
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 23

Aiz stood firmly in the center of the large room on the 37th floor, staring into the darkness that surrounded her. In her mind, the nightmare she experienced last night was still fresh, making her chest feel tight. She recalled seeing Shirou die in front of her, just like her parents once did. Clenching her fists, she steeled her resolve.

"I won't let that happen again. I'll become stronger; I will protect the people around me," she thought.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from above. Aiz, Riveria, and Shirou looked up and saw something falling from the dungeon's ceiling. A large and terrifying figure crashed down hard, hitting the ground and kicking up a cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Aiz saw it with wide eyes: a giant skull, with bones glowing a greenish hue and a deadly aura. The Monster Rex of the 37th floor — Udaeus.

"Udaeus…" Riveria whispered warily, "A very dangerous Monster Rex. Aiz, be careful!"

But Aiz had already drawn her sword. "This is the opportunity I've been waiting for," she said firmly, her eyes full of determination. "I'll defeat it... alone."

Riveria furrowed her brow. "Aiz, this is dangerous! You don't have to do it alone."

Shirou stood behind them, alert, observing Udaeus as it began to rise with a growl, its bones moving with a loud creak. He was already considering the worst-case scenario and began imagining the form of Caladbolg II in his mind, ready to act if the situation became truly critical.

"I must!" Aiz replied quickly, without looking back. "Don't interfere! This is my fight."

With a single leap, Aiz charged forward, her sword gleaming as she approached Udaeus. The monster swung its massive arm, attempting to smash her with its giant bones. Aiz deftly dodged, spinning her body and slashing at the monster's leg, but only leaving a small scratch.

Udaeus roared in anger and launched a surprisingly fast counterattack. Aiz continued to dodge and look for openings, but every attack she made felt insufficient to cause significant damage. Even so, she remained relentless, her face creased with intense concentration.

Riveria gritted her teeth, her heart pounding anxiously as she watched Aiz struggle. Unable to hold back, she raised her magic staff and chanted a protective spell, "Heavenly Wind, protect her with your divine shield — 'Veil's Breath.'"

A shield of wind enveloped Aiz's body, deflecting Udaeus's incoming side attack. Aiz paused momentarily, glaring at Riveria with annoyance. "Riveria! Don't interfere!" she shouted.

Riveria smiled slightly. "Sorry, Aiz. But I can't let you get seriously hurt," she replied in a warm but firm tone.

Aiz gritted her teeth, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude. She knew Riveria was only trying to protect her, but she had to do this on her own. With renewed determination, Aiz took a deep breath and leaped toward Udaeus again, dodging the monster's attacks with remarkable agility.

Meanwhile, Shirou continued preparing Caladbolg II in his mind, visualizing every detail, from its sharp blade to its hilt. He only needed a second to summon it if things got worse.

However, Aiz seemed to find a new rhythm in her fight. Using her speed and agility, she danced around Udaeus, waiting for the right moment. And when the monster attacked again in rage, Aiz saw her opening. With a loud cry, she put all her strength into one slash.

"Fall!" Aiz shouted, her sword tracing a glowing arc in the air. Her slash severed the neck bone of Udaeus, and with a powerful motion, its head separated from its massive body.

The Monster Rex let out one final roar before collapsing to the ground, its body dissolving into black mist that eventually vanished.

Aiz stood tall amid the fading mist, her breathing heavy. Sweat dripped from her forehead, but a smile slowly appeared on her face. "I did it… I did it," she murmured.

Riveria smiled proudly from afar, while Shirou, still on guard in the back, relaxed his hand used for projecting Caladbolg II. He knew now it wouldn't be needed. Aiz had proven her resolve and had succeeded in the challenge she sought.

Riveria chanted a healing spell over Aiz, her palm glowing with a soft green light. "Restore her wounds, heal her pain — 'Heaven's Embrace.'" The light enveloped Aiz's body, her wounds beginning to heal and the fatigue in her body slowly fading. Riveria then handed Aiz a potion to restore her remaining stamina.

"Thank you, Riveria," Aiz said, her voice still tired but calm. "I feel much better now."

Riveria smiled gently. "Don't worry, Aiz. You've done something amazing today."

Shirou approached them, carrying a large black sword that was a drop item from Udaeus. "We should head back to the surface soon," he said. "Our supplies are running low."

Aiz and Riveria nodded in agreement. The three of them started moving toward the exit to the upper floors, beginning the long journey back through the dungeon. As they arrived on the 18th floor, they saw an adventurer sitting by the roadside, his face looking weary and dirty.

The adventurer, Mord, quickly stood up and approached them with hopeful eyes. "Hey! You've got something interesting there," he said, pointing at the black sword Shirou was carrying. "How about a trade?"

Aiz looked at Mord for a moment, considering his request. "Why do you want it?" she asked, her tone flat but sharp.

Mord shrugged and gave a nervous smile. "I… just need something to prove myself. That sword would make me look more respectable in front of my peers."

Riveria glanced at Shirou, who merely shrugged, seemingly indifferent about the sword. "If that's what you want," Aiz finally replied, "I don't mind. Besides, the sword is too heavy to use effectively by us."

Shirou nodded and handed the large black sword to Mord. "May it serve you well," he said with a slight smile.

Mord seemed very grateful. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" he said, bowing several times. He took the sword with both hands, struggling to lift it. "It's heavier than I thought..." he muttered but still tried to show bravery.

As Mord walked away, Shirou went to retrieve his large bag where he had hidden it. He easily lifted the bag and slung it back over his shoulder. "Alright," he said, "Let's continue to the surface."

Aiz and Riveria nodded, and the three of them continued on, leaving the 18th floor with lighter hearts after the exhausting battle and valuable achievement.

They continued their journey to the surface, ascending the floors of the Dungeon one by one. When they reached the 6th floor, Shirou suddenly stopped. In front of them lay a young man with white hair, his body weak and covered in sweat, his face pale. Aiz immediately recognized him.

"That's him… the boy I saved from the Minotaur before," Aiz said, her eyes widening with concern. "What is he doing here alone… and in this state?"

Riveria knelt beside the boy, carefully feeling his pulse. "He's unconscious… out of magical energy. It looks like he pushed himself too hard to keep fighting."

Shirou looked at the boy with close attention. "I know him… Bell Cranel," he said while leaning closer. "I once asked Syr about him. She said he's a member of the Hestia Familia."

Aiz hesitated for a moment but still felt concerned. "What should we do, Shirou?" she asked.

Shirou took a deep breath before answering. "I know Hestia. I think we should take him back to her place. She must be very worried."

Riveria nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. Besides, he can't be left here in this condition. It could be very dangerous."

Shirou carefully lifted Bell's unconscious body and positioned it on his back. "Let's get him to the surface. Hestia will likely be there," he said attentively.

Aiz walked beside him, constantly watching the surroundings. "Bell… He must be very brave to fight alone here," she muttered softly. "But also very reckless."

Riveria gave a small smile. "Sometimes, courage and recklessness go hand in hand," she said, her eyes glancing at Shirou, who was carrying Bell. "But hopefully, his luck hasn't run out this time."

Shirou just gave a slight smile and began walking steadily, carrying Bell on his back. "Let's hurry. He needs help right away."

They continued their journey to the surface, with Shirou carefully carrying Bell, hoping Hestia could provide the necessary assistance for the young man.

As Shirou carried Bell toward the headquarters of the Hestia Familia, an old abandoned temple, the sound of their footsteps was the only noise accompanying them on the quiet path. Bell, still unconscious, began mumbling in his sleep. The words coming from his lips were faint but clear enough to hear.

"Mother…," Bell whispered, his voice filled with longing.

Shirou gave a faint smile and murmured, "Sorry, Bell, I'm not your mother." There was a gentle tone in his voice, understanding the sadness the boy might feel in his dreams.

Aiz and Riveria, walking beside him, couldn't help but smile. A soft laugh escaped Riveria, followed by a gentle giggle from Aiz. "You're really kind, Shirou," Riveria commented, her eyes glowing warmly.

However, the little commotion seemed enough to wake Bell. Slowly, his eyes opened, and he found himself on someone's back. Confusion crossed his face as he tried to remember what happened. When he realized that he was being carried by Shirou, with Aiz and Riveria walking beside them, Bell's face flushed instantly.

"Ah! W-What's going on?" Bell exclaimed in a panic, his body tensing as he immediately tried to get down from Shirou's back.

"You fainted, Bell," Shirou calmly replied, trying to soothe the young man. "We're taking you back to the base."

However, Bell's embarrassment was unmistakable as he realized who was around him, especially when his eyes met Aiz's. Nervously, he tried to jump off Shirou's back, but his weakened legs caused him to stumble and nearly fall.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Bell apologized nervously as he tried to steady himself. Without thinking, he quickly ran away, his face completely red.

Aiz watched him with curiosity, while Riveria covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. Shirou could only shake his head, slightly worried but also amused by Bell's antics.

Before Bell could get far, Hestia appeared from the front, jogging toward them. "Bell!" she called out, full of relief as she saw her child safe and sound. Bell didn't have time to react before Hestia embraced him tightly.

"H-Hestia-sama!" Bell stammered, his face flushed, but he couldn't hide the small smile that appeared on his lips. He felt relieved to be in his goddess's arms, though his embarrassment still burned brightly.

"Bell, you idiot! Why did you push yourself so hard?" Hestia scolded him with a worried tone, still holding him tightly. "I was so worried!"

Shirou, Aiz, and Riveria approached them, small smiles on their faces. "He's okay now, Hestia-sama. We found him just in time," Shirou said, trying to reassure the visibly concerned goddess.

Hestia let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Shirou. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't found him."

Bell, still caught in Hestia's embrace, couldn't suppress his gratitude. Despite his embarrassment, his heart was warmed by the care he received. "Thank you, everyone…," Bell murmured softly, his voice full of gratitude.

Hestia looked at Shirou with sparkling eyes, delighted to see her friend here with Bell. "Bell, this is Shirou! My friend who helped me cook Jagamaru-kun before," she said enthusiastically.

Bell nodded, recognizing the name from Hestia's previous stories. "Ah, so you're the one who helped Hestia-sama before," Bell said, his voice filled with admiration. "Thank you for your help, Shirou-san."

Aiz, standing not far away, seemed to smile faintly when Jagamaru-kun was mentioned. "I remember that… I often bought Jagamaru-kun from you, Shirou," she said, recalling those times.

Shirou smiled back, a bit surprised that Aiz remembered. "Yes, I remember. You were one of our regular customers," he replied in a friendly tone. "I'm always glad to hear you liked it."

Hestia, who only just noticed Aiz and Riveria's presence, suddenly froze. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Wait… Shirou, you're walking with Aiz Wallenwhatsit and Riveria Ljos Alf! They're so famous!" she exclaimed with awe and a bit of disbelief.

Riveria just smiled calmly, while Aiz looked at Shirou with the same curiosity as before. Shirou, feeling a bit awkward with the praise, quickly downplayed it. "Ah, no… I'm just a lucky supporter," he replied, scratching his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I'm just helping from the back."

"Supporter?" Hestia looked at Shirou with a confused and slightly disbelieving expression. "You're adventuring with Loki Familia as a supporter?"

"Yes, as you can see," Shirou said with an embarrassed smile. "I'm not strong enough to be a frontline fighter, so I help in other ways."

Bell looked at Shirou with admiration. "Even so, that's still amazing, Shirou-san. Adventuring with Loki Familia is a big deal!" he said with enthusiasm.

Aiz glanced at Shirou for a moment before offering a small smile. "He might be modest, but he was very helpful on this expedition," Aiz added, praising Shirou without hesitation.

Shirou blushed, feeling both awkward and a little shy. "Thank you, Aiz. But I'm just doing my best," he said humbly.

Hestia looked at Shirou proudly. "Still, Shirou, you're really impressive," she said with a broad smile. "I'm glad to see you're doing well and have come this far."

Shirou nodded, his heart warmed by the support of his friends. "Thank you, Hestia-sama. I'll keep doing my best," he replied with determination.

Aiz looked at Bell with a gentle gaze, hesitating for a moment before finally speaking. "Bell… I want to apologize for what happened during the minotaur incident," she said with a sincere and honest voice. "I didn't mean to make you feel scared…"

Bell was surprised to hear Aiz's words. His face immediately turned red, and he was flustered, not knowing how to respond. The woman he admired and respected, even considered his hero, was now apologizing to him. "N-No, Aiz-san! There's no need to apologize!" he quickly said, his voice slightly trembling. "I'm actually very grateful to you… if it weren't for you, I might not have survived that day. Thank you so much, Aiz-san," he added, bowing his head deeply.

Aiz gave a faint smile, feeling relieved by Bell's words. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay," she replied briefly but with genuine care.

Bell lifted his head, smiling brightly despite his still slightly red cheeks. "Yes, I'm okay… thank you, Aiz-san."

Riveria, watching the interaction, smiled slightly. "It seems everything has ended well. We should head back now," she said, looking at Shirou.

Shirou nodded in agreement. "Yes, we've been here long enough. Thank you for your time, Hestia-san, Bell-kun," he said politely.

Hestia smiled widely. "Of course, Shirou! It was great seeing you again. Take care of yourself, okay."

Bell bowed respectfully to Aiz and Riveria. "Thank you so much for everything… I hope you all have a safe journey back."

Aiz nodded. "I hope you stay well, too, Bell."

With that, they all said their goodbyes. Shirou, Aiz, and Riveria slowly turned to leave the old Hestia Familia shrine, while Bell and Hestia waved at them with warm smiles. In the fresh morning air, a new bond seemed to have formed between them, a deeper understanding and appreciation.

Upon arriving at Twilight Mansion, the atmosphere was full of energy. The other members of Loki Familia quickly gathered around Shirou, Aiz, and Riveria, who had just returned. Loki herself stood in front with her arms crossed, her eyebrows raised curiously.

"Heh, you three… What were you doing on the 37th floor all this time?" Loki asked, half-joking but clearly wanting an answer.

Riveria smiled slightly, stepping forward. "Aiz… she insisted on fighting Udaeus alone," she replied in a calm voice. "Finn initially forbade it, but after a little persuasion, he allowed it on the condition that Shirou and I keep watch."

Loki listened to Riveria's explanation, nodding with an expression that was hard to read. "Oh? Udaeus, huh? That's not an easy opponent, even for you, Aiz," she said with a serious tone.

Aiz bowed slightly, looking a little embarrassed but also satisfied. "I wanted to test myself… and I finally managed to defeat it," Aiz said in a soft but firm voice.

Loki suddenly smiled broadly, her eyes sparkling. "Alright then… Aiz, let's see how much you've gained this time! Let's update your status!"

Aiz nodded, without saying much more, she followed Loki into a private room for the status update. Shirou stood a little way off, but he could still hear the voices from inside the room.

Loki's excited voice could be heard, "Wow, Aiz! Look at this! You leveled up! You're now Level 6!"

Outside the room, Shirou heard Loki's cheerful shout. He smiled to himself, feeling relieved and proud of Aiz's achievement. Some of the other Loki Familia members nearby cheered, celebrating the good news.

Finn, standing near the door, glanced at Shirou and smiled faintly. "It seems you've also learned a lot from this expedition, Shirou. How did it feel working with us on the deeper floors?" he asked in a friendly tone.

Shirou nodded, returning the smile. "There's a lot I could learn from all of you. This experience was invaluable."

Finn patted Shirou lightly on the shoulder. "Good. I hope you continue to grow, because this journey is still long."

The atmosphere in Twilight Mansion grew more lively with cheers and laughter. Aiz came out of the room with a slight smile on her face, greeted with pats on the shoulder and congratulations from her friends. She blushed, but it was clear she was happy with her latest achievement.

Loki approached Shirou. "Hey, Shirou! Don't think you can escape a status update too! I want to know how far you've progressed," she said with a mischievous grin.

Shirou raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, chuckling softly. "Alright, Loki-sama. I'll take my turn after Aiz."

Loki smiled meaningfully. "Good. The sooner we see, the better. I'm curious about all the new things we might discover."

A faint smile appeared on Shirou's face as he saw Loki's enthusiasm. He knew that his adventure in Orario was just beginning.

Shirou sat down in the chair in front of Loki, ready for his status update. After Loki channeled a bit of blood onto his back, she began to analyze Shirou's progress. Quickly, Loki's expression turned slightly awkward as she looked at the results.

"Eh... well, Shirou, the results aren't too bad," Loki said, trying to sound positive, but there was a hint of confusion in her voice. "But... well, it seems there hasn't been much change since the last time."

Shirou nodded, having anticipated this. "I've only been fighting weaker enemies, so I wasn't expecting too much."

Loki rubbed her chin, thinking for a moment before finally smiling. "Don't worry, Shirou. You don't need to rush. You're still new in Orario, and this dungeon is more complicated than it seems. It's better to take it slow and get used to the Dungeon environment first. Besides, we all know how strong you really are."

Shirou gave a faint smile, feeling comforted by Loki's words. "Thank you, Loki-sama. I will be more careful and continue to grow."

Loki then handed Shirou the updated status sheet. On the sheet, Shirou's new status was written:

Level 3:

Strength: I(0) - I(20)

Endurance: I(0) - I(13)

Dexterity: I(0) - I(17)

Agility: I(0) - I(23)

Magic: I(0) - I(40)

Archer: I

Magic Resistance: I




Underdog: Reduces excelia gained when fighting weaker enemies and increases excelia when fighting stronger enemies.

Looking at the status displayed on the paper, Shirou examined the numbers presented. Although his status growth wasn't particularly significant, he felt satisfied because he understood the reason.

Loki observed Shirou's reaction with a more sincere smile. "You've done well, Shirou. Keep it up, and when the time comes, you'll be ready for bigger challenges."

Shirou grasped his status sheet firmly, then stood up. "Yes, I will keep trying, Loki-sama."

Loki patted Shirou's shoulder once more before winking at him. "Alright, carry on! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Shirou nodded and then left the room, his spirits still high despite the modest results. He knew this journey was still long, and every small step was still important.

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