
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 22

In that secluded warehouse, the silence was broken only by the sound of breathing and the rustling of clothing. The dim light from the candles burning in the corners of the room cast long shadows on the walls, adding to the mysterious magical atmosphere. Riveria stood tall on one side of the room, her eyes tightly closed and her breathing steady. Meanwhile, Shirou stood on the opposite side, preparing himself to test his new limits at level 3.

Riveria appeared serious, focusing all her attention and energy on training to activate her magic circuit. She imagined roots penetrating deep into the earth, trying to sense the od flowing through her body. She could feel something there—something soft, almost like a whisper, but still difficult to fully grasp.

On the other hand, Shirou controlled his breathing calmly. He felt a different warmth within his body, the magic Falna granted by Loki since joining the Familia. There was a strange sensation as he realized that this energy, different from the od he possessed as a magus, could be converted into Prana. He closed his eyes, focusing his mind on converting this energy.

"Alright, let's try this," Shirou muttered quietly, almost as if speaking to himself. He raised one hand, closed his eyes, and concentrated on the Falna within him. Slowly, he began channeling that energy, converting it into Prana as he would normally do with od. As if following instructions ingrained within him, he began chanting a mantra with full concentration.

"Trace... on."

Faint blue lines appeared around Shirou's hand and arm, signifying the flow of Prana coursing through his magic circuit. He began visualizing each magic sword in his mind, drawing every detail with extraordinary precision.

Riveria glanced slightly, curious about what Shirou was doing. She felt a mix of admiration and slight anxiety as she saw the blue light growing brighter around Shirou's hand. "What are you doing, Shirou?" she asked softly, not wanting to disturb his concentration.

Shirou didn't respond immediately. He remained focused, ignoring all the sounds around him. In his mind, he redrew every sword he had ever seen, every sword that had ever been touched by his hands. The Falna energy converted into Prana felt different—stronger, more stable than what he usually experienced.

"One… two… three…" Shirou began counting softly. Magic swords appeared one by one around him, like light emerging from the shadows. "Ten… fifteen… twenty…"

Riveria watched with wide eyes, amazed by the increasing number of swords appearing. "This… this is incredible…!" she said unconsciously.

Shirou continued, the energy flowing smoothly. "Twenty-five… thirty…" He could feel that his body was stronger, more capable of handling the energy load. The magic Falna granted by Loki truly made a significant difference.

"Thirty-five… forty…" Shirou exerted more energy, starting to feel his limit, but he wanted to see how far he could push himself. "Forty-five… fifty."

Finally, fifty magic swords appeared around Shirou, forming a perfect circle in the air. Each sword glowed with the same blue light, displaying accurate details down to every curve of the blade. Shirou opened his eyes, looking at the swords surrounding him, smiling in satisfaction.

Riveria could hardly believe what she was seeing. "Fifty swords? You… you can summon this many?"

Shirou nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his body after such a massive use of energy. "Yes… before, without Falna, I could only summon ten before running out of Prana. But now… with Falna, my limit is much higher."

Riveria approached, taking a closer look at one of the swords. "Amazing… these aren't just rough replicas. These swords… they feel like real swords. This power… you've truly broken through your limits."

Shirou smiled and shrugged. "I'm just making use of what I have now. This Falna allows me to convert energy more efficiently. But I still have a lot to learn about my new limits."

Riveria nodded, her gaze filled with admiration. "You truly are remarkable, Shirou. With this, you've become even stronger."

Shirou chuckled softly, aware of the challenges awaiting him. "Let's hope so. But for now, let's continue your training. I want to see how you're progressing with activating your magic circuit."

Riveria nodded eagerly, refocusing her mind and energy. The training continued, and the warehouse was filled with the sounds of two determined individuals standing on the edge of their newfound power, ready to push even further.

After the dawn training session, Riveria and Shirou walked back to the mansion. The morning sunlight began to filter through the trees around the mansion, casting a gentle glow that made the atmosphere feel more peaceful. Both of them looked content, though slightly tired after the intense training they had just completed.

"Thank you for the training today, Shirou," Riveria said with a slight smile on her face. There was a clear sense of joy, knowing she had made some small progress in her efforts to activate her magic circuit.

Shirou smiled and nodded. "It's no problem, Riveria. I'm glad I could help you. We can try again tomorrow if you'd like."

Riveria nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. I'll come again tomorrow morning."

They arrived at the front door of the mansion, and Shirou quickly headed towards the kitchen. That morning, as usual, it was time to prepare breakfast for the entire Loki Familia. In no time, the aroma of food began to spread from the kitchen—the delicious scent of toasted bread, fried eggs, and warm soup.

In the dining room, one by one, the Familia members began to gather. Finn, as the captain of the Loki Familia, sat at the end of the long table with a calm yet serious expression. He waited until all the members had gathered before starting to speak. Next to him, Tiona and Aiz sat anxiously, knowing that something important was going to be announced that morning.

After everyone sat down and enjoyed the breakfast Shirou had prepared, Finn raised his hand to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, I have something important to announce regarding our next activity."

All eyes turned to Finn. There was a bit of nervousness among the Familia members, especially when Finn spoke in such a serious tone. Finn took a deep breath before continuing.

"We will be launching a new expedition soon," Finn announced, his voice steady. "Our primary goal is to gather more valis."

Murmurs and whispers spread among the Familia members. An expedition meant hard work and also danger. However, they all knew that with their courage and strength, the chances of finding treasure in the dungeon were always there.

Finn continued with a lighter tone, "I know some of you have debts that need to be paid off soon." He gave a slight smile, his gaze directed straight at Aiz and Tiona sitting beside him.

Aiz lowered her head slightly, her face blushing. "Sorry… that was because of the sword I broke during Monsterphilia," she mumbled softly, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

Tiona laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "And me too… I owe after buying Urga II," she said with a shrug. "But hey, it's a great weapon!"

Finn smiled at Tiona's joke. "Yes, we all know that," he replied. "But still, debt is debt. We need to find a way to pay it off. That's why we're going on this expedition."

Bete, who was sitting across from Tiona, interrupted with a rough voice. "So, this is just about money? Does that mean we're avoiding the deeper floors?"

Finn looked at Bete with a calm but sharp gaze. "Not entirely," Finn replied. "We will still explore new areas and gather as much information as possible. But we need to focus on our main goal this time, which is to gather valis."

Loki, who had been silent in the corner of the room, suddenly let out a small laugh. "Haha! I know you guys can do it! After all, Aiz and Tiona, you don't want your reputation tarnished because of debt, right?"

Tiona nodded with a wide smile. "No, of course not, Loki-sama! I'll work hard, as usual!"

Aiz just nodded slightly, determination in her eyes. "I'll do my best."

Shirou, who had been quietly listening while preparing the food, realized that this expedition could be a good opportunity for him to test the strength he had gained since his last level up. However, he also felt that this could be a significant challenge, especially if they ventured further into the dungeon.

Finn concluded his announcement with a tone full of enthusiasm, "So, get ready, everyone! We'll be leaving in three days. Make sure you're prepared with all the necessary gear."

The Familia members began discussing among themselves, planning what they needed to bring and preparing themselves for the upcoming expedition. Shirou returned to the kitchen, ensuring that the morning meal was enough for everyone who was excited.

Amid the commotion, Aiz approached Shirou. "Shirou, thank you for breakfast. You're joining the expedition too, right?"

Shirou smiled and nodded. "Of course, Aiz. I wouldn't miss this opportunity."

Aiz smiled slightly. "Good. I'm glad you're here."

They exchanged a look for a moment before Tiona enthusiastically interrupted them. "Hey, Shirou! If we win big on this expedition, maybe I can buy you an Urga III!" she said with a laugh.

Shirou laughed, "I'd gladly accept that offer."

The atmosphere at the Loki Familia's dining table grew more lively, filled with the enthusiasm and laughter of its members who were ready to face a new challenge.

That afternoon, the atmosphere in Orario felt calm after the morning's hustle and bustle. Shirou decided to use his free time to prepare for the upcoming expedition. He headed to a well-known adventurer's supply shop in the city, a place where various equipment for dungeons and adventures were sold.

Inside the shop, Shirou searched for a large bag that could be used by a supporter. Even though he knew the bag wouldn't be used during the expedition, he still felt the need to buy it. The bag would serve as an effective disguise when he was on the surface, especially if he encountered other Familia members in the Dungeon.

Shirou entered the shop and was greeted by various items displayed on the shelves. He began exploring the section for bags and supporter gear. His eyes caught sight of a large black bag that looked sturdy and big enough to carry a lot of supplies.

"Hmm, this bag seems suitable," he muttered while examining it more closely. He noticed that the bag had many compartments and adjustable straps, making it ideal for carrying various supplies and materials from the dungeon.

As he was inspecting the bag, a shopkeeper approached him. "Good afternoon, is there anything I can help you with?" the man asked politely.

Shirou turned and replied, "Afternoon. I'm looking for a large bag for a supporter. This one seems good. Can I try it?"

The shopkeeper nodded. "Of course. That's one of our latest models. It's specifically designed for supporters with a large capacity."

Shirou carefully inspected the bag and was satisfied with its quality and size. "I'll take this one. I'd also like to inquire about some additional gear for supporters. What would you recommend?"

The shopkeeper immediately explained various additional supplies that could be useful, such as water bottles, medicines, and first aid kits. Shirou purchased several of these additional items to ensure he was prepared for any situation.

After completing the payment, Shirou hoisted the large bag and left the shop. As he walked home, he reflected on his plan. He intended to use this bag as part of his strategy to disguise himself as a weak level-one supporter when on the surface or when he crossed paths with other Familia members in the Dungeon.

Once home, Shirou examined the bag and gear he had just bought. He decided to store the large bag in a safe place in his room and would only use it when the time was right. In his mind, he envisioned various scenarios that could happen and the best ways to keep his identity hidden.

The next day, as he prepared for the expedition, Shirou checked his bag again and ensured everything was in good condition. He also devised backup plans to handle any potential situations in the dungeon.

In his final preparations, he recalled his conversation with Riveria and was determined to use all the skills and knowledge he had to face the challenges ahead. At the same time, he felt relieved that with the bag, he could disguise himself better and ensure he remained anonymous when needed.

With the large bag in hand and his gear ready, Shirou was set to face the upcoming expedition with confidence.

Aiz's POV

Aiz was deep in sleep, but that night her dreams were filled with painful and emotional memories. In the darkness of her dreams, she found herself standing in the middle of a room enveloped in a thin mist. The room felt familiar, as if it was from a past that had never fully left her memory. In front of Aiz, she saw the figures of her parents, Aria and Albert Wallenstein.

Aria, with her long, flowing blonde hair, and Albert, with his loving yet firm gaze, stood before Aiz. They appeared worried and full of sadness. Aiz heard her father's voice, booming yet gentle, full of hope.

"Aiz, you have to go. It's the only way to keep you safe," said Albert with a firm yet loving tone.

Aria looked at Aiz with tear-filled eyes. "You must become strong, Aiz. Don't let this sadness hold you back. Remember, you will find a hero just for you."

Those words echoed in Aiz's mind as the atmosphere around them grew more somber. The dream shifted, and now Aiz saw Shirou, the person who now held a special place in her life, fighting fiercely against a powerful enemy. Shirou looked exhausted but determined, fighting with all his might.

In the midst of the battle, Aiz saw Shirou take a heavy blow and fall, blood pouring from his body. "Shirou!" Aiz screamed in her dream, trying to get closer, but her body felt bound and unable to move. Shirou lifted his gaze, looking at Aiz with a loving and weary expression before finally closing his eyes forever.

The dream jolted Aiz awake, gasping for air. She sat up in bed, her body trembling, and cold sweat drenched her forehead. Her heart pounded wildly, and her eyes filled with tears. She stared at the ceiling, feeling trapped in deep worry and guilt.

"Why… why do I have to be like this?" she whispered to herself, her voice full of anger and sadness. "Why do I always want to be protected? Why can't I protect those I care about?"

Aiz slammed her fist into the bed, feeling emotional and physical pain merge into one torment. "I… I don't want to lose anyone else. Not like this…"

She then recalled her father's words, "You will find a hero just for you." Aiz felt pressured by those words, a hero had come to save her. But he had made a great sacrifice to protect Aiz. She felt unworthy and too weak to fulfill those words. She felt guilty for only being a burden to those who wanted to protect her.

With her breath still heavy, Aiz tried to calm herself. "I… I have to become stronger. I can't keep going like this," she resolved with newfound determination. She stood and looked at the mirror beside her bed, vowing not to let that dream become reality.

"I will become strong," she said to her reflection. "I won't let anyone, especially Shirou, get hurt because of me."

With renewed determination, Aiz worked to calm her mind and focus on her goals. She knew she had to face her fears and become a hero for herself and those around her.

Shirou POV

That morning, the sky over Orario was still a reddish-orange hue as the members of the Loki Familia prepared to embark on their expedition. Shirou stood at the back of the group, dressed in simple clothing that made him look like a beginner supporter. A large bag, typical of what supporters used, hung on his back, filled with various supplies and preparations.

At the large gate leading to the Dungeon, Shirou walked calmly, following the group that was already assembled. He knew his role this time was to stay at the rear, disguised as a weak level-one supporter, while his true strength had to be concealed to avoid drawing attention from other familias.

As they walked toward the entrance, a soft voice called out to him from the crowd. "Shirou!" The voice sounded cheerful yet filled with concern. Shirou turned and saw Syr jogging over to him, her face adorned with her usual warm smile.

"Syr," Shirou greeted her in a friendly tone, pausing for a moment from the line. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Syr giggled slightly, "I wanted to make sure I got to see you before you left. I heard you all are going on a big expedition this time."

Shirou gave a faint smile and nodded. "Yes, it will be a fairly long and potentially dangerous journey. But I'm sure we'll be fine."

Syr looked at Shirou with attentive eyes. "I know you're strong, Shirou. But I hope you'll still be careful, okay? The Dungeon can be very unpredictable."

Shirou felt touched by Syr's concern and nodded. "Thank you, Syr. I'll do my best to stay safe."

Syr gazed at Shirou a little longer, as if making sure every word she spoke truly reached his heart. "And if you need anything, whether it's help or just someone to talk to… don't hesitate to find me. We all care about you."

Shirou smiled wider this time, feeling more at ease with Syr's presence. "I really appreciate that, Syr. Thank you so much. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Syr then stepped closer, gently placing her hand on Shirou's arm. "Stay safe, Shirou. We'll all be waiting for your return."

Syr's eyes reflected sincere hope, and Shirou felt a warmth in his chest. "I will come back, Syr," he replied with conviction. "I promise."

With some reluctance, Shirou stepped back into line with the Loki Familia group, leaving Syr standing there, waving with her warm smile. Shirou continued to look ahead, but in his mind, he kept Syr's concerns and hopes as motivation to stay vigilant during the expedition.

Meanwhile, Finn, at the front of the line, glanced back, noticing the brief interaction between Shirou and Syr. A small smile appeared on his face before he raised his hand to signal the Familia members.

"Let's go, everyone!" Finn shouted energetically. "A long journey awaits us. Make sure you're ready and don't let your guard down!"

The Loki Familia group began moving faster, stepping forward with confidence toward the large Dungeon gate that would lead them into depths filled with mysteries and dangers. Shirou took a deep breath, calming his mind, and moved forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The journey to the 18th floor went smoothly for the Loki Familia. With their experience and skills, they passed through each floor without significant difficulty. The trained fighters knew exactly how to deal with the monsters on the early floors, and they did so with near-perfect efficiency. Shirou, positioned at the back, observed how every attack, formation, and strategy was executed with precise accuracy.

When they finally arrived on the 18th floor, the atmosphere around them began to change. This floor was known as the "Safe Zone" — an area free from monster attacks. At the edge of the small town of Rivira, they decided to set up camp and rest. Rivira, with its twinkling lights and a few shops and small buildings, offered a more relaxed ambiance compared to other areas within the Dungeon.

Finn, as the leader, quickly instructed the Familia members to start setting up tents and preparing the resting area. "Alright, we'll be staying here overnight," Finn called out, directing the members to get to work. "Make sure all preparations are complete. We'll continue our journey tomorrow morning."

Aiz, already familiar with this task, quickly moved to help Tiona and Tione set up the tents. "Looks like we have enough time to rest this time," Aiz commented in her usual flat tone.

Tiona chimed in with a cheerful smile. "That's right! Maybe we can have dinner early this time. I can't wait to enjoy the food Shirou brought!" she said, lifting a supply bag excitedly.

Meanwhile, Shirou, dressed like an ordinary supporter, also helped carry equipment and ensure everything was in the right place. Even though he was at the back, he still felt a sense of responsibility to help.

Riveria approached Shirou, watching him work with enthusiasm. "You're really good at adapting, Shirou," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "Even though this is your first expedition with us, you're not showing any signs of struggling."

Shirou gave a small smile. "I'm just trying to follow your pace. Besides, all of you are very experienced. I feel quite supported just by observing."

Riveria chuckled softly. "Don't be too modest, I noticed how you've been carefully watching our movements since the beginning. You clearly have a good instinct."

As they talked, Bete, who was sitting not far from them, scoffed. "Hah, no need to praise him too much, Riveria. The kid is just acting as a supporter. Nothing special about that."

Shirou turned and smiled politely. "I am just a supporter for now, Bete. But I'll do my best not to be a burden to you."

Bete grumbled, "Just make sure you stay at the back and don't get in our way," he said in a cold tone.

Finn, who overheard the conversation, smiled and intervened. "Calm down, Bete. Every member of the Familia has their own role. And Shirou has already proven himself valuable to us."

As night began to fall, the atmosphere around the camp grew quieter. The Familia members sat in a circle around the campfire, enjoying their meal and chatting. Tiona, sitting next to Aiz, turned to Shirou. "Hey, Shirou! How's your first expedition going so far?"

Shirou thought for a moment before answering, "It's very interesting. I've learned a lot from watching how you all work as a team. I hope I can continue to be useful to everyone."

Tione chimed in with a small laugh, "Oh, you'll definitely be useful, especially if you can replicate weapons like you did before."

Aiz, who had been silent, suddenly spoke, "You're doing well, Shirou," she said softly. "I feel safer knowing you're around."

Shirou smiled, slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, Aiz. I'll do my best to keep it that way."

That night, amidst the warm glow of the campfire, the Loki Familia enjoyed their moment of peace on the 18th floor. They knew that the real challenges still awaited them ahead, but for tonight, they could rest and prepare for the next day. Shirou gazed at the false sky hanging over Rivira, feeling excited yet cautious. In his mind, he was preparing himself for whatever might come next.

The next morning, before continuing their journey to the deeper floors, the Loki Familia gathered around the camp, checking their supplies and preparations. Finn stood in the middle, giving instructions to all the members. "Make sure you're all ready. We'll be facing tougher challenges on the next floor. Don't underestimate the monsters there."

Shirou, standing on the edge of the group, felt there was something he could do to help. He approached Finn and Riveria. "Finn, Riveria... I'd like to offer something," he said politely.

Riveria raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it, Shirou?"

Shirou took a moment to breathe. "I can use Projection to add to our stock of magic swords. That way, in case of emergencies, we'll have more backup weapons."

Finn smiled approvingly. "That's a good idea, Shirou. Any additional weapons will be very useful if we run into trouble on the deeper floors."

Shirou nodded, then closed his eyes. He felt the Falna energy within his body, mixing with the Od he possessed as a magus. He began chanting a spell in his mind, activating the Magic Circuits within his body. Carefully, he visualized the shape and details of the magic swords he had seen and studied before.

"Trace... On," Shirou whispered.

In front of him, several magic swords began to form from thin air, each blade glowing with magical energy. The swords appeared one by one, lined up on the ground, looking so real and solid.

Tiona, who was watching from nearby, exclaimed in amazement, "Wow! You can create that many swords? This is really impressive, Shirou!"

Aiz, standing close to Tiona, stared at the swords in awe. "The shape and quality... It's almost indistinguishable from the real thing."

Shirou gave a slight smile. "They're replicas, but their quality is good enough for temporary use. They'll last long enough in battle."

However, Shirou began to feel his body weaken as he projected more swords. Feeling a bit dizzy, he paused and took a small bottle from his pocket — a magic potion to restore his Falna and energy.

Riveria observed closely as Shirou drank from the bottle. "That potion is quite strong. Are you sure you're okay, Shirou?"

Shirou swallowed the last drop and took a deep breath. "I'm used to this, Riveria. I just need a little time to recover my energy. Besides, this is a small thing compared to what we're going to face below."

Finn looked at Shirou with appreciation. "Thank you, Shirou. This addition could be very valuable for this expedition."

Shirou nodded, smiling, relieved that his efforts could benefit the whole team. "I just hope this helps us all come back safely."

With the additional stock of magic swords, the Loki Familia felt more prepared to continue their journey. Shirou looked toward the entrance to the next floor, ready to face whatever awaited them below.

After making sure all preparations were complete and securing the camp on the 18th floor, the Loki Familia resumed their journey toward the deeper floors. Shirou, usually seen as a "supporter" by the other Familia members, discreetly left the large bag he had been carrying. He hid it in a corner of the camp, concealed behind some other equipment.

Shirou looked at the bag for a moment. "I guess there's no point in carrying this any further," he murmured quietly, a faint smile on his face. "Now, it's time to focus more on my true role."

After leaving the bag behind, Shirou quickly moved to join the back row of the Loki Familia, projecting his black bow. He took a deep breath, feeling the Prana energy flowing within him. He knew that every step forward meant getting closer to greater dangers, and his role would be crucial in supporting the team from a distance.

Finn, at the front, signaled with his hand. "Maintain formation. Make sure our defensive line is solid," he commanded firmly.

Behind him, Riveria nodded, ready with her magic staff. "Stay vigilant. Remember, the monsters on these lower floors are much stronger."

Shirou stood a few steps behind Riveria, his eyes focused on the surroundings. He felt the atmosphere growing more tense and darker than the previous floors. Suddenly, he spotted a quick movement among the cave shadows. Without hesitation, Shirou drew his black bow, fitting an arrow infused with Prana.

"Something on the right!" Shirou shouted, warning the others.

Aiz, who was nearby, immediately reacted, raising her sword and preparing to strike. "Where exactly, Shirou?" she asked with focused attention.

Shirou narrowed his eyes, scanning the shadows. "There… about 30 meters ahead, between the large rocks."

Finn quickly gave instructions. "Tiona, Bete, be ready to intercept if it attacks. Aiz, stay at the front to protect the defensive line."

Without waiting any longer, Shirou released his arrow with incredible speed. The arrow shot through the air with a sharp whistling sound. Moments later, a small explosion could be heard as Shirou's arrow hit its target — a large ogre hiding behind the rocks.

"I got it!" Shirou exclaimed with a hint of relief.

However, the ogre only staggered for a moment before letting out an enraged roar. The attack had only managed to anger it. The monster began charging toward them, its large hands raised high.

As a group of ogres emerged from behind the rocks, their roars echoed through the dark corridors of the lower Dungeon floors. Yet, the members of the Loki Familia were not intimidated at all. They had faced far scarier monsters in the past, and a group of ogres was just a minor challenge to them.

"Watch the front!" Finn gave a quick command, raising his spear, signaling his teammates to initiate their attack.

Aiz, positioned at the front line, leaped forward with the speed of wind. With a single slash of her rapier, two ogres were cleanly cut down, their bodies falling heavily to the ground. Tiona, wielding her Urga, swung her massive weapon with tremendous force, crushing the head of one ogre with a single blow, blood spurting from the large wound in its skull.

"This is too easy!" Tiona shouted enthusiastically. "They're not even putting up a proper fight."

Meanwhile, Bete sneered maliciously. "This is really boring." With speed that was hard for the eye to follow, he attacked the remaining ogres that were still trying to charge, slamming his foot into their chests, shattering their bones instantly.

Shirou, who was positioned at the back, observed all of this calmly. He kept his black bow ready, prepared to shoot an arrow if needed, but realized that this battle did not require much contribution from him. Nevertheless, he remained vigilant, ensuring no threats escaped their notice.

"It seems to be over," Finn said as he surveyed the battlefield. Not a single ogre was left standing; all were either dead or severely wounded around them.

Aiz wiped the blood off her sword and turned to Shirou. "Your first strike was good. Maybe if it were a bit stronger, we could have saved some energy."

Shirou smiled slightly. "I just wanted to make sure we knew what we were dealing with. Better to be cautious than regretful."

Finn walked over, patting Shirou on the shoulder. "You did your best. This wasn't a serious fight for us, but your vigilance is still appreciated."

Riveria approached, observing the battlefield now filled with ogre bodies. "It seems we can continue without further interruptions. The deeper we go, the stronger the enemies we'll face."

Tiona, brimming with enthusiasm, raised her Urga into the air. "Let's keep going! I want to see what awaits us on the next floor."

With spirits high, the Loki Familia began to move again, leaving the battlefield behind them. Shirou, back in his position at the rear, took a deep breath. He knew this was just the beginning, and greater challenges lay ahead. But with the strength and abilities of his friends, he felt ready to face whatever awaited them.

They moved forward, deeper into the Dungeon, their minds focused on their mission and the camaraderie that bound them together.

Floor by floor, the Loki Familia continued their advance, facing each challenge that emerged with the calmness and skill honed over years. Monsters of various kinds—Hobgoblins, Lizardmen, and even Golems—appeared before them, only to be swiftly destroyed by this well-trained team.

Shirou, stationed at the back, adapted to his role as a long-range archer. His eyes trained to spot openings among the attacking monsters. He drew his black bow, aimed, and released an arrow with incredible speed. The arrow sliced through the air with a hiss before striking directly into the eye of a Lizardman, causing it to collapse instantly.

"Good accuracy, Shirou!" Finn shouted from the front while swinging his spear to fend off another attack. "Stay alert!"

Shirou nodded without taking his eyes off his target. "I will, Finn. Don't worry."

However, amid the battle, one of the Golems managed to break through the front line. With quick movements, Shirou stored his bow and pulled out a pair of twin swords, Kanshou and Bakuya, which gleamed under the Dungeon's crystal light.

The Golem swung its stone arm, ready to strike the fighters in the back. Shirou leaped forward, twisting his body in the air, and slashed the Golem's arm with his twin swords. The stone shattered with a loud crack, breaking into small fragments.

"I won't let you through," Shirou muttered as he took a stance, his swords moving swiftly and precisely, creating defensive patterns that kept the Golem at bay.

Tiona shouted as she jumped in to assist. "Nice job, Shirou! I'll finish it off!"

Tiona slammed her Urga into the Golem's body, smashing the central part of the stone monster into pieces. She landed lightly next to Shirou, flashing a satisfied smile. "You're really good with swords, Shirou!"

Shirou smiled back, sheathing Kanshou and Bakuya. "You too, Tiona. Your Urga is truly impressive."

Bete, standing nearby, scoffed while kicking the remains of the defeated monster. "Don't get too proud just yet. We've still got a lot of floors to go."

Riveria, who had been guarding the rear while chanting backup spells, observed Shirou carefully. "Your coordination with the team is excellent, Shirou. You've shown your capabilities as part of the Loki Familia."

Shirou nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Riveria. I'm just doing my best to make sure we can all continue this expedition safely."

Aiz, standing not far away, glanced at Shirou with her golden eyes full of attention. "You fought well. Your focus and movements were perfect."

Being praised by Aiz took Shirou by surprise. "Thank you, Aiz. I'm just trying my best not to be a burden to you all."

Finn raised his hand, signaling for them to keep moving. "Good! Stay alert, everyone. We need to reach the next floor before nightfall."

With high spirits, they continued their journey, charging through every monster that blocked their path. Shirou felt more confident with each step, knowing he was now truly part of the Loki Familia, working side by side with the others on this mission.

The Loki Familia pressed on, moving swiftly from one floor to the next. The monsters they faced grew stronger, but with solid teamwork and exceptional individual skills, they managed to defeat many enemies. Each defeated monster often dropped valuable items, from large magic crystals to rare materials highly sought after by the weapon makers and craftsmen in Orario.

Shirou, positioned in the rear, fired several of his Magic Arrows, each glowing with a bluish-green light before striking monsters with enough force to stagger or even fell them outright.

"Keep it up! Don't let them get close!" Finn shouted, leading the charge. He leapt forward, his spear spinning swiftly as it cut through the approaching creatures.

Shirou chanted a spell in his heart and released another magic arrow, hitting a large Barbarian that had just emerged from the shadows. The explosion shattered its horn, causing the creature to roar in pain.

Aiz darted between the remaining monsters, her sword flashing with incredible speed. "Watch the right side, Shirou!" she called out, glancing his way while slicing down another monster.

Shirou nodded and focused his shots on the monsters on the right, ensuring none approached Aiz. "Got it, Aiz! I'll handle this side."

They continued moving forward, and the drop items began piling up. Finn watched closely, making sure they earned enough valis to cover their debts. "We've gathered a lot, but stay focused. Don't let greed make us careless," Finn ordered, weighing the situation.

When they finally reached the 37th floor, the atmosphere changed. The air felt heavier, and the darkness was deeper. The monsters they faced were more vicious and dangerous. Shirou could feel the pressure from this floor, but he remained calm, ready to face whatever came their way.

"How are our supplies?" Riveria asked while checking her pouch of potions and magic stones.

"Running low," Gareth replied, lifting a small bag containing their remaining potions and food supplies. "We can last a bit longer, but maybe not enough to go much further."

Finn nodded, looking around and considering their options. "We've reached our valis target. It might be time to head back before our supplies run out."

Tiona seemed a bit disappointed. "I still want to fight more... but if Finn says so, I understand."

Shirou, standing nearby, observed everyone's expressions and felt relieved. "I agree, better to head back before it's too late. We can always return with better supplies."

Tione, who overheard the conversation, sheathed her sword. "Captain, whatever your decision, I'll always support it."

Finn gave a small smile, pleased to see the support from all his members. "Alright, we'll start heading back. Everyone, stay alert. The way out is often more dangerous than when we entered."

With their supplies dwindling, they decided to begin the journey home, but their spirits remained high. They knew they had achieved their target and proved their strength once more in the depths of this dark Dungeon.

As they prepared to ascend to higher floors, Aiz suddenly approached Finn. A sharp look of determination was evident in her eyes.

"Finn," she said firmly, "I want to stay on the 37th floor a bit longer. There's something I need to accomplish here."

Finn looked at Aiz sharply. "Aiz, we're running low on supplies. Staying here without enough provisions isn't a good idea."

"I know," Aiz replied, her voice calm but resolute. "But I feel there's something I need to do. It's important for my growth."

Riveria, who had heard the conversation, stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Finn's shoulder. "Finn, I can understand what Aiz is feeling. I've felt that drive before. Let her try. I'll stay with her to ensure her safety."

Finn sighed, clearly still feeling uncertain. "Riveria, it's dangerous. Without enough supplies, you both will be at risk if something unexpected happens."

Riveria gave a slight smile. "We won't be reckless. Besides, Aiz needs this chance. If we always protect her, she'll never grow fully."

Finn thought for a moment, considering Riveria's words. Finally, he nodded slightly, showing his agreement. "Alright, then. But…"

His eyes turned to Shirou, who stood not far away, listening intently to the conversation. Finn then continued, "Shirou, you will stay here with them. Consider this an opportunity to gain more experience and ensure Aiz and Riveria's safety."

Shirou, slightly surprised by the decision, nodded respectfully. "Of course, Finn. I'll do my best to assist them."

Aiz, who usually remained cool and focused, glanced at Finn briefly before nodding. "Thank you, Finn."

Finn gave Aiz a faint smile, then looked at the three of them. "Don't underestimate this situation. If there's any sign of danger, return immediately. We'll all be waiting for you at Twilight Manor."

Riveria also gave a confident nod to Finn before turning back to Aiz and Shirou. "We'll be careful, Finn."

Finn took a deep breath, seeming a bit more at ease after making the decision. "Alright, be careful. And remember, don't split up and keep an eye on each other."

With that, Finn led the majority of the Loki Familia back to the higher floors, while Aiz, Riveria, and Shirou remained on the 37th floor, ready to face whatever came in the darkness and silence of the Dungeon.

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