shot forward again, his form almost becoming a blur as he reached Blue Beetle.

Now, having already witnessed his speed once he was better prepared, insect-like wing shot out of his back as he shot into the air, the action momentarily confusing Connor. Taking the opportunity, Blue Beetle clasped both his arms together as they morphed into a much larger canon. The tip pulsed with energy as the entirety of his body pulsed and cackled with that same energy.

"Okay, increase output by 25%." Blue Beetle orderd as a large bolt of plasma shot out from the canon. For its large form, it was fast, making it almost impossible to follow as the cackling bolt of pure energy soared through the air. Superboy could barely follow it as it slammed against his chest. His chest burned as the powerful blast sent him hurdling backwards. His feet left the ground as he soared through the air against his will.

He flew back so far that he nearly crashed against the metal doors, but they split open at the last second as someone stepped to the side, avoiding Connor, who went ahead and crashed against a wall, hard enough to almost sink into it.

"Mierda! My bad dude!" Beetle couldn't help but wince as he chastised the Scarab. "Scarab, what gives? I said 25% output!" The scarab, however, didn't answer.

Blue Beetle would've pressed it, but he took note of someone else, and he couldn't help but almost gape. If there was ever a better time to use the phrase 'otherworldly beauty', this would probably be it. Radiating blue eyes, stark white hair, pale skin, and dressed in all white And here he thought the Kara girl was beautiful. Though he would've admired those angelic features longer, the Scarab's voice cut in.

("Ancient detected. Never engage.") Its words left him confused, but said confusion quickly died down as a fist sunk into his cheek. Thanks to the armor, he absorbed the blow easily, but his body still got launched like a ragdoll. Quickly gaining his composure, wings sprang from his back again as he hovered in the air, avoiding falling to the ground. It seems he was so entranced by 'her' appearance that he forgot about Superboy, the latter looking about ready to kill him.

Sailing back to the ground, he retracted his wings as he clenched his fist; both morphed into something akin to slightly spiked maces that pulsed with blue.

"He can take a hit, so it should be fine, probably." Beetle thought to himself as Superboy took the initiative and charged at him again. Ducking under a right sweep, Blue Beetle swung his arm at Superboy's exposed abdomen. The hit connected, but it was akin to hitting a solid wall as it served to only slightly stagger the boy. So, sidestepping to the side, Beetle avoided another right hook before he wildly swung his maces and unleashed a flurry of attacks. Each hit connected and served to stagger him, but no real damage was being done, so Blue Beetle prepared for a retreat, only for Superboy to step to the side at the last second. His arm sailed past him as Superboy grabbed onto him. With no effort, Superboy lifted and tossed Blue Beetle as if he were a mere toy. Sailing through the air, he nearly collided with some people before unceremoniously crashing against a wall hard enough to leave cracks in it.

"Ugh, okay, Camarada, you win." Quickly getting to his feet, Superboy merely grunted as he exited the action room and promptly exited the training room without so much as a word.

"Not a bad Beetle." Kid Flash zoomed in, standing at his side. He gave him a pat on the shoulder, as if comforting him.

"Thanks. But really, that guy has some issues." Blue Beetle stated this as Kid Flash nodded in agreement.

"You guys should cut him some slack; he's had it rough." Robin informed them, but their expressions wouldn't change.

"It doesn't really give him an excuse to be a dick." Kid spoke dismissively.

"You'd be right, but we all better get to know each other, seeing as we're a team." Surprisingly, Kid Flash agreed.

"You've got that right, and I really like to get to know Megan, if you know what I mean."

"I do and gross." Robin sighed at his friend's antics before he walked toward Kara and the other two, gesturing for them to follow.

"You fought well, Blue Beetle." M'gann was the first to note their approach, as she complimented Beetle.

"Heh, thanks..."

"So, are we going to continue sparring with each other?" Kara asked as Robin shook his head.

"No, I think this one match is enough for today. We already gauged Blue Beetle and Superboy's abilities, and mine aren't that hard to gauge. I'm guessing as a Kryptonian that you've got the same set of powers Superman does, right?" Robin asked as Kara nodded. "Great, as you know, Kid Flash is fast."

"Really fast."

"So we really just need to gauge Miss Martian's, Raven's, and Emet's powers." Robin informed, but it appeared that Raven was also nowhere to be seen. "It doesn't seem like Raven is around, so we'll start with you two."

"Great! I'll be happy to go first!" M'gann exclaimed as she started floating in the air. "As a Martian, I'm able to use my telekinesis for a number of things, with flying being my favorite." She started, seeming happy to express her abilities, before her feet touched back onto the ground. "I also possess the ability to shapeshift like other Martians." Demonstrating this, she turned to Kara before both her appearance and clothes morphed into an exact copy of Kara's.

"Sweet, even your clothes changed! Rad!" Kid Flash complimented the Martian, who shifted back into her original form.

("That organic clothing I've been hearing about") Robin noted this before Miss Martian continued.

"I'm also able to shift my density, and of course, my telepathy." She finished.

"Holy, you've got a whole arsenal; Martians are insane." Blue Beetle commented, earning a confused look from the Martian in question.

"I'm not sure what you mean; most Martians are perfectly sane."

"It's just a figure of speech, Megan. Now then, you're up, Emet." Looking towards the boy in question, who seemed lost in thought before subsequently snapping out of his stupor.

"Ah, sorry. My abilities, let's see... well, I guess I'm able to create any inanimate object I want, as long as I've got a clear picture." He informed, earning a few raised eyebrows.

"Create thing's? What does that mean? Like you're a Lantern?" Kid Flash fired off his questions as Emet shook his head.

"I am able to create constructs, but I just use my powers to conjure up actual objects that withhold the same properties they're designed after, like so." Raising his right arm, a strange, intense blue energy sparked in his palm as something began taking form. Soon the light died down, revealing a...

"That a chocolate bar?" Blue Beetle questioned as said chocolate bar was thrown Kid Flash's way. The latter looked at the chocolate with clear skepticism before shrugging his shoulders and devouring it in record time.

"Whoa! It tastes just like the real thing!"

"So just like that, you're able to create anything you want to?" Beetle questioned him incredulously.

"So is this a power your whole race can use?" Robin asked, slightly confusing Beetle and Kid Flash.

"Wait, he's an alien?"

"Wait he?"

"Yep." Emet answered, ignoring the aforementioned two.

"Incredible. It'll certainly come in handy." Robin complimented.

This team certainly was something: someone with an alien war machine strapped to their back, two Kryptonians, a Martian, and now this. He'd certainly have to up his game, but he always liked a challenge.