

[THIS CONTENT MAY CONTAIN SPOLIERS FROM THE FATE SERIES] Amidst the mysterious events of the ongoing Fifth Grail War, Bazett Fraga McRemitz is sent to Japan's Fuyuki City by the Clock Tower's command to investigate and find out what is going on in Fuyuki City. What will she face there? Will she be able to pull through? Perhaps this will be a chance for her to put her skills to the test... Cover-Art belongs to me.

selkia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

False Illusions

Bazett slightly squints her eyes upon hearing Star's words, maintaining silence as they continue walking. Then Star speaks once more;

"What are you planning to do with me by the way?"

Bazett, a little confused; "What do you mean?"

"The Clock Tower. Or whatever it's name is, they don't know about my existence correct?"

Bazett nods as she answers; "No, they don't. And it's not only you. Somehow they also seem unaware of the Holy Grail War, which I was assigned to, by them."

Star takes in Bazett's words, without talking as she continues;

"I really don't know what's going on. But. For your case, I... Still haven't really decided yet."

"Well you better do so. After all, those Clock guys are waiting for us in the hangar right?"

"Highly unlikely. There probably will only be some generic government people there… I, just still am not sure if I should hide your presence or not from The Clock Tower."

Star sighs before speaking; "Considering that I'll be here for the next 17 years, you really think you could hide me for that long?"

"Maybe. You sound like you want to be noticed by The Clock Tower. Why?"

Bazett says with a small smirk as Star gives a small giggle;

"It's not that. I am only suggesting you shouldn't, since they'll eventually learn about me. You've said you saw my parameters, uh abilities right?"

With an confused tone; "What does your parameters has to do with this though?"

"Regeneration. You wouldn't even need to know my abilities to guess that."

Star points at Bazett's stomach, the area where her shirt is torn, revealing from where she was stabbed;

"I see that wound of yours is already history. Even though how deep and lethal it looked. My passive ability transfers to you too as you are my master."

Bazett looks at her belly, as Star points at it and speaks, her brow raising slightly as she speaks;

"I can see that but... I still don't understand that, what does it got to do with what we were talking about?"

"Pf... Heh... You won't get old. Your body I mean. Since I think you didn't get the chance to get a good look at my 'parameters', let me break it down for you. This 'regeneration' of mine, is on a cellular level. Which will stop things like, aging and stuff. Pretty neat right?"

Bazett was surprised and shocked upon hearing this; "If so— I. Does that mean that I will be able to live on, like forever if I kept you?"

"...Yeah sort of. Unless well, you get 'killed' of course, that's an entirely different situation. Your death just wouldn't be because of old age. Anyways, back to what I was saying. You see, after 17 whole years, don't you think those folks in that tower will start to catch on? That you magically just don't get old."

Star takes a small pause as he thinks to himself and continues his speech;

"I don't know, or you can hope for them to think like, 'Oh she must have a great skin care routine!' or something. And this is just one of the reasons. Regeneration is only just one of my quirks, mind you."

Bazett's curiosity peaks; "You said that, this is a passive right? But then, why did it work only after you... Did whatever there. The reality marble, I suppose."

Star throws a sly chuckle; "Oh believe me, it always works not just in there. It's that— *Sigh* Well lets just say, things work a lot faster there and leave it at that, okay? Don't think too much about it. Instead think of the coolness and absolute 'swagger' of it. You won't get any older for the next 17 years. Woo, yeah! Isn't that every girls dream?" 

Bazett, rolls her eyes still amazed by this, but also disappointed that Star doesn't want to elaborate any further;

"Fine, I guess. We are really close to the hangar."

"Yeah. So, have you made your decision?"

Bazett nods as she keeps walking; "I think you're right. If we're in this for the long haul, hiding you for 17 years is just, not really possible is it? And why should I even bother hiding you in the first place? I'll just spill the beans to Lord El-Melloi and get it over with."

Star silently nods, as they are almost near the hangar. They have been walking for at least about a good, one and a half hours by now and the time for their flight is really close by. Just before they reach the hangar's entrance, Bazett turns to speak to Star, a final word before they proceed;

"You can enter your spirit form if you want. Your presence here with me might cause confusion and problems with people you know. And its not only that. This flight will be quite a lengthy one, so it might also be more comfortable for you."

"Nah, I think I'm fine this way."

"Hm. Suit yourself then."

Bazett chose not to push Star and allowed him to do as he pleased. After their small-talk, they finally enter the hangar welcomed by 4 heavily armed guards standing at the entrance. All eyes in the hangar fixate on Star, specifically on his distinctive mask. He pays the attention no mind. The hangar was now packed with people, in contrast to when Bazett first landed here. And as they walk in the hangar, a man dressed in fine black suit intercepts them, bringing them to a stop;

"Hello madam, you must be Miss Bazett. I am special agent Anno, who is in charge of this place. I was informed that— it would be just you."

The agent speaks while staring at Star which then Bazett responds to before giving Star a chance to speak for himself and make a messy situation;

"Hi, Mister Anno. He is a friend of mine, and will be coming with me as well."

Bazett chose not to directly say something like 'Oh, he is just my servant, and I am his master.', which could possibly have made dear Mr. Anno's thoughts wander into a lot more different and explicit territories, beyond the conventional notion of a spirit and summoner dynamic. Given her doubts about the special agent's familiarity with magecraft.

Anno gives some suspicious glances at Star, seemingly hesitant and not wanting to allow him on board. But, he eventually nods and speaks;

"...I see. Alright then, you two can follow along." 

As they are escorted to their private jet, Bazett nudges Star with her shoulder while quietly muttering to him;

"Maybe, next time actually listen to me. If you went into your spirit form this wouldn't have happened."

Star just laughs silently. As they were about to get inside the plane, Bazett glances around the hangar, noting the absence of the debris from her arrival, which she chooses to overlook for now. And heads inside the private jet, gesturing Star to follow. Bazett unstraps her container from her shoulder and stows it in one of the overhead bins. Meanwhile, Star settles into his seat on the plane, making himself comfortable. As Anno takes a last look at the two and speaks before he leaves;

"I wish you two, a safe and enjoyable flight. This plane will depart pretty soon. Goodbye now."

As he exits the jet, Star flips off Anno behind his back with a middle finger as he speaks;

"Yeah, go eat shit."

After Bazett takes her seat as well near Star, with the jet's door closed, the engines starts to run. And shortly afterward, the plane lifts off from the hangar starting its long route to England.