

You get it a dude got sent to the fate universe but with 20 one piece characters power

francis_suttijit · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs


In his old life john was a normal otaku obsess with one piece was looking forward to finishing one piece but unfortunately and fortunately he was killed and reincarnated to another world but it was the fate world, the world where you go to a place at a wrong time you will die no matter what you do unless theirs some red hair kid with a hero complex with a reality marble and that might not even safe you from the other version of him who have been traumatize by thousands years of over working by the spirit of the earth who tricked him into a contract. But the good news is that a god took pity on him and gave him 20 characters to pick from.


"So your telling that I die and I will be send into fate. The world where vampires and other mythical things exist to kill you and you took pity on me and decided to let me pick 20 characters from one piece and combine them into me..."

"Aghhh how many times do I need to tell you.

Young hottie girl with blonde hair wearing a white dress outlining her curves leaving nothing to the imagination standing in front of a soul.

Yes! pick 20 characters already so I can go. You I have things to do other than helping you."

A moment of silence pass before the soul start talking again.

"... Are you sure that your helping me out of your own will . Your sounding like you were force to do this. You know what whatever I don't wanna be in someone else business. Here's my characters.

1. rocks

2. roger

3. garp

4. white bread

5. golden lion

6. big mom

7. kaido

8. dracule mihawk

9. shanks

10. sliver rayleigh

11. Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

12. Jaygarcia Saturn

13. Marcus Mars

14. Topman Warcury

15. Shepherd Ju Peter

16. Dragon

17. Akainu

18. luffy

19. Redfield

20. Garling Figarland

And that's it. Is their any conditions"

"First of all I am helping you out of my own good will and you should praise me for it and second of all yes their are some conditions for this and you can't change your list now so go cry in the corner or something"

"Ummm great for you I guess.. so what's the condition"

"YES great for me indeed Praise me more!!!

As the beautiful girl started waving her hand around her head like a fan


After a couple of minutes of this the girl regain her composure.

hehehe... hehe.. so what were we talking about again...

After a moment silence pass the soul sweat drop.

ohh yeah umm the conditions are that you can only have 1 devil fruit.."

'only one devil fruit??? it's not that bad I mean yeah it's a shame that I can't have multiple devil fruit but it's not life threatening'

"Ohhh it doesn't seem that bad??"

" And it's random out of all of them "

"Ok it doesn't seem that bad all the devil fruit here are top tier so any of them would be fine"

"Yes but also theirs another condition....."

"What's that??"

'Wow things dosen't seem that bad surprisingly I mean yeah my devil fruit is random but all of them are top tier so at least I have some power other than haki... But for some reason I have a bad feeling about the second condition.....'

"Is... that.... you..... have... to... experience..... every.... single... one... of... they... lifes....."

With these words the soul have a brain shutdown for 1 minute straight nothing was going through his mind except..



So this is just a test it's pretty short I promise the next chp will be over 1k words this is only around 600 words also i like your thoughts on what devil fruit he should have I already have one in mind but I would like your thoughts I might change the devil fruit dependents on the devil fruit will be revealed in the next chp and the start will be a 2-4 part long I think it might be shorter to 2 or 3 parts might even be 2 part long