

[THIS CONTENT MAY CONTAIN SPOLIERS FROM THE FATE SERIES] Amidst the mysterious events of the ongoing Fifth Grail War, Bazett Fraga McRemitz is sent to Japan's Fuyuki City by the Clock Tower's command to investigate and find out what is going on in Fuyuki City. What will she face there? Will she be able to pull through? Perhaps this will be a chance for her to put her skills to the test... Cover-Art belongs to me.

selkia · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Shattered Through

After the call, Bazett heads towards their base, with Star trailing behind her silently. And as they walk, Bazett just finds herself unable to contain her curiosity and frustration about all the stuff that has happened anymore. Even though she didn't really know anything about Star from the start, her view of him completely changed... As she couldn't bear the silence any longer; Bazett speaks to Star in a low and cold voice;

"You said you were an Alter Ego."

Star speaks back, his voice weary, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor; "And I am..."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not."

Bazett lets out a heavy sigh; "I could see, all your parameters back there. You know it too right?"

"Great... Did that make you happy then?"

Bazett abruptly stops walking and turns to face Star, as she narrows her eyes;

"You seemed to enjoy killing those two. Why so depressed now? You don't have to act like you are sad, you know."

Star also too stops walking as Bazett speaks to him. But he doesn't answer just stares at her silently;

"What?.. Did that make you angry? Did I hit a nerve? You wish to kill me the same way?"

"Heh... Are you scared of me?"

"No. Not one bit. But you've managed to lose and crush that one single tiny speck of trust I've had in you."

"I've kept my promise though didn't I? I made us win and done my part. Now it's your turn."

Bazett had a sudden impulse to just shove Star, but resisted the urge. She was over the edge because of everything that had happened, her frustration and anger wasn't just solely caused by Star. And so she spoke, her voice now tinged slightly with anger;

"And where did 'you winning' took us?! What about the Grail itself?! Where is the Holy Grail?!"

"It's gone I guess. I don't know, how am I supposed to know actually?"

"I- I don't know alright?! *Takes a deep breath* None of this makes sense. None of it. At all."

Star just kept silent as Bazett continued to speak;

"This whole thing... It- It's just—And you! YOU! Just WHO are you?! No- I don't even care about who you are anymore. WHAT are you?! HUH?! A fucking lunatic servant?! That's it?!"

"Calm down."

"SHUT UP! Are you—Pff, AHAHA, I don't know, some twisted god?! From 'rock and roll' mythology?!-"

As Bazett was about to continue with her emotional outburst, Star cuts her off and interrupts her, as he claps his hands slowly in a sarcastic way;

"Wow. Bravo! Way to go 'Miss Bazett' master. You've finally went full schizo, eh?"

Bazett clenches her fists tightly, struggling to contain her emotions. But unable to hold back any longer, she swiftly throws a punch aimed at Star's mask. Star dodges the blow, then grabs Bazett by her tie and pulls her close to his mask;

"L-Let go!"

"Quit it, and stop your childish tantrum before you embarrass yourself any further in front of your very own servant. I get that you are frustrated, and I understand that you are rightfully stressed out... But think about it. Does being an angry sore loser help with your- with our situation right now?"

For the first time, Star was acting mature. It was as though the roles had changed, with Bazett typically the composed and mature one, while Star had often been seen as childish and self-centered. Bazett slowly calmed down while having an small blush on her face due to embarrassment, as Star let go of her tie;

"I... You are right. I am sorry for, acting like that."

Star throws a slight chuckle and speaks; "It's fine. It's sometimes alright to be the 'lunatic' master, of the 'lunatic' servant, yeah?"

Bazett's small blush only deepens from embarrassment, as Star makes an remark on what she said about him earlier, during her small outburst;

"I, really am sorry. I acted unlike myself. I don't know what came over me. Lets... Lets just go, shall we?"

Star simply nods as he giggles at Bazett's embarrassment. The duo return to their base, only to clean up the inside before leaving the mansion again. As Bazett seals the house before they take their leave. It was still fairly early in the morning, and on the phone call Bazett made with The Clock Tower. They said that, an small jet will be arranged for her return from Fuyuki, departing from the same private hangar, where Bazett first landed at.

They still had about 2 hours for the scheduled flight. Bazett wondered how they could arrange a jet so quickly, given the fully empty hangar upon her arrival and the debris from the plane she landed with. Thinking about... Who could have cleaned it up? Or Was it even cleaned up? Considering there was no one in the entire city also. But then soon, she decided not to think too deeply about it. Since, it was already clear that something was not right. With this entire war, the entire city, The Clock Tower. That's why she feels compelled to speak with someone who might provide an explanation, like El-Melloi II.

Bazett thinks everything over and over in a calm matter this time, while they slowly start to make their way towards the hangar. As they walk Star speaks after giving a single chuckle;

"By the way. About what you said, no, I am not an mythical 'rock and roll' god or anything like that."

In a low tone he speaks again; "In fact, I am very far from it..."