
Fetters OF Destiny

Love.. Which one's true? The one who Sent me to an unknown place Just for his Accomplishments. Who didn't care about me, But his mission. OR The one who  Cared for my every scratch, Every tear. The one who Takes all my pains away Which were all meant for me. I ask myself  Who I want to be? One's duty OR One's Lover? Love.... Which completes me. Which is meant only for me. Lover…. Whose tears break my heart. Whose smile makes my day. Whose laugh gives me a reason to live. And Duty.... Which broke me. Duty keeper…. Who played with my heart. Who didn't care of my existence. Who fooled me for his mission. Who used me as needed. And threw me away when not. The story of Reselda, Who had one thing missing from her life  'Love' Whose life was simple but satisfying. But an encounter ruined it all. Gave her the expectations of life full of Love and warmth. But who knew it was all a play, A play to get her to destroy his enemy, But life is not just of deceit. Destiny had written the unexpected Of the two genuine souls   Who Met  And became one. Enrique Augustus Collins fell for Reselda Genuinely , Who gave her all the love she deserved,  Who didn't leave her side.. Though Sebastian Salvatore created disastrous boulders for them...... A tale with twists and turns  Yet the never-ending Eternal love remains.

Bhumika_Das_9 · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

A Villain...

Whom everyone see as a sinner

Forget that,

No man would want to be so

With no reason behind.

Yet we fail to realise it

And blame Him,

Of being

A Villain.

_~•_•~_Bhumika Das

Ohh shit it's very low , she said in a low voice.

"We immediately need to perform a CPR or he may have a cardiac arrest." She said

She took her phone out and passed it to Daphne

"Daphne take my phone out and call Dr. Nelson to send an ambulance immediately.", she told her hurriedly not wasting a moment.

"Uhhhh yeaaa okayy, I'm on it.", Daphne said understanding the situation.

"Sir can you give him two rescue breaths on my count of 6 and 11?", she asked the patient's friend who was shouting for help before.

"Yes okay I'm up to it." He said firmly

" Okay then, One…", not wasting another moment she started to give him chest compressions.

" Two… Three…. Four…. Five…. Six…." ,on the count of six his friend gave him one rescue breath as he was instructed.

"Seven…. Eight…. Nine…. Ten…. Eleven….", On the eleventh compression he gave another rescue breath.

His breathing became stable at a slow pace.

The patient's condition was a little better and no longer in danger.

Dr Nelson had arrived until then and check upon the patient.

" Great immediate care Dr. Reselda.", Dr Nelson said .

"Thank you. And give me a minute I'll explain the situation to Dr. Ethan .", Saying that Reselda excused herself

" Yea definitely, go ahead ." , He said checking the patient's pulse .

"Hello Ethan, I had come to New Change, London EC4M 9AF where an accident had occurred, patient is a male, around 32 years, height is almost 5 '10 and weight is about 78 kgs, had a heart stroke , immediate care is given, breathing is normal .",She said informing him of all the observations of the patient.

"Okay Reselda, I'll prepare everything here. And also if you want you can continue your day as per your schedule, Dr. Nelson and I will handle the patient. ", He said even though he knew her reply very well.

"Sir, you already know my reply, we'll be there within 25 mins.", she informed him immediately without a second thought.

"Okay then, I'll be waiting.", He said

"Thank you doctor. You were great out there.", The patient's friend said .

" Uhh thank you…", She replied awkwardly not used to being complimented.

" Ohh by the way I am Sebastian Salvatore, a lawyer.", He introduced.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Reselda I am a resident doctor at St Bartholomew's hospital."

"I know that .", He said with a small smirk

" Huh!!??? ", I looked at him confused

"Hehe you just now saved my friend and then your colleague came who was wearing the white cloak with your hospital's badge.", He said clearly stating his deductions.

"Well, I'm quite impressed with your deducing skills Mr. Salvatore.", She said being genuinely impressed, after all not every one has the knowledge deductions.

" Ohh that's completely my pleasure.", He said with a big smile, the smile was genuine. It wasn't just because of the compliment he received but also for the fact that his friend was out of danger.

" Hmmm, I see you're quite a charmer.", Reselda said playing along.

" That I am, but for now I want to know how my friend is ?", He asked now being a little worried

" He is our of danger now, his breathing is stable but we'll have to keep him under observation, and do some tests to be completely sure of the reason behind today's stroke.", I said reassuringly

" Ohhh okay .", He said expression less

It was clear that he was Highly affected with the incident yet wasn't showing anything. He was hiding his emotions beneath his flirty lines and sugared talks .

"It seems you are very close to your friend .", I said .

" Yep , he's my only family left you can say, after my mom and dad's death he has been my constant support.", He said with a bittersweet smile .

" Ohhhh well don't worry I assure you he's fine, and also you may need to visit to the hospital to fill a few forms.", I said

" Yes sure if you too would be there .", He said with a smirk .

"Mr Salvatore, you can show your true feelings because the fake show isn't working in front of me .", I said with my hands folded

"what made you think I'm acting?", He asked surprised.

"Ohhhh well I'd suggest you figure it out on your own. Also I definitely would listen about it but I need to go.",She said trying to hold her laughter. He was so surprised that she saw though him. It isn't too hard afterall she spends half of her time with experts on human psychology.

" Daphne, I'm so sorry but I'll have to go. l know I promised but….", Reselda began to ramble but was shushed by her.

"Shhhhhhh chill alright. I know and understand the situation. How could I stop you here at such a situation.", She said smiling .

"Awww that's why you are my favorite. Ohhh yea listen take this .",She said giving Daphne her credit card.

" Take any two pair of clothes for me but don't finish everything in it .", she said

" Hey chill you know that I'm not a spendthrift.", She said .

"Yea I know….. Ohhh and listen….", She was gonna tell her about the sale on shoes but was interrupted by Dr. Nelson's voice

"Dr. Reselda let's go everything's settled .", He said

" Ohhh okay .", she said

She then bid her farewell from Daphne

In the hospital…

"Chief, the patient's condition is stable at the moment. Heartbeat is normal and blood samples have been collected for the tests .", I informed him

" Okay Reselda , you did great toady, take leave for tomorrow and also your senior residence program will start next week so be prepared.", He said .

" Sir, is it true that if I get the highest points I'll be able to attend the 9th International Heart Conference?", she asked him being a little excited

"Yes but not just that , if you get the highest points you'll be able to join as a junior diagnostician in the diagnostic team .", He said .

She was now smiling like some crazy person afterall it has been her only dream since ages.

" Isn't that your dream, Reselda?", He asked

"Yes sir. It's my biggest dream.", She said still being in a daze.

"I can see that on your face. You make me remember my lost daughter. Your eyes brighten up just like her." He said with a bittersweet smile.

"Sir, I have always consider you as my father figure . Since the moment I've met you and aunt you both have never made me feel that I'm an orphan .",she said with a small smile.

" Ohhhhh okay, now let's not talk about these things now . Also you should leave for home it's quite late .", He said patting my head .

His touch is so warm and fatherly. She wondered sometimes why her biological parents had abandoned her and how life would have been with them.

"Okay, bye ", she said bidding him her farewells

I was leaving his room when I bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry." I said

"Ohh it's you !!"

"Yep it's me Dr. Reselda .", Said Mr Sebastian Salvatore.

" Ohh by the way…. Your friend is absolutely fine so you can discharge him tomorrow but bring him back after 2 days for a check up.", I said

"Yea I just met him, I came to thank you. "he said

" Ohh noo noo , please don't it was my duty .",she said shaking her head.

" And you should be praised as well, as you had shown such perseverance while providing him the rescue breaths ", She said with an appreciative smile

" I had to .", he replied

"Well anyways I'll have to leave now it's quite late .", She said trying to excuse herself.

"Ummm if you don't mind may I have the opportunity to drop you? Please don't say no ." , He almost pleaded.

" Uhhhhhh okay. Unless you're not gonna kidnap me .",She said, joking

"Definitely not .", He said smiling

They went to parking lot after Reselda signed out.

He went ahead of her and opened the door of the passanger seat tor her.

" Thank you.", she said with a smile .

"Pleasure's all mine ." He replied

She got in and told him her address though she hadn't known him for very long.

She was sitting quietly enjoying the breeze when darkness took her over.

" Heyy Reselda we've reached." , she heard someone say .

Ohhh shittttt!!!, She thought

"Shucks was I sleeping ?" , she asked aloud.

" Yep but not for too long . Also we've reached.", He said

"Ohh thank you. " she said with a smile

"Heyyyy you know you shouldn't sleep in an unknown man's car.", he said jokingly

"Uhhhh well, this was an accident, I guess." She said trying to very hard to hide her embarrassed face

"Do you want me to accompany you upstairs?", He asked.

"Ohh no no it's fine. Plus it's too late .",She said

"Yea true that. Okay then, good night.", He said

"Yep , thanks again and good night to you too."

Reselda reached her apartment and the first thing she did was taking a long shower and munch something. She then went to check upon the sleeping Daphne.

And straightaway went to sleep.


Thanks for reading..♡(ӦvӦ。)

Thank you for choosing, Fetters of destiny'. I immensely hope that you will enjoy the journey of Reselda along with me.

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